Phone: / Email:
Grant Proposal Request Form #GR-F-001
Complete and email to the District Grant Writer 10 days before grant application is due:
Project Name:Grantor, e.g. ABC Foundation:
Application due date:
Project Director: / Funding is: New Continuation
Funding Type is: Formula Competitive Contract
Amount Requested: / Previous Year Funding Amount:
In-Kind or Cash Match Required Yes No / Describe (If yes, MUST be identified before applying):
Does grant allow for “indirect” or “administrative” costs? Yes No
If yes,for grants above $5,000, and for state or federal grants at any amount, budget for them at the 2017-18rate of 3.57%. If no, attach documentation to that effect to this form, e.g. where it states that on the application or budget template.
1. Describe the project and complete budget on Page 2OR attach application with budget and write, “See Attached.”
2. These District departments involved or affectedhave approved the request. Examples include but are not limited to: Technology was consulted about Chromebooks, Curriculum about books or Transportation about a field trip.
Technology Transportation Communications Facilities* Nutrition Curriculum Other (Specify)*Projects requiring ongoing maintenance also require a 10-year plan. Ask Facilities or Grant Writer for guidance.
3. What is the spending/report deadline (refer to application)? Describe any long-term district commitment or reporting requirements:
Route toappropriate staff, e.g. principalor cabinet memberfor signature. Email signed form to the District Grant Writer () 10 business days before thegrant due date. She will notify you once the form is approved by the Director of Administrative Services and then you may apply for the grant.
Supervisor/Principal: / Date:
Cabinet Member: / Date:
Director of Administrative Services: / Date:
Budget Worksheet(attach detailed budget if already completed)
Item / Brief Description / Grant Request / Matching Funds / Total Project CostShipping*
Instructional, Professional and Technical Services
Consumables, e.g. supplies, materials, books
Non-consumables (e.g. small equipment, furniture)
Computer software
Computer hardware
Capital outlay (depreciable technology)
Indirect Costs
Other (specify)
*If grant does not allow SHIPPING, specify the budget that will pay for it (get permission from your supervisor/principal as needed); the Business Office cannot pay for this.
**For salary and benefit inquiries, refer to this link: 2017-18 Grant Rate Worksheet
If you have any questions, please email the District Grant Writer, Colleen Hathaway x4750 ()
Please spend grant funds on time. Work with Purchasing (x8214) to make purchases; supplies must be ordered andIN HAND before grant end date. Call District Grant Writer (x4750) with any questions and before submitting any budget reports.
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Effective Date:7/1/2017
Revision Date:7/1/2017