BUL3564- Legal Aspects of Managing Technology


Syllabus (Online)

About the Instructor:

Hello everyone and welcome to BUL3564. A little information about me;I’m a full-time law professor with St. Petersburg College. I practiced law for over 17 years as a trial attorney in the areas of family law, juvenile dependency law, real estate law, including acting as a title agent for closing purposes, contracts and consumer rights law. I continue to practice on a limited pro bono basis and have been licensed in the State of Florida since 1993. We have a very ambitious assignment schedule this modmester, so please don’t delay in getting started. If you have any questions, I’m here for you so please don’t hesitate to contact me. You’ll find I’m very open and except for Saturdays generally will respond in less than 24 hours to emails, telephone calls or skype.


Name: Deborah Cerminaro Eldridge

Email:Primary Email: Please use MyCourses Secondary email:


Office and Online Chat Hours: Mondays: Clearwater Campus 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.; Tuesdays: Gibbs Campus until 3:00 p.m.; Wednesdays: Gibbs Campus 10:30-Noon and 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.; Clearwater Campus 4-6 p.m.; Thursdays: Gibbs Campus 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Online Hours: By appointment

Office Location: Clearwater Campus: SS-171 Gibbs Campus: EI Program Office

Instructor Web Page:

Course Description:

Prerequisite – BUL 2241 or 2131, CTE2691 or equivalent. This course gives the information technology management student an overview of the evolving legal issues surrounding the business world. Topics include jurisdiction, intellectual property, online contracting, privacy, freedom of speech, and civil and criminal liability. It is 47 contact hours.

Course Objectives:

  1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts and components of traditional legal issues when influenced by technology in the following areas:
  1. Jurisdictional issues confronting users and regulators of cyberspace;
  2. Intellectual property issues raised in the electronic realm;
  3. e-Commerce contracting;
  4. Privacy and free speech issues raised in the on-line world;
  5. Criminal law issues arising through the use of technology;
  6. Information security concerns and liabilities.
  1. The student will demonstrate knowledge on how to protect against and/or minimize legal exposure relating to maintaining an on-line presence in today’s world.
  1. The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze different cases and fact scenarios including identifying the legal issues presented in order to develop the skills necessary to spot and confront potential problem areas, legal and otherwise, before or as they occur. The student will demonstrate this ability by briefing cases in class, or, thru online discussion settings and by preparing briefs regarding certain assigned cases.
  1. The student will demonstrate the ability to work with others as a team. The student will achieve this task by working with his or her assigned group on two group projects.

Course Requirements:

Students must have regular access to a computer that is connected to the Internet.It is strongly recommended that students havea broadband (high-speed) internet connection such asDSL or a cable modem. When taking on-line quizzes and exams (or viewing on-line video), students should have an internet connection that is stable and will not drop their connection.

Studentswithout a stable high-speed internet connection should consider making arrangements to take on-line quizzes and exams at one of the St. Petersburg College libraries (or a similar facility) where a stablehigh-speed internet connection is available. Internet Explorer is the preferredbrowser to use to access course materials.

Because of the use of teams in many classes, a formal standard has been devised. This standard applies to all classes. Studentsare required to submit assignments and share team documents in Microsoft Office formats (Word, Excel and other Microsoft formats if specified).

The College of Technology and Management provides full function student licenses of Microsoft software, other than the basic Office product. Both Visio and Project would be beneficial to students. Details regarding obtaining the software and licenses are provided in a video under Course Materials and on the Technology Management Student Commons in ANGEL.

Some courses allow or require students to submit assignments as video responses with a PowerPoint attachment. Students would require a Webcam compatible with their computer to record these videos. Very low cost cameras have been found to work well when they claim support for the student's computer operating system (such as XP, Vista, MAC, Linux). Alternatively, students may book a machine equipped with a camera at the EpiCenter in Clearwater. These bookings should be made through the College of Technology and Management.

Assignments must be submitted in Microsoft Word 97 or higher. Please be sure you use Microsoft word for all drop box attachments, because, if I can’t open the assignment it’s considered late and will receive a zero.

Recommended Textbook(s):

There is no required book for this course, but the following books are recommended as they are good resources not only for this course, but for future reference. They are not available at the college bookstore and may only be purchased online.

Open Source Licensing,Author: Lawrence Rosen, Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2012 ISBN: 13:978-0-13-148787-1. This book may be ordered via the following link Textbook Online Link

Navigating Social Media Legal Risks, Author: Robert McHale, Esq., Publisher: Pearson Education ISBN: 13: 978-0-7897-4953-6. Can be located online for just $14.00 at .


