1. Personnel:


Position / Name / Annual Salary/Rate / Level of Effort / Cost
N/A / TOTAL / $0


No federal funds will be used to support the project personnel provided by the Grantee (Jacksonville Children’s Commission). Other personnel expenses will be incurred by the contracted agency, Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. d/b/a Partnership for Child Health and its subcontractors and are therefore presented under the “Contract” category.


Position / Name / Annual Salary/Rate / Level of Effort / Cost
(1)Fiscal Manager / Cynthia Nixon / $83,419 / 10% / $8,342
(2)Fiscal Compliance / Julio Lacayo / $64,083 / 2.5% / $1,602
(3)Contract Administrator / Joyce Watson / $66,469 / 2.5% / $1,662
(4)Grant Manager / Marietta LeBlanc / $52,000 / 26% / $13,520
(5)Executive Director/CoPI / Jon Heymann / $143,000 / 2.5% / $3,575
(6)Marketing & Communications Director / TBD / $55,000 / 50% / $27,500
TOTAL / $56,201

JUSTIFICATION: These expense items will be funded as in-kind support by the grantee.

(1)The Fiscal Manager will provide fiscal and administrative oversight.

(2)Fiscal Compliance will coordinate all financial related processes.

(3)Contract Administrator will coordinate initial contract and numerous amendments/changes with the City’s legal department and attend meetings to represent the City’s legal issues.

(4)The Grant Manager will be the contact person between the Grantee (Jacksonville Children’s Commission) and the subcontracted Project Management entity (Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. d/b/a Partnership for Child Health)

(5)Executive Director /CoPI will provide strategic leadership and help to ensure the effective involvement of the Children’s Commission, the City of Jacksonville Administration and related stakeholders.

(6)The Marketing and Communications Manager will develop and implement the communications plan. JCC will contribute 50% of this individual’s salary as a cash match to Partnership for Child Health.

FEDERAL REQUEST: Personnel – $0

NON-FEDERAL MATCH: Personnel – $56,201

  1. Fringe Benefits


Component / Rate / Wage / Cost
N/A / TOTAL / $0


No federal funds will be used to support the project personnel fringe benefits provided by the Grantee (Jacksonville Children’s Commission). Other fringe benefit expenses will be incurred by the contracted agency, Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. d/b/a Partnership for Child Health and its subcontractors and are therefore presented under the “Contract” category.


Component / Rate / Wage / Cost
Fringe / Estimated benefits for Fiscal Manager ($3,085); Grant Manager ($196); Fiscal Compliance ($701); Contract Administrator ($584) CEO/CoPI ($486); Marketing & Communications Manager ($8,250) Workers Comp ($350) / N/A / $13,652
TOTAL / $13,652


The fringe listed reflects the current rates for the agency. Minor disparity, between the calculation of the numbers provided in the rate column and the amount in the total cost column, is due to the nominal difference when addition unrounded dollar amounts. These expense items will be funded as in-kind support by the Grantee.

FEDERAL REQUEST: Fringe Benefits – $0

NON-FEDERAL REQUEST: Fringe Benefits - $13,652

  1. Travel


Purpose of Travel / Location / Item / Rate / Cost
TOTAL / $0


No federal funds will be used to support the travel expenses of the Grantee (Jacksonville Children’s Commission). Other travel expenses will be incurred by the contracted agency, Managed Access to Child Health, Inc, d/b/a Partnership for Child Healthand its subcontractors and are therefore presented under the “Contract” category.


Purpose of Travel / Location / Item / Rate / Cost
(1) 2 CMHI Grantee meetings / TBD / Airfare / $350/flight (1
person x 3 trips) / $1,050
Hotel / $150/night x 1
person x 3 nights x 3 trips / $1,350
Per Diem/Misc / $75/day x 1 person x 3 days x 3 trips / $675
(2) Local travel / Mileage / Approx. 500
Miles @$0.54/mile / $270
TOTAL / $3,345

JUSTIFICATION: These expenses will be funded in-kind by the Grantee.

(1)Travel includes expenses associated with sending individuals to required SAMHSA meetings/ trainings.

(2)Staff mileage reimbursement expenses are substantial due to the geographical expanse of the city. (Jacksonville city comprises almost 850 square miles.) Local travel is paid at a rate of $0.54 per mile.


NON-FEDERAL REQUEST: Travel - $3,345

  1. Equipment

There are no expenses related to the Equipment category.

