BTEC Performing Arts (Acting Specialism)
Pre-Enrolment Task
Throughout your course, researching styles of performance, plays and the nature of different roles and historical contexts will form a key part of your preparation and coursework.
Please complete the research task below which focuses on the first performance style and play you will be working on. Complete it to the best of your ability and bring it to your first BTEC Performing Arts lesson. When we discuss this research in class and when you have been allocated your role, you can add the information to your research.
Research into styles of theatre:
- Give a summary of physical theatre – what is it? What differentiates it from other style? What techniques does it use? When did it develop?
- Give a summary of story-telling as a style of theatre – what is it? What differentiates it from other style? What techniques does it use? When did it develop?
- Give a summary of Visual Theatre as a style of theatre - what is it? What differentiates it from other style? What techniques does it use? When did it develop?
Research into Theatre de Complicite:
- When did the theatre company Theatre de Complicite form?
- What do they aim to achieve through their theatre? (do they have a mission statement on their website?)
- What performance styles do they utilise?
- Give an example of techniques they use in their work
- What makes their performances different?
- Find 5 pictures online from different Theatre de Complicite productions
- Add notes to these pictures commenting on and analysing their use of space, costume, set and acting – do not describe the picture or try to explain the story – these are to give you ideas on techniques the company uses and their effects in performance
Personal Reflection
What do you think are the demands of this performance style on actors and an ensemble? Try to think of the skills performers would need to be able to work successfully in this performance style.
In order to correctly reference the information you use to complete this task, please copy the full URL address of all web pages you use to complete the research (including the pictures you copy) and paste these onto the end of your research task, along with the dates you accessed each of the websites.