Minutes of theParish Council Meeting held
on the 14th April 2010
Present Mrs L Herniman (took the chair), Mr G Hookway,Mr A Chamings,Mr C HouseMr R Petherbridge, Mr D Turner,Mrs A Snell (Clerk)
In AttendanceCllr Andy Boyd, PCSO Sandra Brown
Apologies:Mr B King,Mr N Hopkins,Mrs C Pedlar
Time for Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest,
including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this
meeting. They arealso reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within
their Register ofInterests should be updated.
1).The minutes of the meeting held on 17th March were agreed and signed.
2). Clerks report.i. The Wicksteed letter regarding the inspection of the play equipment has been received this is to be returned requesting an unaccompanied inspection. ii.Speeding through High Bullen update, this is still an ongoing problem; PCSO Brown was informed of the increase in speeding from 7-9am and 4-6 pm. PCSO Brown is to report back to get an increased presence in the area and make High Bullen a higher priority. Community Speed Watch was also highlighted as a method of curbing speeding, with parishioners trained and equipped to undertake speed checks, then report back to the police who will send warnings, if a person is a persistentoffender they will receive a speeding ticket.iii. It was agreed to put a notice in the magazine requesting volunteers to be part of the Community Speed Watch through High Bullen, Mr D Turner also agreed to ask residents to ascertain the level of interest.
3). Chairman Report, i. A Self Help Emergency Plan has been collated by the chairman, Mrs Verity Hookway and the clerk. This was circulated to all councillors with a copy sent to TDC.
4).Highwaysi. A notice has been received that the road form High Bullen to Bellel Vue Cross is to be closed form the 5th to the 16thJuly to allow for repair work. A Highway Maintenance Surgery is to be held on the 4th May at BluecoatSchool in Torrington, Mrs L Herniman and Mrs C Pedlar are to attend.
Pot holes were reported from Park View to the Village Green, Higher House Cross and Park Hill these will be reported. The date of the Lengthmans visits have been received these are in August and February
5. County/ District Councillors items
i. District Councillor Grants are now available.Cllr Boyds grant has been approved for the repairs to
the play area; the Parish council thanked him very much. Cllr Boyd highlighted the cost of highways
maintenance and lengthmans duties of which he suggested if the community could undertake some of
the lenghtmans duties, to make the jobs quicker and cheaper but insurance would be an issue when
undertaking these jobs. Ii. A copy of the Torrington Town Council response to Core Strategy
Development Plan was read by the chairman who commented on its good responses and how well set out it was.
6).Finance i)Approve and sign the following cheques: - General Account,
Village Green / £6.50ii. A copy of the Year end March 2010 reconciled Financial Report was distributed,showing a balance of £6,603.40, all in agreement.
iii. The audit form has been received this has to be completed and returned by the 21st June.
iv. The Fixed Asset Register was discussed it was amended with a reduction in the value of the Village Green, new total to be £33,973
PC Recommendations / TDC1/0202/2010/FULL / 8 Affordable Houses land @ NGR 253402 / Approval
1/0282/2010/FULL / Higher House, two Free range chicken houses / Mr A Chammings declared a prejudicial interest and left the room, a site visit is to be carried out.
8). Police Report,no crimes have been reported in the last 30 days, with 6 phone calls to the police. Fraud with credit cards is on the increase so PSCO Brown advised don’t write down your pin number or give your bank details over the phone, if it sounds to good to be true it probable is. In the improved weather be aware of leaving items in your car or windows open in the house.
9).Mr G Hookway gave an update on the play equipment, the metal boots have been ordered, RGB are to be contacted again regarding delivery of the poles, Mr House is to get a quote for undertaking the work. The cradles swings were discussed and it was agreed to purchase two new ones, Mr B King is to be asked to complete the carpentry work required.
10). Dog bins; a surveyor is coming Friday to inspect the proposed sites.
11) Correspondence
i.Torridge View was distributed
ii.Highlights from Devon in Touch were relayed to the meeting
iii.Information has been received from the Energy Saving Trust.
iv. The Draft Gypsy and Travellers Allocation Policy has been received
v. The external auditor has been confirmed as Mr W Rickard.
As there was no further business the meeting was closed.
Date of next meeting –Wednesday, 12th May 2010, 7.30pm. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING
Followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
At the Parish Hall,
… …………….……………Chairman
Dates of forthcoming meeting: Wednesday June 8th 2010 8.00pm at the Parish Hall
Wednesday July 14th