Bullying: True or False Activity

Question 1:

Children who are bullied should be encouraged to fight back. True or False?

Answer: False. Encouraging children who are victimized to fight back may make the situation worse. Children should be encouraged to be assertive, not aggressive, and to talk to a trusted adult for help.

Reference: A parent guide for addressing bullying in publicly funded schools in Ontario.

Question 2:

Children who bully others are bad kids. True or False?

Answer: False. Children who bully are making poor decisions and behaving inappropriately. This does not mean they are bad kids.

Reference: A parent guide for addressing bullying in publicly funded schools in Ontario.

Question 3:

One possible sign that a child might be a victim of bullying is when he or she refuses to go to school. True or False?

Answer: True. 15 percent of school absenteeism is due to a fear of being bullied at school.

Reference: A parent guide for addressing bullying in publicly funded schools in Ontario.

Question 4:

When bullying occurs at school, it bothers just the kids being picked on. True or False?

Answer: False. Bullying bothers everyone, not just the kids who are picked on. Bullying can make the school environment unpleasant, a place of fear and can lead to more violence and more stress for everyone.

Reference: Dealing with bullies.

Question 5:

A group of kids who hang out together and leave some kids out on purpose is called a clique. True or False?

Answer: True. Not all groups of friends are cliques. A group is a clique when some kids are left out on purpose. Usually one or two popular kids are the leaders of the group and control who gets to be in the clique and who gets left out.


Question 6:

23% (About 1 in 4) of Canadian kids admit to cyberbullying behaviour. True or False?

Answer: True. In a 2013 national survey of over 5000 Canadian students in grades 4 to 11, about 1 in 4 students admitted to mean or cruel behaviour online.


Question 7:

Teasing becomes bullying when it is repeated and the child doing the teasing means to hurt the child being teased. True or False?

Answer:True. Not all teasing is bullying.Teasing becomes bullying when:
  • The comments turn from friendly to hostile
  • There is a power imbalance
  • The teasing happens repeatedly
  • The child who is teasing intends to upset the other child
  • The child being teased is hurt


Question 8:

Bullying is just “part of growing up”. True or False?

Answer: False. Bullying should never be considered just part of growing up.It can have negative consequences for the students involved, their families and peers, and the community. It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
