1. Name:

The name of this Organization shall be Buffalo Youth Shooting Sports, Inc.(BYSS) originally started in 1978 as the Buffalo Jaycee Shooting EducationProgram. BYSS is a volunteer parent run shooting safety organization as of April 2013, a“Non-Profit Corporation” status under Minnesota State Law with a Federal Identification Number of 27-4814830.

  1. Purpose:

-to encourage youth to become educated in the shooting sports by providing a Shooting Education Program,stressing the main ingredients of Safety, Education, Enjoyment & Competitionto area youth ages 8 and above.

-to instill the highest regard for firearm safety and sportsmanship in every participant involved in the Program.

-to help participants prepare for competitive gun safety exams and practice the fundamentals of shooting during regular training sessions in preparation for gun competitions sponsored by Buffalo Youth Shooting Sports, Inc. as well as invitational gun competitions in other cities and states; including State and National Championships.


  1. Active Members

Parents of current Program participants, parents of former Program participants, adultalumni of the Program, and other interested adults who have paid current dues and are actively involved in the operation of this Organization shall be classified as Active Members.

  1. Associate Members

Any interested person age 16 or older who has paid current dues in anexpression of moral support to encourage the continued mission of this Organization shall be graciously recognized as an Associate Member.

  1. Member Responsibility

Immediately upon becoming Active Members of this Organization parents are encouraged to get acquainted and take an active role in the operation, fundraising and manpower needs of the organization. During all years of membership after their initiation year, all parents of current participants in the Program will be expected to be actively involved in helping meet the needs of this Organization.

  1. Dues

Annual dues and Program fees will be set by this organization by majority vote at a general membership meeting. Initially an Active Member dues fee shall be $30annually and an Associate Member’s dues fee (in expression ofmoral support) shall be $10 annually. Active Member dues must be paid prior to the first session of each annual Shooting Education Program

One annual Active Member dues fee shall cover both parents of a family and make both parents eligible to hold office and/or cast votes at this Organization’s general membership meetings. Each Active Member dues fee paid shall also include free registration for one Shooting Education Program participantwith a maximum family fee of $100.

Prospective Program participantsnot from Active Member families shall be required to pay Program fees of $30for each participant registering for the Shooting Education classes. Program participants of non-member families are ineligible for participation in any shooting/study sessions following the completion of the basic Shooting Education classes.


  1. The Executive Board of this Organization shall consist of the following officers: a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary,Treasurerand 5 Directors. All officers shall be Active Members elected on a annual basis with nominations and elections being held at an Annual Meeting of all interested Active Members of this Organization during the first week of April. Nominees receiving a majority of the votes for each office shall be considered duly elected and the results shall be announced at that Annual Meeting. New officers shall assume their duties two weeks after the closing ceremonies of the subsequent annual National BB Gun Championship Match (NBBGCM). All officers may be re-elected for consecutive terms. A vacancy occurring in the elected officers positions shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board for the remainder of the term; except that a vacated Chair position shall be filled by the Vice Chair and the Executive Board shall then fill the Vice Chair position.

-The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of this Organization and the Executive Board, and shall have a part in the general supervision, direction, and management of this Organization’s affairs. The Chair(person) shall be the official spokesperson for this Organization in matters of “Official Business” and “Public Relations” and may delegate such duties (or any other duties) when deemed appropriate. The Chair shall also appoint one member of the Executive Board to be designated as the Manpower Coordinator.

-The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair at the Chair’s request, or in the Chair’s absence or inability to act.

-The Secretary shall maintain this Organization’s membership rolls, record proceedings of this Organization in a book for that purpose, and shall be the custodian of all books, correspondence, and papers relating to the business of this Organization, except those of the Treasurer. The Secretary shall also execute and attest with the Chair on behalf of this Organization all instruments that may be required.

-The Treasurer shall have custody of this Organization’s checking account and when necessary and proper shall write checks for payment of this Organization’s bills. The Treasurer shall assume responsibility for all revenue of this Organization, endorse checks and deposit all such checks and other Organization revenue into a single checking account in the official name of this Organization at KleinBank . The Treasurer shall make an accounting at Executive Board meetings of all deposits and expenditures occurring since the previous Executive Board meeting. The Treasurer shallprepare a year-to-datefinancial reportavailable to the general membership at the time of the Annual Meeting, and shall also complete a year-end financial report after the NBBGCM to be audited, approved and signed by the Chair and one of the Directors. Copies of that audited and signed report shall be made available for future planning.

