Brill Elementary
PTO Volunteer Descriptions
Classroom Volunteers: Classroom volunteers enjoy this fun and rewarding job of working directly in the classroom with students and teachers. It may be as classroom reader – reading three or four books on a weekly or monthly rotation (teacher’s preference); or classroom assistant – cutting & making booklets, class art projects, etc. You may also be asked to serve as a computer assistant – helping students in their use of computers. Consider making a difference in your child’s classroom. Additionally, some Klein campuses are not as fortunate to have an active volunteer base like Brill. If you’re interested in lending a Helping Hand to another Klein school in need, your time would be greatly appreciated!
Community Outreach: This volunteer activity includes Dads and Donuts, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Holiday Toy Drive, Spring Food Drive & Brill’s Veterans’ Day Ceremony. What a wonderful way to extend Brill’s caring spirit to others in our community.
Special Programs: We are fortunate to be able to enrich Brill students with various programsthroughout the year. Camp Reach-A-Lot (CRAL) is a school-wide, daylong program that promotes education in many entertaining formats. Storytellers, performers, authors and educators share their talents and information with our students. It is a field trip brought to the entire school! On an as-needed basis, our
Artteacher may need volunteers to assist students with various art projects. Our Music teachers will need assistance with the Holiday Musical (set design, costumes, etc.). They’ll also need help during off-campus choir performances and the Music Mystery Bee which
takes place in the spring.
Fundraising: PTO programs/events cannot exist without funds to support them. Recently, we’ve funded updates for Brill’s Music Department, built a new playground, enhanced the Science Lab and provided additional instructional materials to our teachers. All hands on deck! Remember, proceeds are donated back to Brill.
Library: Library volunteers assist in the library on a weekly or biweekly basis. Tasks include re-shelving books, assisting students and checking inventory. The volunteers can be scheduled with their child’s class. This volunteer job is extremely flexible. The volunteer chooses the days, times, etc. that work best for his/her schedule.
Fabulous Feasting Fridays: Brill parents host Teacher Appreciation Luncheons at the end of each 9-week grading period. Your help is needed in preparing and serving food for these luncheons. A new theme is selected with each luncheon. This is just one way we can express our appreciation to the teachers at Brill.
Miscellaneous Events: There are many other volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. Vision & Hearing Screeningrequires several volunteers to assist our teachers and school nurse in facilitating this important school-wide event. Fall (individual) Pictures and Spring (class) Pictures can always use additional support, too. This is a great way to ensure your child smiles for the camera!
Field Days - Every Spring Brill’s PE Department organizes a field day for each grade level. Students are able to have a day filled with various types of outdoor games. Kindergartener’s Field Day is typically only a half day. Field Day for our 1st – 5thgraders is typically a full day. If you enjoy the outdoors and a little friendly competition, then this volunteer opportunity is for you!
Science: Science volunteers help set up the lab for students prior to the teachers conducting the lessons and experiments. Grade Level Science Coordinators will help to organize and maintain the science lab. No instruction of science curriculum will be done by volunteers.
Please know that these opportunities are available for Moms, Dads, and Grandparents – and even if you are employed outside of your home there may be events that exist that do not take up much time – just try it once and you’ll be hooked! Remember, if we don’t have volunteers, some of these events may not happen!
** Please review the other side of this page and complete the 2 Hour Pledge;
volunteer to assist in as many areas that interest you.**