
Central Florida Council, B.S.A.

Lynette K. Dukes, Eagle Registrar
Wayne Densch Boy Scout Service Center
1951 South Orange Blossom Trail, Suite 102
Apopka, FL 32703-7747
(407) 703-0225

BSA LOCAL COUNCIL VERIFICATION - Eagle Scout Rank Application Instructions

Please do NOT submit this checklist with the Eagle Scout Rank Application

Request via email an Eagle Scout Form from the Eagle Registrar with the following information:

Subject Line: Eagle Scout Form Request

Body of Email: Full legal name, date of birth and unit you are registered with.

Use the most recent Eagle Scout Rank Application (currently 2016 printing). You may find this form at the following links:

***Print One-Sided Eagle Scout Rank Applications ONLY***

Do NOT print 2-sided Eagle Scout Rank Applications in case you make a mistake on page 1 and need to re-do it because you will have to re-obtain page 2 signatures if you print a 2-sided Eagle Scout Rank Application.

TYPE (if possible) OR PRINT IN INK ALL INFORMATION(All information is legible.)

Page 1 (left side)

Applicant=s FULL LEGAL NAME (including middle name and any applicable suffix such as “Jr.”, “III”, etc.

Applicant’s mailing Street Address or P.O. Box

Applicant’s City, State, Zip Code

Applicant’s Telephone Number (including area code)

Applicant’s Email Address

Applicant’s Unit type (Troop, Team, Crew or Ship), local number, and location of unit are entered. No abbreviations.

Applicant’s Unit Number

Applicant’s Unit’s City, State and Zip Code

Page 1 (right side)

FOR COUNCIL USE ONLY box (right side)

The box below is an EXAMPLE ONLY – Enter your correct Type of Unit, Unit Number and District Number and PID Number from

the instructions below the box.

(fill in circle) / NATIONAL NO.
22 D-9


REGION = S (for Southern Region)

TYPE OF UNIT = Troop or Crew or Team or Ship or Lone Scout

NATIONAL NUMBER=Unit Number& District Number (ie.; Troop 22 = 22 D-9)

D-1 = Little Econ District

D-2 = Lake District

D-3 = Tuscarora District

D-4 = Three Rivers District

D-5 = Riverside District

D-6 = Fort Gatlin District

D-7 = Challenger District

D-8 = Osceola District

D-9 = Apopka Shores District

D-10 = Seminole Springs District

D-27 = Sand Lake District

PID NO.(REQUIRED) = Person ID Numberlocated on top left hand corner of Eagle Scout Form screen shot.

Date became a Boy Scout is entered (date joined a troop) – this date must be earlier than the dates of any of your rank or merit badge dates.

Date became a Varsity Scout is entered (if applicable).

Date became a Venturer is entered (if applicable).

Date of First Class Scout board of review entered(mm/dd/yy).

Date of Star Scout board of review entered(mm/dd/yy). Star rank requires at least 4 months membership as a First Class Scout.

Cub Scout, Webelos Scout, Arrow of Light, and fifth grade questions answered (Yes or No). NOTE: Usually, if ‘Yes’ is answered to being a “Webelos Scout?” and‘Yes’ is answered to earning the “Arrow of Light?”, then ‘No’ is answered to “Completed 5th grade?” (since crossover is usually during 5th grade).

Requirement 1 – Life Scout

Enter the date of your Life Scout board of review (mm/dd/yy). (Be active in your troop, team crew, or ship for a period of at least six months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.)

Requirement 2 - References

All references are listed on the application.All references and their information (Name, Address, Telephone Number and Email Address) should be filled out on the Eagle Scout Rank Application (No blank spaces allowed) with the exception of the Employer. If your Educational Reference is a teacher, you may use the address, telephone number and email address at the school.

If no employer, then put none or N/A for not applicable. If the Scout does not go to church and cannot provide a religious reference, the parent(s) name and information must be listed on that line.

If the Scout is home-schooled, the parent(s) name and information must be listed on the educational reference line.

The Unit designee or the Board Chairpersonhas received a letter of reference from or checked to ensure that one is forthcoming from each of the individuals listed on the application. (Do not turn in the letters with the Application.)

Requirement 3 – Merit Badges

21 merit badges are listed with date and unit number on each:

  1. Make certain that the rank and merit badge dates on your Eagle Scout Rank Application match the dates that are on the Eagle Scout Form identically.
  2. The Optional Merit Badges on the Eagle Scout Rank Application must be listed in chronological orderexactlyas they are listed on the Eagle Scout Form (DO NOT SKIP ANY MERIT BADGES).
  3. On merit badge lines 7, 8 and 10, you should draw a line through the merit badges that do not apply. If any of the marked off merit badges are to be counted as part of the 21 total merit badges, the badges must be put in one of the other boxes (14 through 21).
  4. Enter the Unit Number from which the merit badge was earned next to the date earned of each merit badge.
  5. For any ranks that are missing or differentfrom your records at Council, please provide copies of your rank cards to the Eagle Registrar.
  6. For any merit badges that are missing or differentfrom your records at Council, please provide copies of theApplicant’s Record side of your merit badge blue cards to the Eagle Registrar.
  7. Make certain that the dates on your Eagle Scout Rank Application match identically the dates on the documentation that you provide for ranks or merit badges.
  8. If your unit uses Internet Advancement and your advancements have been entered in ScoutNet via Internet Advancement by your unit’s Advancement Chair, then no other documentation is necessary when submitting your Eagle Scout Rank Application, so long as the dates on your application match those on file at Council shown on the Eagle Scout Form.
  9. A Troopmaster Individual History Report is not an Advancement Report and will not be accepted as such. The accepted forms of documentation for merit badges are as follows:
    a.Completed Application for Merit Badge (Applicant’s Record side of Merit Badge Blue Card) – No. 34124

b.Completed Merit Badge Award Card – No. 34393

c.Completed Internet Advancement Report

The accepted forms of documentation for ranks are as follows:

