Bungee Barbie Experiment- Website for AP Biology Students
This is a modified laboratory activity that can be expanded or condensed.
In this activity students were given very few parameters and were encouraged to use their own ingenuity and knowledge of the scientific method to create an experiment and publish their findings on a website.
Students were given a hollow doll and several rubber bands. Students were allowed to use any additional materials they thought necessary to conduct their experiments.
I have included a lab report checklist as I may modify this experiment and use it as an introductory lab for AP Biology in the Fall.
I have included a rubric that can be used as an overarching rubric for the entire project.
There are two written formative assessments that are attached at the end of this document to help students identify what misconceptions or questions need to be answered before creating their experiments and to help students make any modifications of their experiment or website.
A student work sample of each written component is also available online as well as two draft websites.
Name ______
Bungee Barbie Safety Experiment -Website
Purpose of the Project:
Using the scientific method, students will conduct an experiment that simulates a Barbie doll bungee jumping. The experiment will test which type of harnessing methods are the safest for the human body. Students will then gather their experimental data and findings and present them on a website.
Duration of Project:
Students will have three days to work in groups of 3-4 to conduct the experiment and to present their findings on a website created on
Experiment Components:
I. Title - Be as specific as possible and briefly identify the topic of the experiment.
II.Introduction - In this section of the report you should include the following pieces of information:
a. Background information that will help others understand why you are conducting this experiment and how you think this experiment will help add to future work. Any important terms should be defined in the section. (words not often used in conversation)
b. Hypothesis – a testable hypothesis should be included (no questions!)
III.Materials & Procedures - A complete listing of the materials and supplies that were used to conduct the experiment should be included in this portion of the report. In this section of the report you should present the exact steps that were followed in your experiment. Clearly identify the control, variables and the measurement techniques used.
IV.Results/Data Collection/Analysis - All of the data that was collected during the experiment should be presented in a data table or tables. Additionally, a graph of the data should be included in this section. Make sure that the graph is appropriately titled and axes labeled. Include a legend if necessary.
V.Discussion/Conclusions - This portion of the report is used to clearly explain whether the results support or refute the hypothesis being tested. Explain what your findings mean and what conclusions you can draw from the data. Sources of error and suggestions for improvement should be included in this section.
VI.Research on Common Injuries due to Bungee Jumping - This portion of the website will include information regarding the human anatomy and certain injuries associated with this activity. You can create logical arguments for your hypothesis and for your conclusions using your research.
VII.Literature Citation – Given that some of the information included in your lab write up will have been taken from published works, you should include a citation of the source. The source(s) used should be cited within your lab write-up (especially in the introduction section) using scientific citation. Use the following link to help you.
Website Components:
II.Web pagesfor each section listed in the experiment
III.Web page for the common injuries due to bungee jumping
IV.Citations page with links to sites used in the project.
Three Steps to Success
Step One:
To ensure that all of the material necessary for the lab portion of the project is covered, use the Lab Checklist provided below.
Lab Checklist:
○Background information
○Purpose of the experiment
○Materials listed
○Procedures stated
○Results/Data Collection/Analysis
○Data recorded in tables
○Graph(s) present
○Titled graphs
○Axes Labeled
○Variables correctly identified
○Summarizes results
○Errors identified
○Conclusion stated
○Improvements recommended
○Literature Citation
○Cited within write up
Step Two:
Use to create your website.
Step Three: Peer Review
Use the form attached to help review a peer group’s website
Rubric for Experiment Website
CATEGORY / Excellent / Good / Needs Improvement / Comments/ Pts EarnedContent (Lab requirements)
25pts / All information provided by the student on the web site is accurate
All the requirements of the assignment have been met. / Some information provided by the student on the web site is accurate
Some requirements of the assignment have been met. / There are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students
Many of the requirements were not met. Not enough content, very incomplete.
Learning of Material
30pts / The student has an exceptional understanding of the material included in the site and where to find additional information.
Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to conduct the experiment / The student has a good understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to conduct the experiment. / Student did not appear to learn much from this project. Cannot answer most questions about the content and the procedures used to conduct the experiment.
Links (web content)
10pts / All links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites in the bibliography. AND all the links, including links to their own pages, work. / Almost all links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites in the bibliography. Or there aren't many links. AND many or most of the links, including links to their own pages, work. / Less than 1/2 of the links point to high quality, up-to-date, credible sites in the bibliography. AND few of the links, including links to their own pages, work or you have very few pages.
10pts / The web site has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. White space, graphic elements and/or alignment are used effectively to organize material. / The web pages have an attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. / The web pages are cluttered looking or confusing. It is often difficult to locate important elements.
Background 10pts / Background is exceptionally attractive, consistent across pages, adds to the theme or purpose of the site, and does not detract from readability. / Background is attractive, consistent across pages, adds to the theme or purpose of the site, and does not detract from readability. / Background detracts from the readability of the site.
5pts / Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for all borrowed material. No material is included from websites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained. / Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for almost all borrowed material. No material is included from websites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained. / Borrowed materials are not properly documented OR material was borrowed without permission from a site that requires permission
Spelling and Grammar
10pts / There are either no spelling or grammatical errors anywhere on the site. / There are a few spelling and/or grammatical errors in the entire site. / There are many spelling and/or grammatical errors throughout the entire site.
Peer Review
Directions: Have a peer review your website using the rubric and checklist attached. Submit this form with rubric.
Peer reviewer name ______Reviewed Website group: ______
1. Two Positive comments about website…
2. Two Things to work on…
3. Reviewed Group’s comments on any adjustments:
Cut here ------
Peer Review
Directions: Have a peer review your website using the rubric and checklist attached. Submit this form with rubric.
Peer reviewer name ______Reviewed Website group: ______
1. Two Positive comments about website…
2. Two Things to work on…
3. Reviewed Group’s comments on any adjustments:
Cut here ------
Peer Review
Directions: Have a peer review your website using the rubric and checklist attached. Submit this form with rubric.
Peer reviewer name ______Reviewed Website group: ______
1. Two Positive comments about website…
2. Two Things to work on…
3. Reviewed Group’s comments on any adjustments:
Annotated Drawing of a Bungee Jump
Current Understanding
Draw and label a person’s bungee jump from the first fall to their retrieval. Be sure to detail out the person’s harness and locate where the greatest stress is placed on the body.
Draw and label a person’s bungee jump from the first fall to their retrieval. This time relocate their harness to minimize any stress on the body.