Brockholes Reserve Preston PR5 0AG
(Junction 32 M6/M55)
Present: / Tim BagotAlan Bowen
Sean Buckley
Vic Cottam
Ruth Cuthbert
Sally Ferguson
Philip Harper
Val Hughes
Paul Hutchence
Riz Iqbal / Michael Jackson
Phil Jones
Simon Kay
Thomas Mackley
Mike Ryan
Ian Shaw
Jennifer Smith
Joy Groome - minutes
1 / Welcome
VC opens the meeting and welcomes all. / ACTIONS
2 / Apologies for Absence were received from
Mike Broadhurst, Teresa Broadhurst,Jane Quinn, Neil Pearson, Nadya Booth, Sarah Bentley
3 / Declaration of interests
PH asks the committee to complete and submit the declaration of interest form previously circulated and return it to him as soon as possible. / All members to complete and return their declaration of interest form to PH ASAP
4 / Approve the Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting in September 2017 were approved - Proposed by SK and seconded by MR.
5 / Matters arising from previous meeting
VC thanks SK for chairing the previous meeting in his absence.
SK asks about the Diabetic Service currently managed by EMIS. VC advised that due to the TUPE commitment having huge implications on any potential bidder for this contract, the service may cease to exist. After further discussion and the confirmation that optometrists were very keen for this service to continue VC stated that without the TUPE commitment PEL would certainly be interested in this contract - ongoing. See Chairs report for further details.
6 / Chairman’s report
VC presented his report and discussed the latest developments in the patch.
7 / Treasurers Report
IS was asked how Cumbria joining the group (approximately 40 practices) had affected the contributions. IS to report back when he has studied the impact. IS asked all members to supply email addresses for attendance payments and to finalise the accounts ready for hand over to MB at the AGM. IS asks approval for £400 voluntary levy to be sent to the Central Fund – all agreed.
5.1 / Balance – Submitted and discussed
8. / Secretary’s report
a)LOC website – PH advised that the platform for the new website had been obtained shortly before Christmas and a ‘ghost’ website was now being constructed before final launch/sign off. PH asks for any subjects that people thought relevant to the site and suggestions included – list of ophthalmologists, link to benevolent fund, pathways for different schemes, employment opportunities. All agreed that it would be good to have a secure area which could only be accessed by the committee for the purposes of any financial/sensitive data which should not be in the general domain.
b)Glaucoma Training Event RPH –The new glaucoma lead at RPH, Indra Magdula would like to put on a training event via Allergan. She would prefer someone working in the hospital rather than in the community.
c)Electronic GOS claims and form redesign –The new NHS payment system was discussed (GOS e-claims). It was advised that paper claims could still be used and sent to Capita and the new system was virtually the same. New GOS1 and 2 forms were going to be introduced.
d)Fleetwood Medical Group liaison meeting – Dr Mark Spence was setting up a “Primary Care Home” and optometry had been invited to attend. PH had agreed to go to these meetings as he has worked with Dr Spence on a previous North Lancashire PCT committee and would try and promote the services which optometrists can offer the community.
e)AGM & Peer Review Meeting – PH advised that the AGM would take place on 28th March and there would be a presentation by Richard Edwards on GOC Standards of Conduct. There would be 70 spaces available and people would be asked to confirm attendance in advance as numbers needed to be certain in order for room set up/food etc. PH said he may organise a separate event for South Cumbria if there was enough interest.
VC explained that at the AGM 1/3 of the committee would have to stand down and re apply (rolling committee).After a discussion around the process it was agreed by all that VC/PH would choose the members to stand down/re apply this year and advise them accordingly. VC noted that the performer/contractor balance must be observed. PH stated that the LOC should probably have no more than 22 members and indeed LOCSU (via Dharmesh)had initially recommended a maximum of 16. However, it was pointed out that due to the large geographical areas covered if we felt that an extra member wasneeded, and if the LOC could afford it, there should be no objection in allowing another member if necessary.
9 / PEL report (Tom Mackley)
TM presented his report to the committee stating that whilst PEL was still operating at the moment at the end of January it would become merged as advised.
Several local schemes were discussed, and queries were raised around pathways in particular to Community Health & Eyecare. VC asked that all issues should be sent to him to raise at an upcoming meeting with Imran Rahman shortly. MR pointed out that the problem lay mainly with RPH and not CHEC.
TM highlighted the difficulty of integrating IT systems and MJ emphasised the fact that Optomanager does not talk to Lorenzo. / All members asked to send any queries around CHEC pathways to VC for discussion with Imran Rahman.
8 / Optometric Advisor Report Ruth Cuthbert
RC advises all once again that she is shortly to step down from the LEHN and encouraged involvement with the LEHN stating that they were very supportive towards eye health, pharmacy and dental services. Anyone interested in the post should contact Ruth in person. / .
9 / Any Other Business
TM asks how Garstang practices would be paid for the OSGAR scheme – another cross-border issue. RC stated that she thought Garstang would be adopted by Fylde & Wyre. VC to ask the question.
The OSGAR scheme is further discussed with VC advising that the CCG are now insisting on a WOPEC practical exam using Goldmann. The cost of this was debated with VC advising that the CCG are unwilling to contribute to the cost of the exams. VC would talk to CD to discuss further. It was felt that the scheme may fold anyway. PH stated if it was commissioned by the CCG and no 3rd party was involved, the LOC would be willing to help – The committee agreed - Sean B offered his premises for the purposes of training.
Meeting closed / VC to ascertain who is responsible for Garstang practice payments re OSGAR
9 / Dates of Future Meetings
28-03-17 AGM
Signed: / Date:
Vic Cottam Chair
C:\Users\Mike\Documents\BUSINESS\ARCHIVE FROM APR 07\LOC\Meetings\Quarterly\Minutes\2018\2018 17th January NWLLOC minutes TO BE APPROVED AND SIGNED.doc / Page 1 of 4