-Directors shall each be responsible for the general supervision and direction of at least one of this Organization’s major committees, and assist those committee chairs with the coordination and implementation of the assignments delegated to such committees by the Executive Board. While serving as Committee liaisons to the Executive Board each Director shall report at each Executive Board meeting regarding the activities, plans and needs of the Committees they serve.

  1. Any Executive Board member who becomes unwilling or unable to perform their designated Board duties, or has become a hindrance or obstacle to the success of BYSS can be replaced by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board.
  1. The officers of this corporation shall not be personally liable for the debts or obligations of this corporation of any nature whatsoever, nor shall any property of the officers, directors, or members be subject to the payments of the debts or obligations of this corporation to any extent whatsoever.
  1. The corporation shall indemnify each person who is an officer, director or member of the corporation to the full extent mandated by and in accordance with Section 317A.521 of the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act without prohibitions, limitations or conditions other than those set forth in said Section 317A.521. Indemnification shall be for the sole purpose and exclusive benefit of the person identified herein and no other person, corporation or legal entity of whatever nature shall have any rights thereunder by way of voluntary or involuntary assignment, subrogation or otherwise.
  1. The corporation may provide, maintain and pay for insurance on behalf of any person indemnified pursuant to ARTICLE III Section 3.


  1. Major committees of this Organization shall include, but not be limited to, Training, Equipment, Competitions & Events, Public Relations, and Fundraising. The Executive Board shall assign responsibilities to each committee and shall also provide guidance when needed for each committee to achieve success.
  1. Major Committee Chairs shall be Active Members appointed by the Executive Board on an annual basis. Such Committee Chairs shall select a Co-Chair and other volunteer committee members, and work closely with the Director(s) designated to assist with such Committee assignments.A Manpower Coordinator appointed by the Chair of this Organization shall be familiar with each committee’s responsibilities and be available to give direction as needed.


  1. The Annual Meeting of the general membership of Active Members of this Organization shall be held during the first week of April each year. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the Chair at any time as needed, or upon written demand of a minimum of 10 Active Members stating the object of the proposed meeting. The Executive Board is also strongly encouraged to plan one Special general membership meeting early in the training year as a “Get-Acquainted/Informational Meeting”.
  1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the day-to-day operational decision making of this Organization; except that the general membership shall set the annual dues rates and Program fees, and elect all officers. In preparation for the annual elections, the Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee to include at least one member of the Executive Board and one Active Member not currently serving on the Board. Executive Board meetings may be called as needed at any time by the Chair of this Organization.
  1. Meeting notices for all Executive Board meetings, as well as the Annual Meeting of the general membership, and all Special meetings, shall be sent by email and posted on this Organization’s web site as early as possible (a minimum of at least one week in advance of such meetings) so that members may plan to attend. All members are needed and strongly encouraged to attend and participate in all general membership meetings. All members are always welcome but not required to attend the Executive Board meetings.
  1. A quorum of 50% of the Executive Board shall be required to conduct any official Executive Board Meeting business that requires a vote. All business conducted during any of this Organization’s meetings shall be done in at least an informal “Robert’s Rules of Order” format with Motions being made and seconded to present voting issues,Table suggested ideas, and adjourn meetings. A simple majority will determine the election of officers and the outcome of passing all Motions, except for those relating to By-Law ratification and/or changes.
  1. A quorum of 10% of the Active Members shall be required to conduct official business that requires a vote at any general membership meeting; except that a quorum of 15% shall be required to make any changes in the By-Laws of this Organization. In addition, changes to this Organization’s By-Laws require a 2/3 majority of the members voting.


If for any reason BYSS ceases to provide annual shooting safety training to area youth as described in Article I, all equipment and assets of BYSS shall be secured by the most recently elected Executive Board until such time that a decision is made about the disposition of such equipment and assets. No decision shall be made until a committee is assembled to seek input regarding the future use or other dispositionof all BYSS equipment and assets. That committee shall be headed up by Rod Strenge founder of the original Buffalo Jaycee Shooting Education Program (1978), and long time coaches Butch Zvorak and Bob Fix. Allformer Program participants or parents of former Program participants may be members of the committee and provide input as desired. The committee heads shall seriously consider all input provided to the committee while making the highest priority the desire to dispose of BYSS equipment & assets in a manner that will continue fostering shooting safety education for area youth. After considering all input, the committee heads shall have sole authority and make the final decisions for disposition of all BYSS equipment and assets.

Revised 10/30/2014