General Psychology (online)
Summer Quarter 2013
Course Dates: Monday, June 24th - Sunday, August 18th
Credits: 5 Credits
Instructor: Kali Kuwada, Psy.D., LMHC
Contact: Email: or through ANGEL
I will respond to messages within 24 hours (weekends & holidays excluded). ______
Required Text: Myers, D. G. (2012). Psychology in Everyday Life (2nd edition). New York: Worth.
Text Resource: Psychology in Everyday Life Textbook Companion site:
Course Description
General Psychology provides an overview of human behavior that is influenced by a multitude of contextual factors. These factors will be explored within the larger frameworks of physical and emotional development, learning and memory, and perception and motivation (just to name a few!). Related topics may include states of consciousness, intelligence, motivation, stress and health, cross-cultural psychology, and applied psychology.
Course Purpose & Goals
1) The purpose of this course is to provide students with a dynamic understanding of human behavior in the context of psychological theory, research and practice.
2) Specific goals for this course are as follows:
· Recognize, compare and contrast the different theoretical perspectives in the field of psychology.
· Define, elaborate upon and exemplify psychological concepts.
· Demonstrate critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating others’ and one’s own view thinking on complex psychological issues under discussion.
· Demonstrate information literacy skills by seeking out high-quality online information relevant to psychological issues under discussion.
· Greater sensitivity to diversity by considering different points of view on controversial issues.
Method of Instruction
This online course will use a variety of instructional methods including readings from the textbook, online activities and discussions. My intention is to minimize busy work by assigning tasks that are concise, relevant and meaningful. Make sure to read all the instructions each week to be clear about what you need to do. The general weekly structure is as follows:
· Read the textbook: Each week you are assigned a chapter(s) from the textbook, which should be your first task for the week. We will not cover the entire textbook, so make sure you are reading the correct chapter each week.
· Review the lecture material: In addition to each week’s reading, some of the chapter material is covered in a PowerPoint presentation, chapter overview handout and video (if applicable). I recommend reviewing the material and getting your reading done no later than Wednesday of each week so that you may focus on discussion assignments and studying for your tests later in the week.
· Participate in the discussion: Discussion with your classmates is an important part of this course and is worth 40% of your grade (more details below).
· Take the test: There are a total of 8 multiple-choice tests offered this quarter (one test is administered per week). These activities total 60% of your grade (details below).
Each week’s chapter discussion board and test will be available 12AM on Monday until 11:59PM on Sunday of that week.
This means that you have the flexibility to complete your assigned tasks at any point during that week. If an assignment or test is not submitted before the deadline, a score of 0 will be entered into the grade book. Therefore, a ‘broken computer’, ‘power outage’ or ‘lost internet connection’ is not an acceptable excuse for missing an assignment or test. Plan ahead and take some time to think about a backup plan in case technical glitches arise.
Weekly Tasks & Extra Credit
Weekly Chapter Tests
There will be a total of 8 weekly chapter tests administered this quarter. These tests are open book, timed and will include only multiple-choice questions. You can earn a total of 60 points from these tests. The points per test vary depending on the difficulty of content and amount of material covered each week (ranging from 5-10 total points). You can earn a total of 60 points from these tests. The test questions will be randomly drawn from some of the key concepts in the chapter(s), thus each test will be unique for each student. You will have between 30-60 minutes to complete each weekly test (the more test questions you have, the more time you have on the test). Although not all key terms will be tested, you will need to know all the key terms from each chapter.
· These tests are non-cumulative.
· Your test will be automatically submitted once the time runs out.
· These tests will account for up to 60% of your grade.
· Each week’s chapter test will be available 12AM on Monday until 11:59PM on Sunday
· Since you have a full week to take the test, make-up tests are not offered.
Weekly Discussion Forum Posts
Throughout the quarter you be required to participate in weekly discussion posts. A total of 8 post assignments will be graded, worth 5 points each. You can earn a total of 40 points from these post assignments.
· Discussion forum posts account for 40% of your final grade.
· Each week’s discussion forum will be available 12AM on Monday until 11:59PM on Sunday
· Since you have a full week to post your responses, late posts will not be accepted.
Discussion posts are to be written in a scholarly manner (I expect college-level writing). Most weekly post activities total about a page of writing (they are meant to be thoughtful yet succinct). These posts allow you to expand upon course concepts and further explore related areas of interest. Have fun with these…I really do want to know what you think!
Discussion Board “Netiquette”
Students are expected to be civil and respectful towards one another in the discussion forums. Use of profanity (i.e., words that show disrespect or debasement of a person) may result in suspension of participation in the forums and a loss of points towards that course grade. In addition, the discussion forums are not chat rooms. They are mediums for students to discuss specific psychological questions and concepts. Also, it is expected that students will express their thoughts in carefully-crafted and carefully-proofread sentences written in a scholarly style.
Extra Credit
During Week 1 you have the option to do an Introduction Post and take a Syllabus test. I encourage you to do these tasks as they will help you get to know your classmates and help you understand the format for online test-taking for this course. The Introduction Post and Syllabus Test will total 5 extra credit points toward your final grade.
