Present: Cllrs Atherton, Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Leyland, Mackrell, Makin, Sutherland, and Warrilow,
289. Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bell and Taylor.
290. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: There were no disclosures of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in the Agenda.
291. Minutes of Previous Meetings: It was resolved that the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 12th October 2016 be agreed as a true record.
292. Residents’ Points of Interest:
a. A resident of Square Lane presented a petition to the Parish Council requesting better signage regarding speed limits on Square Lane between Wheat Lane and the A59: Using a speed over 3 x 30 min periods, he had found a majority of traffic was travelling in excess of 32 miles per hour; The closure of Derby St to HGVs had exacerbated the problem of HGVs travelling along Square Lane.
The Clerk was requested to
i. Forward a copy of the petition to LCC Highways department together with letter of support
ii. Request that LCC consider installing additional 30-repeater signs between Wheat Lane and junction with A59.
iii. Ask the Road Safety Group to also take this petition forward to Rosie Cooper MP, along with their own petition.
iv. Prepare a letter for hand delivery to farmers and via the NFU regarding speeding tractors
b. A member of the public asked if the Parish Council could power wash the Fairy Tale of Burscough stones because they were looking very shabby recently. It was noted also that Burscough Heritage Group are in talks with CaRT to clean up the dry docks at Top Locks and Parbold, which will further enhance interest in the canal.
Cllr Sutherland joined the meeting. The Chairman left the meeting for a short while, and the Vice Chair, Cllr Kennedy took the chair.
293. The Police report was noted
294. County Councillor Derelis report was noted as follows:.
a. Cllr Dereli reported on issues of speeding across Burscough,
b. There will be a conference at LCC on 10th December organized by TASS (consultants in public transport)
c. Bids of parish champion grants need to be submitted by Christmas.
d. She intends to include an item on speeding in the next issue of her newsletter
295. Borough Councillor’s report: Cllr Dave Evans spoke regarding
a. pressure on parking in Burscough
b. it was expected that there would be further cuts in WLBC funding year on year.
c. the short notice withdrawal from the planning meeting of the planning application for Victoria Park
The Clerk was requested to seek a copy of the minute of the meeting at which planning approval was given, and the conditions attached to approval.
Cllr Bullen returned to the meeting and took the Chair.
296. A Presentation by George Pratt regarding Community bid for Library Building and Stables was deferred.
297. Consideration for support for a community initiative to acquire the Library and Stables as a community asset was deferred.
298. Finance:
a. The following items were approved for payment:
299. It was resolved that members of the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group, plus the Chairman on Planning meet with Nexus Planning and that the meeting is minuted.
300. It was resolved that the Parish Council take ownership of the Village Clock, subject to WLBC replacing the time keeping mechanism and bring it back into good repair.
301. Mere Ave Tender for Play Equipment – It was resolved that
a. a panel to consider tenders be set up comprising Cllrs Atherton, Kennedy, Leyland, Bullen (ex-officio) and Chair or Deputy Chair of Street Scene, and
b. a date for community consultation be agreed as 30th November at the Grove.
c. representations from shortlisted bidders should be agreed to suit the needs of the panel
d. Cllr Mackrell review bids to ensure that they meet health and safety considerations
e. Paula Campbell WLBC be asked to join the panel as an adviser
f. Final approval being agreed at the December meeting of the Parish Council.
302. Street Scene Meeting: It was resolved that the recommendations of the street scene meeting were approved as followed:
a. That in principle the number of floral displays, tiered planters, hanging baskets and barrier baskets, particularly in Burscough Town should increase
b. That subject to LCC agreement to our request to be able to seek sponsors for its upkeep, Burscough Parish Council take responsibility for the grounds maintenance (Not hard landscaping)for the Tollgate Road Roundabout:
303. It was resolved that the Parish Council purchase a further set of stars to hang on tree for next year rather than this year.
304. Outside Committees: To receive Reports on outside committees and events attended by members: It was noted that the Flood Group were scheduled to meet on the 10th November.
305. It was resolved that Cllr Makin join the Finance Working Group.
306. Interim Review of Polling Places and Polling Stations for Burscough East Ward district BEC: It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council make representation that a polling booth should be retained on the Manor Road Estate and that the need for a mobile unit highlights the lack of community building in this part of Burscough.
307. It was noted that the next meeting would be held on 14th December 2016.
308. The meeting closed at 8.57.