  1. Completed pocket-size Rank Card – (ie.; 1st Class – No. 33053, Star – No. 33054, Life – No. 33055, etc.)
  2. Completed Internet Advancement Report

4 Eagle required merit badges have a date prior to the Star Scout board of review date. Credit may be given if the Scout earned both Emergency Preparedness and Lifesaving or any combination of Swimming, Hiking, and Cycling.

2 additional merit badges must have a date prior to the Star Scout board of review date.

3 Eagle required merit badges have a date prior to the Life Scout board of review. These Eagle required merit badges are in addition to the ones earned for Star Scout rank. Credit may be given if the Scout earned both Emergency Preparedness and Lifesaving or any combination of Swimming, Hiking, and Cycling, as long as they are not used for credit for Star Scout rank.

2 additional merit badges must have a date prior to the Life Scout board of review date. These merit badges are in addition to those earned for Star Scout rank.

Page 2

Applicant=s complete legal name (including middle name and any applicable suffix such as “Jr.”, “III”, etc. entered at the top of the page).

Requirement 4 – Life Scout Positions of Responsibility

Date of Life Scout board of review entered on second page of the application and matches the Life Scout board of review date on the front page.

Scout must have served in a qualified position of leadership (see Eagle Scout Rank Application for qualified positions) for at least 6 months between the Life Scout board of review and the Eagle Scout Rank Application date and before the candidates 18th birthday. List only those positions served after Life board of review date.

NOTE:The FROM Date must be on or after the Life Board of Review Date.

The TO Date must be before the Scout’s 18th Birthday and cannot be a future date.

NOTE:Chaplain Aide Qualifications

  1. The chaplain aide must be mature and sensitive and have earned the respect and trust of his fellow Scouts.
  2. The chaplain aide must be at least a First Class Scout.
  3. The chaplain aide must have received or be working on the requirements leading to the age-appropriate religious emblem for his faith.

Requirement 5 – Eagle Scout Service Project

Enter Project Name

Enter Grant Total of Hours (from Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook)

Enter Project Completion Date is the same as the date in the project workbook. Date must be between Life Scout board of review and Eagle Scout application dates and before applicant=s 18th birthday.

Attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a copy of your Project Completion Signature Page (either page 4-4 or page 20 from your Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.

Requirement 6 – Scoutmaster Conference

Take part in a Scoutmaster (Unit Leader) Conference.

Enter your Scoutmaster Conference Date - must be before the Scout’s 18th birthday.

Requirement 7 – Statement of Ambitions & Life Purpose

Attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.


Applicant=s signature, applicant=s telephone number, and date signed entered.


Unit leader=s signature, unit leader=s telephone number, and date signed entered.

Unit committee chair=s signature, unit committee chair=s telephone number, and date signed entered.

Completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is NOT turned in with the Eagle Scout Rank Application.


The Council Service Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (address is listed below). A copy should be made of the application and the other attachments. Once copies are in safekeeping, the originals should be delivered promptly to the Council Service Center (the address of which is listed below). Timeliness is especially critical if the Scout is approaching, or has already turned 18. Sending materials late can imply the work continued afterward. If possible, everything should be hand-delivered. Otherwise it should be sent by registered or certified mail.

Please allow up to two (2) weeks for BSA Local Council Verification approval and six (6) to eight (8) weeks for Eagle Certificates from National.

Please submit onlythe following documents when requesting BSA Local Council Verification:

  1. OriginalEagle Scout Rank Application – 2014 Printing
  2. Statement of Ambitions & Life Purpose – Described in Requirement 7
  3. Copy of Project Completion Approval Signatures - Page 20 or Page 4-4 or C-2from Project Workbook

(Please do NOT include your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.)

  1. Intake Form – BSA Local Council Verification.
  2. Service Hours Certificate - Receive Unit ID from Eagle Registrar with Eagle Scout Form, Record Eagle Scout Service Project Service Hours at print certificate.

Please do NOT include your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.



Wayne Densch Service Center

ATTENTION: Lynette K. Dukes

1951 S. Orange Blossom Trail

Apopka, Florida 32703-7747


Only after you have received BSA Local Council Verification may you proceed and schedule your Eagle Scout Board of Review. Please contact only the District Advancement Chair or District Eagle Chair from your District.

Complete the Eagle Checklist and Intake Form Following Eagle Board of Review

Complete the NESA Service Project Information Form

Immediately following your Eagle Board of Review, return the four (4) documents listed on the Eagle Checklist and Intake Form Following Eagle Board of Reviewto the Central Florida Council Eagle Scout Registrar, no later than one (1) week following your Eagle Board of Review date. Please do NOT include your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.