FEDERAL REQUEST: Equipment - $0


JUSTIFICATION: No Equipment is being requested as a part of this SAMSHA

System of Care Expansion Grant.

  1. Supplies


No federal funds will be used to support the supplies and postage needed by the Grantee (Jacksonville Children’s Commission). Other supplies and postage expenses will be incurred by the contracted agency, Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. d/b/a Partnership for Child Healthand its subcontractors and are therefore presented under the “Contract” category.


Item (s) / Rate / Cost
General Office Supplies / $200
Postage / $100
TOTAL / $300

JUSTIFICATION: Office supplies and postage are necessary for the ongoing operation of the project. These expenses will be funded in-kind by the Grantee.

FEDERAL REQUEST: Supplies - $0

NON-FEDERAL REQUEST: Supplies - $300

  1. Contract

The bulk of this grant will be allocated through a contract with Managed Access to Child Health, Inc., d/b/a Partnership for Child Health (“the Partnership”) to provide services as an “implementing entity” - i.e. hiring staff, providing support, managing subcontracts, etc. The “Contract” category section of the justification includes the expenses incurred by the contracted implementing entity and its subcontractors.


Name / Name / Rate / Other / Cost
(1) Project Director / Vicki Waytowich, Ed.D. / $111,670 / 100% / $111,670
(2) CLC Coordinator / Selena Webster-Bass / $68,008 / 25% / $17,002
(3) Clinical Manager for WrapAround and Center for Children with Complex Mental Health Conditions / Julianne Mickler / $71,535 / 100% / $71,535
(4) Nurse Care Coordinators / TBD / $49,920 / 1.5 FTEs; 52 weeks / $74,880
(5) Nursing Clerical Support / Shantell Bryant / $31,777 / 100% / $31,777
(6) Contract Manager / Edie Manning, MBA / $53,900 / 60% / $32,340
(7) Administrative Assistant / Heather Castillo / $36,271 / 100% / $36,271
(8)Marketing and Communications Director / TBD / $55,000 / 50% / $27,500
(9)TBD / TBD / 100% / $1.00
TOTAL / $402,976

Note:As noted on the Expansion Grant application budget narrative (Year 1), only half of the personnel costs were budgeted, as it was projected that the other half would be supported in the budget of the overlapping Year 6 of the Implementation Grant. As also explained, the costs relevant to the work of advancing the Expansion Grant project will be fully charged to the Expansion Grant in Year 2 and forward.


The implementing entity (Managed Access to Child Health, Inc., d/b/a Partnership for Child Health) provides benefits and administers payroll for the following High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Programstaff:

(1)Project Director (Vicki Waytowich, Ed.D.) - This position is responsible for the development, implementation, management and oversight of the the High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Program. Responsibilities of this position include:

  • Oversight of project implementation and evaluation.
  • Hiring and supervision of project staff.
  • Leadership in the development of the strategic plan and project activities.
  • Coordinating community partnerships and agreements.
  • Ensuring all grant requirements is met and reports are submitted timely and accurately.
  • Management and quality assurance of sub-contracts.
  • Development of policy and procedures related to the project.
  • Cultivate community leader support and interact with Government agencies to sustain and further develop the model.
  • Engage the Fostering CMHI Board and committees to ensure interagency collaboration and integration of systems.
  • Development and implementation of revenue maximization strategies through increased efficiencies, grants, Medicaid linkages and new product development.

(2)CLC Coordinator - (Selena Webster-Bass, MPH) This position is responsible for assuring that the cultural and linguistic competency principles established within the System of Care are effectively incorporated into the High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Program— including developing and supporting training and technical assistance as needed.

(2)Clinical Manager for WrapAround and Center for Children with Complex Mental Health Conditions (Juliane Mickler, MBA, MACP) - This position is responsible for coordinating and monitoring tasks related to all components of the Program including but not limited to:

  • Acting as the primary link with the National Technical Assistance Partnership for arranging technical assistance needs
  • Coordinating between all the various key staff working within a project and monitoring all programmatic contractual aspects.
  • Serving on national, state, and local committees to include Statewide Behavioral Health Care planning
  • Maintaining documentation and submit required reports and products according to specified timeline
  • Record keeping of all agreements and contracts for the organization.
  • Developing wraparound training program
  • Implementing the transition of wraparound into parent organizations with a redesign of wraparound policies
  • Chairing of the Baker Act Committee and responsible for the development of Baker Act processes and criteria to be used within the Center for Children with Complex Mental Health Conditions
  • Clinical management of the mental health component of the Center and oversight of the continuum of care for children and youth exiting Baker Acts.
  • Providing guidance and monitoring of fidelity measures of wraparound to the parent organizations.
  • Oversight and management of the High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Program and initiatives to include:

