Budget, Planning & Analysis

Carryover Process

The Carryover process for 2015-16 will be undergoing a few changes based on UW System Internal Audit recommendations. These changes are intended to make compliance with program revenue (PR) balance reporting requirements more transparent across campus. Additionally, these changes have become necessary as PR balance reporting has become more complex and encompasses a wider audience that includes UW System, Board of Regents, and various organizations outside of the university.


  • As with the past few years GPR Carryover will roll toeach division head (held in a project code) with a 50% tithe reverting to central funds.
  • Retaining of carryover in the unit or college will only be allowed in instances where a project funded by the campus or System still has funds and work is ongoing.
  • This change results in semi-centralized holding of carryover funds, tracking, and transparent usage of carried over funds at the divisional level.
  • Each division head will define their specific process forsubmission and approval of requests to utilize divisionally managedcarryover during the year.
  • All requests to use divisionally managed carryover funds should be submitted by directors or deans to the division head for review.
  • If approved, a budget transfer to the purchasing department will be completed when documentation of the purchase or work is received by the division head or their designee.
  • This new process essentially replaces the exception request process in the majority of cases and centralizes the tracking of carryover use.

Requests to retain carryover funds

Units and colleges can request to retain carryover funds in instances where a campus or system funded grant or project has not been fully expended at the end of the fiscal year and work is still ongoing.

  • In this case, the director or dean should fill out a request form and email it to the division headfor approval prior to submission to the Budget Office. Forms should be submitted to the division head no later than June 20th.
  • The form can be accessed here:Carryover Request Form.
  • The division head and budget office will meet to review the submissions.

Unlike in the past, carryover funds cannot be retained in a department or college for purposes of multiple year savings (the request form below can be used to make these types of requests from divisional carryover), travel that cannot be reimbursed in the current year, or to fund PDP. Travel or PDP funds not able to be expended by year-end cutoff date must be included in the next fiscal year’s budget.

Requests to utilize divisionally managed carryover funds

A separate process is required in order to meet PR balance reporting deadlines. By June 30th, it is requested that each directoror dean submit an anticipated listing of items that may be requested from divisionally managed carryover funds during 2016-17.

  • This listing should be submitted to the division head who will review them and then submit approved listings to Aimee Arnold in order to comply with PR balance reporting categorization requirements.
  • The form can be accessed here: Requests for Divisional Carryover.
  • They will be reviewed by the division head and ultimately signed by the Chancellor for inclusion in the annual PR Balance Report.

All carryover funds from 2015-16 should be transferred out of the divisional carryover project code and utilized in each division prior to the end of 2016-17. Any funds remaining in these accounts at the end of 2016-17 will revert to central resources.Each division should be able to provide a detailed accounting of expenditures from carried over funds.

If you have questions regarding the new process, please contact Faye Skelton at or via telephone at 1182. Thank you – We look forward to working with you!