“Press One for English”
When did breaking a law become ok? Since when does committing a crime actually pay? When the Government looks the other way and continues to allow illegal aliens to flood our country. This has created so many problems, including loss of jobs for American workers, the driving down of wages for American workers, added security issues, increasing our deficit even higher, as well as a continued burden of providing basic services for them… just to name a few. I clearly understand that we are a nation of immigrants, a huge “melting pot” of diversity. These are legal US citizens that followed and obeyed the laws to grant themselves citizenship. They learned the English language, studied our history and contribute economically and socially to our society. Unfortunately our system is broken and we continue to reward the ones that don’t follow our rules.
The Obama administration is trying to pass an Amnesty bill. This allows all illegal immigrants that currently live in the United States to legally remain in the US, becoming instant United States citizens. Secretary Napolitano on April 19, 2009 went on CNN State of the Union and proclaimed that crossing the border illegally is not a crime! I always thought US laws were something we as well as Napolitano is sworn to uphold. This seems to be the latest effort by the Obama Administration to scale back interior immigration enforcement efforts in the US. Nothing like making matters worse, encouraging more illegal boarder crossing when this administration grants these illegals asylum.
Let’s be honest, illegals are BAD for our pocket book & our health! We need to look at how this is affecting all of us, our economy and the future of our country. Official estimates of our illegal population range from 10 to 20 million, and the Government wants you to believe all of these are hard-working, law abiding people? Don’t be fooled, they are wrong. Illegal aliens contribute nothing, paying no taxes and send millions of our dollars in remittances to their home country, and on top of it all they use our social services at a higher rate than American citizens! Even Obama-care will include in its bill an Amnesty clause allowing all illegal aliens health care. Yes that’s correct, health care for law breaking immigrants and WE are paying for them. How does it feel to be taken advantage of? Our nation spends more than $4.7 billion a year on health care for illegal aliens and California has been forced to close over 70 hospitals over the last ten years because of this.
Congress must pass the Save Act of which helps secure our boarders, putting an end to unlawful employment & enhancing and fully utilizing current methods of interior enforcement. Unfortunately our President will cut 180 boarder guard jobs this year to save money! Makes me wonder whose side he’s on! Obama again failed to hardly even mention immigration reform during his over an hour-long State of the Union speech, again ignoring our broken immigration system. He must address the severity of securing our boarders & enforcing our laws, ensuring that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy & help grow our nation.
So in closing, my final thought and question to you, if you are sick of pressing one for English, scouring through many different languages on directions/pamphlets etc, not being able to communicate to workers because they don’t know English, illegal aliens taking jobs from Americans and NOT paying taxes, as well as receiving Government handouts & the list goes on & on! Then I say to you, Stand up and lets band together as proud Americans and take our country back! Our America belongs to Americans! Make it difficult for Non-English speaking, illegal individuals to live here. Give jobs to Americans, not illegal aliens! Stop helping and rewarding these law-breaking individuals, they are committing a crime! We make it too easy and comfortable for them to stay & live here. My words may seem harsh to some, but what has got us into this trouble in the first place is the GIANT WELCOME MAT for Illegal Aliens that has been at our boarders for way too long!!! Its time to roll up the mat, close our boarders and send the illegals back! AMERICANS COME FIRST IN AMERICA!!!
We as American citizens, and business owners need to do our part as well in stopping the flood of illegal aliens here. Everyday we have an opportunity to take our country back. We must make it unattractive and difficult to live her illegally. Business owners as well as homeowners must stop hiring cheap labor. Cheap labor is never cheap; we pay for this in the long run. Instead of hiring non-English speaking illegal aliens to clean your house for instance. Hire the English speaking, hard working American citizen.