Joseph Macli - (914) 967-0142
Bulletin Notices:
Mrs. Julie Casino - (914) 967-0142
Music Director:
Mr. Joseph Viserta- (914) 925-3520
Parish Council:
Two-Year Old Program:
Mrs. Ellen Schiavone, Director – (914) 921-2801
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Danielle Baran, C.R. - (914) 512-4463
Please Pray for the Sick
John Christiano Edward Chin
Please Pray for the Deceased
Patricia Ann Egan Robert F. Slater
Mondays 7:30 p.m. -Miraculous Medal Novena & Benediction; Prayer Group meets afterward. The Church is open each day until early evening for personal prayer and meditation. On Sundays, the Church will be closed at 2:00 p.m.
Military Prayer List
Chris Kocovic
Gregory Dempsey
Christian Stuebe
Riley Stuebe
Tyler Conway
Hunter J. Hrab Stewart Latwin
Tyler Reisner Dan Somma
Alex Moreira Angie Waddell
Jorge Jay Waddell Ted Dempsey
Leo Matthews Robert Biscont
Saturday, February 18
5:00 James & Joan Garrity
Sunday, February 19
7:30 Raymond & Bernice Dolan
8:45 Joan & Ed Cook
10:00 E. Gerard Berrigan
11:15 Fallon O’Toole McIntyre
12:30 Chris McGrath
Monday, February 20
8:00 Nancy & Jerry McNamee
9:00 Rosa Maria & Gaetano Pagiello
Tuesday, February 21
8:00 Arthur Benoit
9:00 Gary Koecheler
Wednesday, February 22
8:00 Valentine McLoughlin
9:00 Lina & Dorethea Varano
Thursday, February 23
8:00 Ishizuka, Ducasse Gambier Family
9:00 Julia Salerno
Friday, February 24
8:00 Florence Hurban
9:00 Marie & George Doty
Saturday, February 25
8:00 Sr. Damian Marie McKeever
9:00 John Monaghan
5:00 Marge & Al Mutino
Sunday, February 26
7:30 Chiara & Antonio Capocci
8:45 Roger McCaffrey
10:00 Rose & Joe Demo
11:15 John A. Schwarz Sr.
12:30 Angel Zambrano
The 2017 Resurrection School Auction will be on Saturday, March 4th at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook. This year, we celebrate RES and our special community at an “Irish Bash”.
With a live and silent auction, a 50/50 tuition raffle, sign-up parties, an Irish band, step dancers, great food and drinks, beautiful Irish décor, and so much more, this event promises to be a memorable and festive evening.
To purchase tickets visit the RES Irish Bash event website:
Please join us!
Thank you to Richard Weinstein, owner of Dollar Cleaners located at 142 Midland Avenue, Portchester, for generously donating numerous cleaned coats to the P.O.T.S. community. The clients of P.O.T.S. are grateful.
Our High School “March Madness” League begins next Sunday, February 26th. There are 84 teenagers registered. (Registration is closed.)
Dear Parishioners:
The 2017 Cardinals appeal will not be conducted at Resurrection this year. Instead we are conducting a needed Capital Campaign called “Renew and Rebuild.” The active phrase of Renew and Rebuild will take place beginning on March.
Since December 1st, I have been soliciting key parishioners for the prelimary phase of the campaign.
As you know, our parish conducted a successful capital campaign ten years ago where $6.5 was collected.
The goal this year is $3.5 million. Every parish is required to participate. Good News is 80% remains at Resurrection and 20% goes to Archdiocese for 2017 Cardinals Appeal, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and to a multitude of Archdiocesan ministries. We have already collected over $1.25 million in cash and pledges! We will keep you posted. God Bless the generous people of Resurrection.
Monsignor Dwyer
Please join us for a Lenten journey to discover that conversion is not so much a one time event, but a life-long process! With Bishop Barron, we will study six biblical stories and recognize anew our invitation to a deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
The same sessions will be held in the Nielsen Room twice per week for the convenience of our parishioners:
· 7:30PM (Thursday evenings) – March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and April 6th
· 9:30AM (Friday mornings) – March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st and April 7th
Sr. Danielle will be facilitating this program.
