Adoption Date: January 14, 2008 / Revision Date(s): / Page 1 of 2


  1. Clear and secure area:
  1. Immediately try to move students into a safe area.
  2. Secure the personal belongings of student and staff if possible.
  3. Clear all traffic out of the hallways/between buildings, etc. as soon as possible.
  1. Contact:
  1. Police of appropriate
  2. Ambulance if appropriate
  3. Parents or guardians
  4. Superintendent of Schools
  5. Other area crisis response teams as needed
  1. Notify staff immediately with specific information:
  1. Use telephone tree at night, weekend or summer
  2. Staff meeting
  1. Notify Students:
  1. Individual classrooms or special groupings (customize your announcement for the particular group)
  2. Be factual. If you are not sure of something, then say that you do not yet know. Anything that you say will be assumed to be fact.
  3. Answer questions truthfully and factually.
  4. Intercom announcement (only of the general information is already known)
  5. Notify anyone who might not be in the building
  6. Do not assume that everyone knows.
  1. Notify staff and students:
  1. When the Crisis Response Team is available.
  2. That school counselors are available
  1. Provide Outreach to other schools that are affected:
  1. The administrator should attempt to contact the superintendent of the other affected school(s).
  2. Give only factual information that is verified.
  3. Speak only with a certified school administrator.
  4. Make a record of the conversation as soon as practical.


  1. Response to media request:
  1. Escort media representatives to an office.
  2. Defer questions to a member of Administration (one administrator should be designated as the central point of contact for all media)
  3. Maintain a record of incoming and outgoing phone calls and personal contacts regarding the crisis (one team member should maintain this record- a computer located by the designated telephone is helpful)
  4. DO NOT allow free access to buildings or students
  1. Provide family outreach:
  1. Provide acknowledgment and support as determined by Building Crisis Team
  2. Insure that all information is factual
  1. Plan faculty meeting to debrief/evaluate at the end of the day with staff and all counselors:
  1. Identify staff and students that need additional support
  2. Review the days events
  3. Provide factual information
  1. Provide support as needed the following day or days after crisis:
  1. Contact parents or guardians
  2. Make referral for further counseling
  1. Open the school on Saturday or Sunday if required to continue counseling with students.
  1. Building administrator, in conjunction with the counselor, will determine if weekend counseling is advised. This may be especially appropriate if the crisis situation occurs on a Friday.
  2. Counselors and other Crisis Team members should be available. Let the trained and certified counselors do the counseling. Administrators provide support.
  3. The school should become the community center for managing the crisis and providing counseling services to the students.
  1. Provide ongoing crisis specific information:
  1. The biggest cause or hysteria is rumor/misinformation. Squelch rumors.
  2. Establish a procedure for verifying all information before releasing to anyone.

M. Express appreciation to all persons and agencies that helped to resolve the crisis.