Week # / Class Date / Chapter Title/Projects / Reading Assignment / Written
Assignment / Points / Assignment Due Date
1 / Aug. 14 / Freedom & Open Source / See Assigned Readings Folder / See Discussion Forums and take quizzes / Sun. 8/20/17
1 / Dispute Resolution: Litigation v. ADR / See Assigned Readings Folder / Issue Analysis Assignment / 40 / Sun. 8/20/17
1 / Supplemental Materials / Supplemental Materials / Syllabus Quiz / 5 / Sun. 8/20/17
1 / Class Participation / Introductions and
Week 1 Discussion / 5
For introduction and 10
For week 1 / Post to the introduction
and the week 1 discussion. Initial postings are due by Thursday night and response postings by Sunday night @ 11:55 p.m.
2 / Aug. 21 / Jurisdiction / See Assigned Readings Folder / Complete Team Building Exercise / 10 / Sun. 8/27/17
2 / Intellectual Property
Copyrights & Patents / See Assigned Readings Folder
2 / Quiz I / 10 / Sun. 8/27/17
2 / Class Participation / Week 2 Discussion / 10 / Initial postings are due by Thursday night and response postings by Sunday night @ 11:55 p.m.
3 / Aug. 28 / Trademarks & Cybersquatting / See Assigned Readings Folder / Complete Team Project Deliverable I (Create your fact scenario) / 40 / Tues. 9/5/17
(Holiday Weekend)
3 / Intellectual Property & Internet Law / Complete Quiz I / 10 / Tues. 9/5/17
3 / Class Participation / Week 3 Discussion / 10 / Initial postings are due by Thursday night and response postings by Sunday night @ 11:55 p.m.
4 / Sept. 5 / Trade Secrets / See Assigned Readings Folder / Work on Team Deliverable II
4 / Introduction to contracts and licensing / See Assigned Readings Folder / Work on Team Deliverable II
4 / Quiz II / Complete Quiz II / 10 / Sun. 9/10/17
4 / Class Participation / Week 4 Discussion / 10 / Initial postings are due by Thursday night and response postings by Sunday night @ 11:55 p.m.
5 / Sept. 11 / Importing & Exporting of Technology / See Assigned Readings Folder / Take Midterm
5 / MIDTERM / Weeks 1-5 / Take Midterm / 100 / Thurs. 9/14/17 - Sun. 9/17/17
5 / No Discussion Forum this week
6 / Sept. 18 / Academic Licenses / See Assigned Readings Folder / Team Project
6 / Reciprocity & the GPL
Mozilla Public License / See Assigned Readings Folder / Team Project
6 / Team Project / Team Deliverable II (Complete your scenario analysis) / 70 / Sun. 9/24/17
6 / Class Participation / Week 6 Discussion / 10 / Initial postings are due by Thursday night and response postings by Sunday night @ 11:55 p.m.
7 / Sept. 25 / The Common Public License / See Assigned Readings Folder / Team Deliverable III - Powerpoint / 20 / Sun. 10/1/17
7 / Choosing an Open Source License & Beyond / See Assigned Readings Folder
7 / Quiz III / Complete Quiz III / 10 / Sun. 10/1/17
8 / Oct. 2 / REVIEW & FINAL EXAM / Cumulative Weeks 1-7 / FINAL EXAM / 100 / Sun.-Wed.
10/1/17 -10/4/17
8 / Team Presentations / Present your team’s position / 40 / Wed. 10/4/17

Grading Policy:


B80-89%FLess than 60%


Course Breakdown


~ Weekly Assignments408%

~Team Project18034%

~ Class Participation5511%

~ Quizzes357%

~ Midterm10020%

~ Final10020%


State policy specifies that students may not repeat courses for which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned except by appeal to an associate provost. Students may repeat a course one time without penalty. On the third attempt, students will pay the full cost of instruction. In addition, on the third attempt students may NOT receive a grade of “I,” “W,” or “X,” but must receive the letter grade earned. The grade on the final attempt with the exception of a “W” grade will be the grade that will be calculated into the overall grade point average. (Developmental courses do not average into the grade point average).


Class Assignments

Class assignments will be posted under the Content tab within each weekly folder. Assignments are due by Sunday evenings at 11:55 p.m., unless otherwise stated in the syllabus. Example, Week 1 assignments are due by Sunday, Aug. 20th at 11:55 p.m.Please see the Assignment Schedule for due dates. Late assignments will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. Any assignment not turned in by 11:55 p.m., on the date scheduled on the syllabus will be considered late. Drop boxes close promptly at 11:55 p.m. so govern your time accordingly. Please remember, if I can’t open a drop box attachment it’s considered late.

Students must submit all of the assignments for each week; in word format, by the deadline or they will not receive credit for the week.Except for a family emergency or death, with supporting documentation, there will be no exceptions to the deadlines, and under only limited circumstances will partial credit be applied for late submissions.

In the "business world", if you are late with your bid, you will not get the contract.The very same principal applies here – it is all or nothing!Please note that computer problems, sickness, travel, and lack of planning do not constitute an excusefor not making a deadline.This may mean you will have to use computers on campus or somewhere other than your home should the need arise.Again, there will be no exceptions to this rule, so be sure to view all of the contents and expectations in the syllabus and be very careful of due dates which are provided in the far right column of the assignment schedule. .

