To do our BEST



Important information for our school family – do not lose! /

Autumn Term No 9: 07.11.14

Please make sure your child arrives at school, on time & ready for the day:
8.45am Playground doors open, 8.55am bell rings… learning starts!
Thank you for the kind comments and cards for Emma, following Millie’s tragic death. We will pass everything on and ensure Emma knows that everyone is supporting her at this sad time. In school, staff have been supporting the children by talking about what happened in simple terms and considering how feelings can change from sadness, to anger, to fear, to happiness very quickly – and that all feelings are ok. Please talk to your child’s class teacher if you want to know more. We have a number of books to help children understand loss, change and death in different ways. Parents are welcome to borrow some of our resources to support their child, if that would be helpful. Emma welcomes everyone to Millie’s funeral at 1pm on Weds 12th November, at St George’sChurch –adult dress-code: black and purple. If parents wish to, they can collect their child from school to escort them to the church and to supervise them during the service. Please inform the office if you will be taking your child so that we can arrange an early lunch. Staff will be representing the school family, but all classes will remain open on Wednesday afternoon. Starfish Class will be holding their own special commemoration in school on Wednesday afternoon. Emma is inviting everyone to join her for refreshments in St George’sChurch after school has finished.
BEST children: This week, we are pleased to recognise these children really have fulfilled our school motto: ‘To do our BEST’: Jellyfish: Tara; Dolphins: Joseph; Stingrays: The Whole Class; Turtles: Daniel B; Starfish: The Whole Class; Octopus: Francis; Whales: Billie; Seals: Christopher. Remember: B is for Behaviour; E is for Effort; S is for Smiles; T is for Teamwork. /
This week: Mrs Tudor-Hall is making a welcome return to duties on a gradual basis.
  • Some amazing historical people attended school on Wednesday – well done, Y2!
  • We are very pleased to offer our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Samuels, who were married during half-term. Mrs Samuels and Octopus Class are doing really well at remembering to use the right name!
  • School photograph proofs, orders and money MUST be returned to school by 9am MON 10th NOV in order to secure a prompt return by Braiswick.
  • Y2 children will be bringing home the initial information about Y3 applications TODAY in book bags.
  • Everyone is thinking of a Superhero Outfit for our Children in Need fundraising activity NEXT Friday.

/ ‘Miss School Miss Out’ attendance show & poster competition
Friends of Bromley Road/PTA have sponsored today’s attendance show, knowing that good, punctual school attendance helps everyone learn. Mrs Lipscomb is organising a ‘Miss School Miss Out’ Attendance poster competition: “The children can design a poster, giving good reasons for coming to school regularly and on time. The lucky winning designs will be professionally printed and displayed around the school for all to see! The Miss School Miss Out show will give children ideas and inspiration. Good luck everyone! We look forward to seeing your wonderful work!”
Attendance 21-24.10.14 : School attendance: 96%. 157 children have at least 97% attendance – well done! Regular and punctualattendance means the children can learn more! Girls’ attendance: 97%; Boys’ attendance 95%.Well done, girls! Come on, boys!
Class attendance: Seals & Whales: 99%; Dolphins 97%;
21 children were absent. 4 children were late and missed some learning time –much better! 7 children currently have less than 85% attendance. Children with less than 85% attendance are considered ‘persistent absentees’ and may be recorded by the Education Welfare Officer, who will investigate why the attendance is so low. /


  • If you are unable to collect your child at 3.15pm, please let us know – leave a message with staff on the playground, or phone in before 2.30pm, so we can inform class staff. Unless we have authorisation from the parent, we will not hand over their child to anyone else.
  • Friends of Bromley Road: The team send their thanks to everyone who helped during last month’s Disco.

A collection for Demelza and Rainbow Trust will be held on Wednesday at the start/end of the day, as well as at the end of Millie’s funeral.

Please remember to ‘Phil the bag’ this weekend and bring it in on Tuesday morning.
Please do try and attend meetings, or offer support and help in different ways, wherever possible. As part of the preparations for the Christmas Fair, please bring washed milk cartons/containers and lids, so we can build an igloo for Father Christmas!

  • Christmas Arrangements:
    This year, as we have different age-groups of children we are changing some of our arrangements. Please make sure you note these in your diaries:
  • Year 1 and Year 3 children’s performance: Wednesday 10th December – 1.45pm
  • Reception and Y2 children’s performance: Thursday 11th December – 1.45pm

Please make sure you attend on the right day for your child’s class/year group.

BromleyRoadSchool Diary 10-14.11.14
Mon 10th Nov /
  • Flute lessons start
/ Thu 13th Nov /
  • Cello lessons
  • Staff Meeting
  • 3.15-4.15pm Art Club
  • 3.15-4.15pm Streetdance Club
  • 3.30-4.30pm Tennis Club @ Bromley Cricket Club

Tue 11th Nov /
  • Phil The Bag Day – please bring bags to school office.
  • Remembrance Day
  • 3.15-4.15pm Athletics Club
/ Fri 14th Nov /
  • Children In Need Fundraiser – bring a donation to come to school dressed as a superhero
  • Piano lessons
  • 3.15-4.15pm French Club
  • 3.15-4.15pm Drama Club

Wed 12th Nov /
  • Violin lessons
  • 1pm Millie’s Funeral at St George’sChurch.
  • 3.15-4.15pm Football Club