If you choose not do to the extra credit, you will not be penalized. Since you have the flexibility to submit each week’s assignment at any point during the week and you can earn up to 5 extra credits points for this class, make-up work will not be accepted (with the exception of an emergency, in which I will require documentation).
Course Format
The content on the ANGEL website is organized in a number of pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the tabs at the top of the screen. The name of each tab along with a brief description of its contents is presented below:
· Course: This page serves as the home page and displays course announcements that I have posted. The student is responsible for reading all announcements posted, which may contain important information about assignments and the course schedule.
· Calendar: This page displays due dates for the weekly discussion board and tests.
· Weekly Assignments: This page contains instructions on all the activities that you are required to complete. The content is organized in folders titled “Week 1”, “Week 2”, etc.
· Grades: On this page, students can keep track of their progress in the course.
Communication with the Instructor
Please send messages to me from within Angel or at . This class is designed to encourage ongoing dialogue between student and teacher and amongst students as well. I expect that you will have many questions and comments along the way. One benefit of an online class is that interactions can be enriched if you make full use of the online tools provided to consult with one another. Communication is built into the class and I will attempt reply to any email messages within 24 hours (weekends and holidays not included). Free to ask any and all questions about assignments and text readings throughout the quarter.
If you are having trouble with any of the technical aspects of Angel, please contact NSCC’s Distance Learning office: (206) 934.3738. They have temporarily moved down to an office space near the cafeteria (CC 1453A). Additionally, you may find answers to your questions via the Distance Learning website: and/or NSCC’s Angel support website:
Textbook Internet Resource
There is a website provided by the textbook publisher that has activities and other content designed to enhance the student’s learning experience. The website can be found at:
Weekly Course Schedule
Dates / Topic / Post & Tests Due by 11:59pmWeek 1: 6/24- 6/30 / Syllabus Review & Your Introduction (Extra credit)
Chapter 1: What is Psychology? / 6/30
Week 2: 7/1 – 7/7 / Chapter 2: Neuroscience & Consciousness / 7/7
Week 3: 7/8 – 7/14 / Chapter 8: Thinking, Language & Intelligence / 7/14
Week 4: 7/15 – 7/21 / Chapter 4: Gender & Sexuality / 7/21
Week 5: 7/22 – 7/28 / Chapter 9: Motivation & Emotion
Chapter 10: Stress & Health / 7/28
Week 6: 7/29 – 8/4 / Chapter 11: Personality / 8/4
Week 7: 8/5 – 8/11 / Chapter 12: Disorders
Chapter 13: Therapy / 8/1
Week 8: 8/12 – 8/18 / Chapter 14: Social Psychology / 8/18
Course Policies
Academic Problems: It is important to me that you succeed in this class. If you have questions or concerns about the subject matter or your performance, please contact me as soon as possible. Do not wait until the end of the quarter to talk with me about academic difficulties. Additionally, there are resources on campus that may be helpful to you.
· Tutoring:
· Counseling:
Student Conduct/Academic Integrity: Cases of cheating, plagiarism or other types of academic dishonesty are unacceptable in this course. This includes: (1) submitting a quiz, exam or assignment that another person completed; (2) completing a quiz exam or assignment for another student; (3) copying phrases or sentences from a book, article or Internet source into an assignment without providing a citation; and (4) copying from someone else’s work. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to the College’s Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary processes.
Discrimination: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any
participant in an educational program. Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and
student-to-student sexual harassment. Seattle Central’s policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the College but to students as well. Please contact the Seattle Central Counseling Office for any questions or concerns at 206-587-4183.
ADA Accommodations: If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course
successfully, please contact Disability Services, located in CC 2346A (Northwest section of the East
wing of the College Center, 2nd floor) phone: (206) 934-3697 voice, (206) 934-0079 modem (TTY).
Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented
disabilities. Services are coordinated through the Disability Services office with the student and
Grading Information
The discussion board posts are worth 50% of your grade and the tests worth 50% of your grade, totaling 100%. The total number of points you earn will be converted to a percentage of the total points possible. Your final grade will be assigned in accordance the decimal grading scale as shown below.
Points = % / Decimal Grade / Points = % / Decimal Grade96-100% (A) / 4.0 / 78 (C+) / 2.3
94-95 (A) / 3.9 / 77 (C+) / 2.2
93 (A-) / 3.8 / 75-76 (C) / 2.1
92 (A-) / 3.7 / 73-74 (C) / 2.0
91 (A-) / 3.6 / 71-72 (C) / 1.9
90 (A-) / 3.5 / 69 -70 (C-) / 1.8
89 (B+) / 3.4 / 68 (C-) / 1.7
88 (B+) / 3.3 / 67 (C-) / 1.6
87 (B+) / 3.2 / 66 (C-) / 1.5
86 (B) / 3.1 / 65 (D+) / 1.4
85 (B) / 3.0 / 64 (D+) / 1.3
84 (B) / 2.9 / 63 (D+) / 1.2
83 (B-) / 2.8 / 62 (D) / 1.1
82 (B-) / 2.7 / 61 (D) / 1.0
81 (B-) / 2.6 / 60 (D) / 0.9
80 (B-) / 2.5 / 59 (D-) / 0.8
79 (C+) / 2.4 / 58 (D-) / 0.7