Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Early Completion Option

Senate Bill 57 allows a modified induction program option for exceptional, experienced teachers. In the San Luis Obispo County TIP, a district may recommend candidates for this option if they meet eligibility requirements and have completed all requirements of the TIP, as listed below. The application must include a classroom observation completed by the candidate's site principal or other district administrator.

Once approved for the Early Completion Option, participating teachers are expected to demonstrate proficiency and the highest level of professionalism when completing all required elements of the Early Completion Option. Any candidate that fails to do so will be restored to the original induction program to meet all regular requirements and timeline of completion.

The TIP Early Completion Option application process consists of 3 steps:

1.  Application

§  Assessment of Qualifications and Experience

§  Verification of Experience and Qualifications (NCLB compliance)

2.  Packet of Information

3.  Recent evaluations by the candidate’s site or district administrator.

Teachers who meet the following eligibility requirements are invited to apply for consideration to be an Early Completion candidate. If you believe you are eligible, please complete and submit the attached application along with the requested documentation to the TIP Coordinator by October 1, 2015.

I have attached a packet with the following information to verify my qualifications to complete the Teacher Induction Program in less than two years:

___ Verification of experience and qualifications

Human Resource Department verification of:

·  Prior teaching experience as the teacher-of-record within credential authorization (two years minimum)

·  Highly qualified as defined by NCLB Teacher Requirement Guide

___ Two letters of recommendation from previous administrator(s), or department chair

and current administrator.

___ Evidence of professional development completed within the last five years in the

topics covered in the Teacher Induction Standards 5: Pedagogy & Standard 6: Universal Access-Equity for All or professional development completed for special education purposes.

___ Two most recent site administrator evaluations using the district or school evaluation tool.

I understand that the TIP director and his/her district designee will review my application and document packet to determine if I qualify for the Early Completion Option (EOC).


Participating Teacher Signature Date


For Office Use Only

____ This participate has been approved to participate in the TIP Early Completion Option.

____ This participant has not been approved to participate in the TIP Early Completion Option.


District Designee Date


TIP Director Date