Assist in the development of Wraparound policies, criteria and standards for Medicaid and MCO reimbursement

Develop programmatic performance metrics and document and track all baseline and outcome variables

Interact and educate child-serving systems and providers on systemof care core values while ensuring adherence to fidelity through monitoring, training and coaching

(3)Nurse Care Coordinators (TBD) - Care coordinators implement a care coordination process model based on the principles and practice of wraparound and the Medical Home model and ensure that agencies involved with a child share their information which will be integrated into a single health record. Care coordination responsibilities will include:

  • Identification and integration of medical, dental, and mental health services
  • Facilitating thorough screening upon entry into the system and establishment of a baseline profile of the child and family
  • Ensuring that the whole system maintains a continuing awareness of each child and family’s total well-being
  • Documentation of changes in status
  • Documenting the relevance of the interventions to diagnoses
  • Family and youth involvement in all aspects of the individualized service plans
  • Periodic reviews
  • Facilitation of specialist and services referrals

(4)Nursing Support / Eligibility Specialist (Shantell Bryant) - Provides eligibility screening and administrative support to Care Coordinators.

(5)Contract Manager (Edie Manning, MBA) - This position is responsible for:negotiation and monitoring of the subcontracts of the implementing entity;serving as point of contact for subcontractors;working with the recipient agency (Jacksonville Children’s Commission / City of Jacksonville) to facilitate the budgeting and subcontract approval process;assuring appropriate documentation for all disbursements; and facilitating the budget, contracts and reimbursement processes.

(6)Administrative Assistant (Heather Castillo) - This position will provide administrative, clerical and project support to the High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Program. Responsibilities of this position include:coordination and scheduling of meetings and collecting meeting minutes;answering telephones, providing general information and correspondence;assist in the submission of reimbursement request, budgets, and budget amendments according to the federal and city requirements;making travel arrangements;completion and delivering of reports, etc.; andother duties as needed to support the Program.

(7)Marketing and Communication Director – This position will support activities related to developing the Communications Plan.

(8)* To allow for future budget needs - Budget changes require a number of steps through the contracting / fiscal management system of the recipient agency (Jacksonville Children’s Commission / City of Jacksonville). To streamline this process, where there is potential of requiring additional budget items, a minimum amount ($1.00) is allocated to lines in the recipient agency’s fiscal management system to establish that line for potential future funding.

NON-FEDERAL MATCH - (Contract - Personnel)

Name / Name / Rate / Cost
(1) Lead Nurse Care Coordinator (1.0 FTE) / Stephanie Welch, BSN / $59,686 / $59,686
(2) Nurse Care Coordinator (1.0 FTE) / Erin Peterson, BSN / $50,870 / $50,870
TOTAL / $110,556


(1)Nurse Care Coordinator (Erin Peterson, BSN) - Care coordinators implement a care coordination process model based on the principles and practice of wraparound and the Medical Home model and ensure that agencies involved with a child share their information which will be integrated into a single health record. Other care coordination responsibilities of both nurses will include:

  • identification and integration of medical, dental, and mental health services
  • facilitating thorough screening upon entry into the System and establishment of a baseline profile of the child and family
  • ensuring that the whole system maintains a continuing awareness of each child and family’s total well-being
  • documentation of changes in status
  • documenting the relevance of the interventions to diagnoses
  • family and youth involvement in all aspects of the individualized service plans
  • periodic reviews
  • facilitation of specialist and services referrals

(2)Lead Nurse Care Coordinator (Stephaine Welch, BSN) will also provide daily supervision of nurse care coordination, oversight and monitoring of objectives and act as point of contact.

Contract - Personnel

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Personnel ) – $402,976

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract – Personnel)- $110,556

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Fringe Benefits )

Component / Rate / Base / Cost
FICA / 7.65% of salary / $402,976 / $30,831
Workers Compensation / 0.47 % / $402,976 / $1,898
Insurance / full ins. benefits = maximum of $1,185 / month / employee / 5 FTEseligible for health/dental insurance benefits / $71,104
Retirement / 9% / $402,976 / $36,272
Unemployment / $300 per employee / 9 employees / 2,700
TOTAL / $142,805

JUSTIFICATION: Fringe reflects current rate/expenses for implementing entity.