It is expected that you will have read the chapters for each class in advance and that you will be prepared to discuss the assigned cases from each chapter in discussion forums and the chat rooms. The weekly information folderas well as the discussion forum will advise you of the cases to which you are to post a comment.

You will be returned “graded” assignments. Assignments account for 26% of your grade. Assignments are graded based on two criteria:

(1)on-time submission; and

(2)substantive content; i.e. whether the student understood the assignment task(s) and provided complete answers to same.Complete answers mean you must fully explain your position, conclusion or decision. Your explanation must be at least 250 words.

If you fail an assignment you’ll receive notification via e-mail. If you “Fail” the assignment, I will explain the reason in the accompanying e-mail. If you simply do not submit an assignment, you will automatically receive a zero for that assignment. In addition, missed assignments will be taken into account under the Professor Evaluation of each students overall performance. (See Grading Policy below.)


Group/Team Projects

At the end of week 1 you will be assigned to a team. There are 4 project deliverables for your team project. With the first deliverable, plus the team building exercise being due as week 2 assignments. Please check the team materials folder for additional details and further explanation.

The team captain is responsible for submitting the assignments to the drop boxes for the teams.

Also, the team captain is responsible for completing and submitting the team building exercise form as one condensed form. The team is not autocratic, therefore input from team members is required prior to submission.

Team members – Failure to meaningfully participate with your team will result in your grade being adjusted accordingly.

At the conclusion of the project each team member must participate in the Team Survey that will be provided in week 8. The team project grade will not be submitted until all team members submit a survey on each member. Before beginning the team project, please read the team policies document located in the team materials folder.


Class participation is not only encouraged but expected as well. Participation is defined as reading and preparing for class, and taking part in course discussions and activities. Discussion boards will be provided each week for online courses, and failure to participate in discussion forums will negatively affect your grade, as well as constitute absence from the class for that week.

Discussion Boards: For online classes your initial comments each week are to be posted by Thursday, at 11:55 p.m., of that week with the response comments being posted by the Sunday at 11:55 p.m. Your postings must also meet the required word counts and answer the questions presented. Each discussion forum is worth a total of 5 points, with the first posting being 3 points and the second posting worth 2 points.

For Blended classes, you will want to review the week’s discussion forum in advance of class and be prepared to discuss the topic in class that week. For example, the week 1 discussion will be discussed at our initial meeting in week 1.


Class participation is not only encouraged but expected as well. Participation is defined as reading and preparing for class, and taking part in course discussions and activities. Discussion boards will be provided each week for online courses, and failure to participate in discussion forums will negatively affect your grade. For blended courses your class participation grade is based on your active participation in class. I teach in a Socratic method, meaning student involvement is required. You must read the chapter for the assigned week prior to class.

Discussion Boards: For online classes your initial comments each week are to be posted by Thursday, at 11:55 p.m., of that week with the response comments being posted by the Sunday at 11:55 p.m. Your postings must also meet the required word counts and answer the questions presented. Each discussion forum is worth a total of 5 points, with the first posting being 3 points and the second posting worth 2 points. Please see the grading rubric for further details.



For online classes: Attendance for onlineclasses is based on the student’s timely submission of course assignments and participation in the discussion forum each week. This is very important for all weeks, but, particularly weeks 1 & 2, please see below for explanation.

Modmester Students who miss 2 classes, unless excused by the Professor, must be dropped after the second absence with a grade of WF. For online classes, if you added to the class during the first week I’ll have to consider you absent if you do not post your assignment by the due date and don’t post to the discussion forum.

For blended classes: Your attendance is based solely on your physical appearance in class. If you don’t attend class, you will be considered absent. If you are absent two times, you will be dropped from the course.

As faculty we are required to publish our own participation/attendance policies in our syllabi. However, please note that instructors must verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn from any class which they are not attending. The student’s financial aid will be adjusted based on their updated enrollment status. If a student is administratively withdrawn from a class because they were a “No-Show” during the first two weeks of class, financial aid will not pay for the class and the student will be responsible for paying for that class.
Students who are not actively participating in class as defined in this syllabus will be reported to the Administration during the week following the last date to withdraw with a “W” (as posted in the academic calendar on the college’s web site). A grade of “WF” will be assigned to students who are not actively participating during the week following the last day to withdraw with a W grade.
Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the last date to withdraw with a “W” (see academic calendar) will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an email notification through their SPC email address whenever a withdrawal occurs.
Withdrawing after the “Last Date to Withdraw with a Grade of ‘W’” can have serious consequences. If the student withdraws from a class after the deadline posted in the academic calendar, the student will receive a final grade of ‘WF,' which has the same impact on the student's GPA as a final grade of “F.” A “WF” grade also could impact the student's financial aid, requiring repayment of financial assistance. Students should consult with an academic advisor or financial assistance counselor prior to withdrawing from a class.