Minutes of the


held on Friday 12th May 2017

Royal College of Physicians, London

Mr Mike Fardy President, in the Chair

  1. Apologies

No apologies were received

2.Minutes of the AGM 24th April 2016

The minutes of the previous AGM were available prior to the meeting. They were accepted as a satisfactory record with no amendments.

3.Honorary Treasurer’s Report

Mr Cyrus Kerawala reported a gradual erosion of BAHNO funds.

Current situation: Running Account £42,973 Savings Account £35,358

However, with the increase in subscription fees for 2018 and the increased sponsorship for the AGM there should be a reverse trend with a gradual increase back to previous levels.

4.Honorary Conference Secretary Report

Prof Hisham Mehanna was pleased to report the following figures:

  • 340 delegates
  • 40 trade exhibitors (15 companies)

He was delighted with the increased participation and thanked Jill McFarland for her organization of the ‘biggest’ meeting to date. The Council intend to consider the organization and support of future AGMs.

5.Honorary Administrative Secretary’s Report

Mr Nick Roland reported on themembership status:

  • 511 listed members
  • 441 paid
  • 70 members in arrears
  • 259 lapsed members

He asked those present to encourage lapsed colleagues to renew and to inspire non member colleagues to join.

ACCEA - He reminded that BAHNO is a supporting body and that BAHNO supported several colleagues for the 2017 round.

6.Elections to Council

The Honorary Secretary, Nick Roland announced the result of the nominations and welcomed the new members to Council.

Honorary Conference SecretaryCeri Hughes

Pathology RepresentativeAdam Jones

Oncology RepresentativeChris Nutting – re-elected

Associate (Trainee) RepresentativeJason Fleming

Allied Health ProfessionalJoanne Patterson/Rachel Donnelly

Nick Roland thanked Mike Fardy for his exceptional dedication and hard work on behalf of BAHNO including HANA.

Ian Martin announced that Mrs Jill McFarland was demitting her post as Administrator and gave thanks for her dedication to BAHNO over the last 9 years. In particular, Council appreciated her hard work in the organization of the AGMs culminating in the biggest delegate/sponsors attendance to date.

7.President’s Valediction:

Mike Fardy also thanked Jill McFarland for her support to BAHNO.

He thanked BAHNO for the opportunity to be President and passed the Presidential chain to Hisham Mehanna following which he gave a short slide presentation.

8.Installation of President:

Hisham Mehanna thanked Mike Fardy for his introduction and for all his hard work over the preceding 12 years. He also thanked Jill McFarland, Nick Roland, Cyrus Kerawala and to his colleagues for their support. He also gave thanks to wife and family.

Lastly, he asked the members to consider and forward their ideas for the development and future pathway of BAHNO.

9.AOB: nil

10.Date of next meeting 25th May 2018, Royal College of Physicians.