Brookings County Conservation District
205 6th Street
Brookings, SD 57006-1406
Phone: 605-692-8003 #3
FAX: 605-692-4484
Quantity / Shrubs – bare root(mature height 8-20’) / Cost
Black Chokeberry / $1.25 each
Buffaloberry / $1.25 each
Caragana / $1.25 each
Cherry, Mongolian / $1.25 each
Cherry, Nanking / $1.25 each
Chokecherry, Common / $1.25 each
Cotoneaster / $1.25 each
Cranberry, Highbush / $1.25 each
Currant, American Black / $1.25 each
Currant, Golden / $1.25 each
Dogwood, Redstemmed / $1.25 each
False Indigo / $1.25 each
Elderberry / $1.25 each
Honeysuckle / $1.25 each
Juneberry / $1.25 each
Lilac, Common / $1.25 each
Lilac, Villosa (non-suckering) / $1.25 each
Plum, American / $1.25 each
Nannyberry, Viburnum / $1.25 each
Rose, Hansen Hedge / $1.25 each
Sumac, Smooth / $1.25 each
Willow, Sandbar / $1.25 each
Kentucky Coffee Tree / $1.25 each
Quantity / Medium Trees – bare root
(mature height 20-45’) / Cost
Apricot / $1.25 each
Chokecherry, Amur / $1.25 each
Crabapple, Midwest / $1.25 each
Hawthorn / $1.25 each
Maple, Amur / $1.25 each
Pear, McDermand / $1.25 each
Willow, Laurel Leaf / $1.25 each
Quantity / Specialty Tree Packs / Cost
Grandma’s Jam Pack / $25 each
Fast Pack / $25 each
Wildlife Pack / $25 each
We will bill you confirming your order.
Payment due at the time your trees are picked up.
All orders subject to change due to availability.
Larger bareroot trees (up to 6 ft.) available upon request.
Quantity / Tall Trees – bare root(mature height 45 – 100’) / Cost
Ash, Green / $1.25 each
Ash, Black / $1.25 each
Cherry, Black / $1.25 each
Cottonwood, Seedless / $1.25 each
Hackberry / $1.25 each
Not available / Honeylocust, Thornless / $1.25 each
Linden, American (Basswood) / $1.25 each
Maple, Silver / $1.25 each
Maple, Sugar / $1.25 each
Oak, Bur / $1.25 each
Walnut, Black / $1.25 each
Willow, Golden / $1.25 each
Quaking Aspen / $1.25 each
Quantity / Bare root Conifers
(mature height 30-100’) / Cost
Pine, Austrian / $1.50 each
Pine, Ponderosa / $1.50 each
Pine, Scotch / $1.50 each
Red Cedar, Eastern / $1.50 each
Spruce, Black Hills / $1.50 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $1.50 each
Quantity / Potted Conifers
(tarpaper pots) / Cost
Pine, Austrian / $2.00 each
Pine, Ponderosa / $2.00 each
Pine, Scotch / $2.00 each
Spruce, Black Hills / $2.00 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $2.00 each
Spruce, Norway / $2.00 each
Red Cedar, Eastern / $2.00 each
Quantity / One Gallon Potted Stock / Cost
Spruce, Black Hills / $8.00 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $8.00 each
Quantity / Miscellaneous Items / Cost
Fabric Staples – 1 box (500) / $50/box
Staples – bundles of 25 / $3.50/bndle.
Tree Mats 4’x4’ (includes 5 staples/mat) / $2.25 each
Partial Fabric Roll (6’ wide) / $ .50 per linear foot
Fabric Roll (6’x750’) / $250/roll
Fertilizer Packets / $ .25 each
Special tool for hand planting trees / $25 each