Bromley Common Cricket Club

Selection Policy Statement

1 / Bromley Common Cricket Club’s Selection Policy was approved by the Club Committee and will form the basis of the selection policy from the 2011 season onwards.
2 / The Selection Policy has been adopted to provide a framework within which the Selection Committee will operate to select the Senior Teams. The aims are to ensure that the best teams represent the Club at Senior Level, that younger players are given the opportunity to develop and to maximise The Club’s chances of success on the playing field.The policy recognises that the 1st X1 is the most important team within the Club and supports the mission statementthat the Club wishes to gain promotion to higher levels of cricket.
3 / The selection of teams will be undertaken by a new selection panel which will comprise the 4 Saturday Captains, the Sunday Development League Captain and 2 other senior members who will be appointed by the Committee.
4 / The Selection Meetings will take place at 19.30 on Tuesday evenings at the Grove, and all Captains will be expected to inform players of selection that evening following the meeting.
5 / The policy is designed to ensure that the best teams the Club can field will represent the Club on Saturdays, and the Sunday Development Team is picked with a view to enhancing the development of players.
6. / This does not necessarily mean the 1stX1 will comprise the best 11 players as the Selection Panel is looking to pick the best team and the balance of the sideand other factors such as Team Spirit will be taken into consideration.
7 / No player will be able to dictate to the Selection Panel which team he will represent. In the event that a player refuses to play in a particular team, whether from being dropped or for any other reason then he will be unavailable for selection to a higher level until he has played in that team.
8 / No Captain will be able to use a “protectionist policy” in picking his side and his duty is to ensure that players have opportunities to represent the Club at higher levels.
9. / Players may be excluded from selectionat he discretion of the Selection panel for any of the following reasons :-
a. The Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Kent League has been applied
b. Annual subs have not been paid by 31st May in any season.
c. Match fees were not paid the previous Saturday or remain outstanding from earlier games
d. 1st X1 only – Non attendance at the Senior Training Session on Tuesday evenings without good reason conveyed to your Captain before the start of the selection meeting.
10 / In the event that a player is picked to a higher level side then it is the duty of the Captain to ensure that player performs in that role in the higher side i.e. if the player is a top order batsmen he will play in that role as far as possible. For example if an Opening batsman from the 2ndX1 is picked to play in the 1st X1 then he will not have to play as an opener, if both regular 1st X1 openers are playing but he will have to bat in the top 4 unless tactics and the status of the match dictates otherwise. This will assist with the balance of sides.
11 / It is the duty of the Captains to ensure that junior players where selected in the senior sides have an appropriate opportunity to develop their skills. This is particularly true of the 3rd and 4th X1 where winning matches is not the absolute priority. This will aid player development and retention.
12 / Fitness to Play-Cricket is a team game and players are expected to turn up in a physical condition which is appropriate to ensure they are not letting themselves, their team-mates and the Club down. In the event that a player does turn up to play in an inappropriate condition then the Team will be expected to take the field with 10 players. That player will be ineligible for selection for 3 games at first offence, and for the remainder of the season at second offence. The second offence will be for a minimum of 6 games and will be carried over into the following season if required.
13. / Team Spirit is the back bone of successful teams and it is expected that players will socialise with their team mates and the opposition after matches.