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Fringe Benefits )

Component / Rate / Base / Cost
FICA / 7.65% of salary / $110,556 / $8,458
Workers Compensation / 0.47 % / $110,566 / $521
Insurance / full ins. benefits = maximum of $1,185 / month / employee / 2 FTEseligible for health/dental insurance benefits / $28,440
Retirement / 9% / $110,556 / $9,951
Unemployment / $300 per employee / 2 employees / $200
TOTAL / $47,970

JUSTIFICATION: Fringe reflects current rate/expenses for implementing entity.

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Fringe Benefits) – $142,805

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Fringe Benefits) - $47,970

FEDERAL REQUEST. (Contract - Travel)

Purpose of Travel / Location / Item / Rate / Cost
(1) 1 CMHI Grantee meeting / TBD / Airfare / $350/flight x 2
persons / $700
Hotel / $180/night x 2
persons x 3 nights / $1,080
Per Diem (meals) / $49/day x 2 persons x 3 days / $294
Misc (Taxi/Rental Car, etc.) / $426
(2) Other In and Out of State Travel / $12,500
(2) Local Travel / Mileage / 3,422.5 miles @.445/mile / $1,523
(3) Miscellaneous / Tolls, parking, In-state travel, etc. / $2,000
TOTAL / $18,523


(1)CMHI Grantee meetings - Travel includes expenses asHigh-Fidelity WrapAround

Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Programated with sending 2 individuals (including core project staff, families, and youth) for a 3-day SAMHSA meeting/training.

(2)Other In and Out of State - To fund travel for additional training opportunities

(3)Local travel - Staff mileage reimbursement expenses are substantial due to the geographical expanse of the city and expansion into Clay and Nassau Counties. (Jacksonville city comprises almost 850 square miles.) Project staff are expected to travel for the purpose of providing services and attending local meetings and trainings for system development. Local travel is paid at a rate of $0.445 per mile.

(4)Miscellaneous - Costs also include miscellaneous travel expenses and travel to Tallahassee, community meetings around the state and stakeholder travel to other sites in Florida.

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Travel)

No non-federal match funds will be used to support this expense.

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Travel) – $18,523

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Travel) - $0

FEDERAL REQUEST. (Contract - Supplies)

Items / Rate / Cost
(1) Office Supplies / $5,400
(2) Printing / $5,000
(3) Copying / $500
(4) Telephone / * $1
(5) Postage / $500
(6) Utilities / * $1
(7) Computers / $2,650
(8) Consumable Program Supplies / * $1
(9) Other Program Supplies / * $1
TOTAL / $14,054

* To allow for future budget needs - Budget changes require a number of steps through the contracting / fiscal management system of the recipient agency (Jacksonville Children’s Commission / City of Jacksonville). To streamline this process, a minimum amount ($1.00) has been allocated to each of the relevant line items in the recipient agency’s fiscal management system to establish that line for potential future funding.


The following supplies expense are expenses of the implementing entity (Managed Access to Child Health, Inc., d/b/a Partnership for Child Health) related to implementation and management of the High-Fidelity WrapAround Services and Integrated Care Coordination for Children and Youth Program.

(1)Office Supplies are necessary for the ongoing operation of the project

(2)Printing of training materials, promotional materials, etc.

(3)Copying – necessary for the ongoing operation of the project

(4)Telephone - * See above

(5)Postage expenses are required for the general operation of the project.

(6)Utilities - * See above

(7)Computers - For computers to be purchased once vacant positions are staffed

(8)Consumable Program Supplies - * See above

(9)Other Program Supplies - * See above

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Supplies)

No non-federal match funds will be used to support this expense.

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Supplies) – $14,054

NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract - Supplies) - $0

FEDERAL REQUEST (Contract - Sub-contract)

Name / Service / Rate / Notes / Cost
(1) University of Florida / Contract for Co-Principle Investigator (PI) / Includes salary (183,300 @ 0.2 FTE), benefits and Indirect Costs. / $55,352
(2) University of Florida / Pediatrician (.5 FTE. @$150,000/year) for participation on the Integrated Care Coordination Team and benefits. / $87,500
(3) Nemours Children’s Clinic / Collaborative Care Model Infrastructure and Support / $25,000
(4)Various Existing Providers / Engage Family Support Partners / $50,000
(5)University of Florida / Evaluation / $60,000
(6) Other Contracts and Professional Services / As needs are identified / $39,039
TOTAL / $316,891