Brittany O’Neal, Grace Ballard, Natalie Howard, Larryme Everett, Chelsea McCarty

President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) / Answer/Specific examples / Impact
A) What were the major domestic affairs that occurred during his
Presidency? / “Happy Days”
McCarthyism / Booming economy, TV, 2nd car, drive-in movies, malt shops
blamed that he had friends who were communist
B) What were the foreign affairs that the president had to address? / Cold War / tension with USSR
C) Were there any changes to the constitution that shows it was a “living
document” during this presidency? / Desegregation of schools / had to enforce the laws
D) Were federal powers expanded under this presidency? / restricted it / less federal power, gave state gov. more power
E) Were individual liberties limited during this presidency and why? / A.A. rights / Eisenhower did not want to fight them
F) Were there any changes with women, immigrants and labor during this
presidency? / Operation Wetback / deported illegal Mexican immigrants
G) Were private property rights changed? Pollution management? Conservation? / Protected private property. New Frontier / better environment
H) How did this president address social policies and poverty? / managed a stable economy / Unemployment was low, inflation was 2% or less, booming economy
I) Was this president involved in imperialism? Wars? Why? / Cold War / tension with USSR
j) Did this president get involved in wars overseas? Europe? Middle East?
Why? (cause/effect) / Cold War / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
k) Did this president get involved in civil rights? If so how? If not, why? / No / greatest failure was civil rights.
l) How was democracy expanded or limited during this presidency? / Limited federal power / Gave state government more power
m) Was there evidence of the political, economic, and social changes in
the United States that expanded democracy for other minority and immigrant groups during this presidency? / Economy boomed / more jobs
n) How were minorities and immigrants treated during this presidency? / Operation Wetback / deported illegal immigrants
o) How did this president embrace production/mechanization/industrialization? What impact did this have? / New jobs for factories / low unemployment rate
p) Describe the labor movement during this president. / Unemployment was low / lots of jobs
q) What push/pull effects were evident during this presidency? / Jobs, good economy
No immigrants or civil rights / Immigration
r) How did this president address monetary policy? Economics? Taxes?
Tariffs? / Maintained New Deal / Stabilized good economy
s) What policy did this president embrace for government spending? Inflation? / N/A / N/A
t) What cultural artifacts symbolized this presidency? / Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum / His legacy will live on and know his policies.
u) What impact did religion have on this presidency? / Presbyterian / Signs “In God We Trust” into law
v) Evaluate the role of the mass media during this presidency. / The first televised president / fireside charts
w) Describe cultural diversity during this presidency. / Immigrants / cultures from different countries