Bucky the Badger

Every time the University of Wisconsin scores a point, their mascot Bucky the Badger does pushups that are equivalent to the new total points scored. If Wisconsin scored a field goal he would do 3 pushups. If they scored a touchdown next Bucky would do 10 total pushups (3+7=10). Then if Wisconsin scored another touchdown Bucky would have to do another 17 push-ups (3+7+7=17). Watch the video and pay attention to the scoreboard at the end or how many the crowd count to:


1. Guess how many pushups Bucky had to do over the entire game.

2. Write down a number of pushups you know is too high. Too low.

3. What information will you need to get an answer?

4. If you're Bucky, would you rather your team score their field goals at the start of the game or the end?

5. What are some numbers of pushups that Bucky will never do in any game?

Bucky the Badger

Every time the University of Wisconsin scores a point, their mascot Bucky the Badger does pushups that are equivalent to the new total points scored. If Wisconsin scored a field goal he would do 3 pushups. If they scored a touchdown next Bucky would do 10 total pushups (3+7=10). Then if Wisconsin scored another touchdown Bucky would have to do another 17 push-ups (3+7+7=17). Watch the video and pay attention to the scoreboard at the end or how many the crowd count to:


1. Guess how many pushups Bucky had to do over the entire game.

2. Write down a number of pushups you know is too high. Too low.

3. What information will you need to get an answer?

4. If you're Bucky, would you rather your team score their field goals at the start of the game or the end?

5. What are some numbers of pushups that Bucky will never do in any game?