Volunteers are neededto help our needy Port Chester neighbors at local soup kitchens. Community service hours available for teens. Soup kitchens are serving each day: 40 plus guests for breakfast and over 150 guests for lunch. There is real hunger and poverty, so close to our homes.
1. Caritas volunteers please call Bill Cusano, or Pat Hart at (914) 305-3967 or .
2. Don Boscovolunteers please call Ann Heekin at (914)939-0323 x 11 or .
In case you missed it, Matthew Kelly, the renowned catholic author and speaker will be at Saint Pauls Parish in Greenwich, Ct on April 8th from 9:00-1:30.This event called Passion and Purpose will sell out as it did when we hosted him here at Resurrection this past September. For anyone looking to be renewed in their catholic faith this positive uplifting event is for you! To get tickets please visit
The last two antitheses offered in the Sermon on the Mount deal with love of enemies. We should not look at “an eye for an eye” as an inordinately strict punishment. It is actually meant to limit acts of revenge by making sure the punishment is not excessive but fits the crime. However, Jesus asks his followers to take a different approach by resisting retaliation altogether. The response to a stronger person who slaps us on the cheek, takes us to court, or demands a service of us is not to resist. Similarly, for a weaker person, such as a beggar or borrower, we are to give him or her what he or she asks for. The other difficult demand of those who are called to the kingdom is to embrace the enemy. There is no command in the Old Testament to hate individuals in a personal or vindictive way. But there is a religious stance that calls one to hate evil and to distance oneself from those who participate in evil. In contrast, Matthew emphasizes that love of God and love of neighbor are the fundamental commands on which all else depend. The key is in the final verse. We are to be perfect as our heavenly father is perfect. Matthew uses the Greek word telos, which is probably better translated here as “complete.” We are not to be perfect as in doing everything correctly, that is, as in being absolutely morally correct. Attempting to love our enemies is part of striving for that completeness.
Cold weather can increase your risk for heart attack! Cold weather affects the heart by increasing the demands on the cardiovascular system to maintain body temperature. In addition, cold weather can cause a narrowing of the airways called bronchospasm, making it more difficult to move air in and out of the lungs. Then, when you add to the mix that snow shoveling is intense cardiovascular work but that not every shoveler is accustomed to such a rigorous workout, it can be a recipe for disaster. During the winter months, we see an increased number of heart attacks associated with shoveling in cold weather.
John McCabe, parishioner, on Colby Avenue, Rye, last Sunday, February 12th.
How can you protect your heart while shoveling:
1. If you have to preform some amount of snow removal, it’s best to cover your nose and mouth with a scarf, to limit bronchospasm.
2. Wear layers of clothing and make sure your head is covered, to reduce the amount of heat loss.
3. Limit your time performing the activity, so you do not tax the cardiac system for more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
4. If your unable to speak in an audible manner, that means the intensity of the activity is too high, and you should rest.
There seems to be a general lack of tolerance on both sides of the political spectrum. Tempers flare and emotions take hold, and words come out, harsh words that have repercussions in our lives of others.
When we call someone a “communist”
Or describe him or her as “unpatriotic,” this too has very real meaning and very real power. Words have power and the words we use can shape the perceptions of people around us. And we live in an age where perception can be considered reality.
We, as a nation and a Church, need to step back a bit and look at the big picture. If we disagree with someone, there’s not necessarily a reason to describe them as “unfaithful to the Gospel” or a “heretic.” Words have power and words mean something. We have to be very judicious in how we speak.
Charity has to be the golden rule in our speech and in our actions. It doesn’t mean that we sugarcoat things or try to gloss over specific differences, pretending that they are not there, but we need to be civil.
Professor Ronald Begley in a 1993 article on Cardinal Newman’s idea of a gentleman states: “In his dealings with others he (the gentleman) is unobtrusive, he ‘concurs’ with their movements, he avoids ‘whatever my cause a jar or a jolt,’ he refrains from slander and gossip, and he does not bear grudges. In the face of misfortune he is resigned. In controversy he is clear-headed, forcible, decisive and fair to his opponents. As for religion, the gentleman may be an unbeliever; but f he s, he will nevertheless support religious toleration.
We need this idea of a gentleman or a lady more than ever. Words and actions are causing pain, and not only from the conservative side of the spectrum. Let’s all just pull back a bit to get a broader perspective. It may save our nation. It may save our souls.
Reprinted from the Tablet.