Quality management & evaluation
deliverable No 11


© Copyright 2013 Bridging The Gap consortium

This document may not be copied, reproduced, or modified in whole or in part for any purpose without written permission from the Bridging The Gap Consortium. In addition an acknowledgement of the authors of the document and all applicable portions of the copyright notice must be clearly referenced.

All rights reserved.

This document may change without notice.

The Bridging The Gap Consortium:

Bridging To The Future (United Kingdom)
Business Development Friesland (The Netherlands)
Academy of Entrepreneurship (Greece)
Business Incubator GotseDelchev (Bulgaria)

Merseyside Expanding Horizons (United Kingdom)
Everis (Spain)

Co-financed by:

The project Export Expert has been funded with support from the European Commission. This report reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


1. Monitoring and Evaluation strategy

ANNEX 1: Evaluation of Transnational Meeting

ANNEX 2: Quality Plan:

1.Monitoring and Evaluationstrategy

Internal Evaluation

  • Everis will lead on the review of partners’ perceptions and opinions of the effectiveness of the Partnership’s cycle of transnational meetings.

The WP5 includes a satisfaction’s questionnaire in order to evaluate a series of statements related to the TNM’s main aspects. The aim is to collect information on additional issues which could add value to the next TNM. In particular we will evaluate:

  1. Participants’ satisfaction with the arrived/left to the city and accommodation.
  2. Participants’ satisfaction with the workshop.
  3. Participants’ satisfaction with the partners.
  4. Level of satisfaction with the scope of the workshop.
  5. Level of satisfaction with the additional events
  6. Global Satisfaction with the TNM organization

Once the TNM will be finished, Everis will send by e-mail the questionnaire to all the partners. Each partner should fill it, and should also send it back. All questionnaires will be analyzed by Everis. The results will be distributed to the Consortium.

The satisfaction questionnaire is showed in Annex 1.

  • Internal evaluation will ensure the partnership is on track, and that the final product will be produced to a high quality and to meet the intended needs. Therefore all the regular activities of the project will be periodically collected through an internal report. The main aspects to be asses will be:
  1. Activities developed in a concrete period of time.
  2. Activities planned for the next period of time
  3. Risks detected

WP leaders will be responsible for answering the questions collection. The reports will be completed periodically by the WP leaders, the evaluators will analyze the answersgive feedback, suggestions etc. and might ask further questions.

This review will be the base of the Interim report.

The internal evaluations’ results will be showed in an INTERIM EVALUATION REPORT

Everis will send an INTERIM EVALUATION REPORT as follows: M3, M7, M11, M15, M20 y M24, in line with the task, deliverables and milestones related to the BTG’sHandBook.

External Evaluation

  • An external audit will lead on the external evaluation of the Project in line with the Evaluation Framework developed in the Project’s Handbook.

This evaluation will include:

  • To monitor and evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the website and the impact of The Bridge Model Europe Courses and Products.
  • To evaluate the dissemination and exploitation activities within the valorisation plan and to evaluate the overall impact of the Strive to succeed project (see valorisation below – work package 6)

In particular this evaluation will include:

1. Summative evaluation of final products by end users (business incubators and VET trainers) and end learners. This will assess their suitability, adaptability, qualityImpact on future use.

2. Formative evaluation of the project, partnership and management through an on-going process-orientated evaluation.Product quality will be evaluated by the IncubatorsVET trainers who test them. Evaluation will focus on

1.Relevance-confirming that identified needsissues were addressed;

2.Efficiency-tracking how well inputs have become activities, in terms of quantity, quality, time, costs and transnational work;

3.Effectiveness of the partnership in working togetherachieving objectives;


1)Contribution to sector/ national objectiveswider policy.

2)How innovative nature of transfer and Bridge Model have added value sectoraly,nationalytransnationally.

3)On existing practice and methodologies/systems/strategies of enterprise skills development in business incubators&VET training.

5.Sustainability-assessing how the products can/will be used once BTG has finished.

Regular reviews will create a shared comprehension of quality,key issues/concernsof actions that need to be taken.

Partners responsible for evaluation will develop questions for each WP in regards to its aimsobjectives.

At the end of the Project, everis will develop the “End of Project Evaluation Report”. This report will involve all the interim reports, and also the external evaluation throughout the project.

ANNEX 1: Evaluation of Transnational Meeting

Evaluation of Transnational Meeting x


Date, Location, Country

Below you will read a series of statements related to the TNM’s main aspects.

Please mark (x) the option that best reflects your opinion.

Use the scale of 1 to 5 where 1 indicates that you are neither satisfied, 5 indicates that you are definitely satisfied with the statement.

With the analysis of this survey we pretend to work the on-going improvement of the meetings.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Somecomments (optional)
1. Participants’ satisfaction with the arrived/left to the city and accommodation
The shuttle to the workshop
2. Participants’ satisfaction with the workshop
Pre-organization to the workshop
Organizational efficacy during the TNM
Time forthe workshop
Workshop’s material
Entrepreneurs’ experiences
3. Participants’ satisfaction with the partners
Theattitude and empathy
The ability to answer questions
The international image they project
4. Level of satisfaction with the scope of the workshop
In particular in this TNM
1.To establish with all partners what the bridge model is
2.To clearly establish the aim of this transfer of innovation
3.To make clear to each partner what their delivery and actions responsibilities are in this project
4.To ensure that all partners understand the project management approach that we will use
5.To ensure that all partners understand the financial framework and responsibilities for this project
6.To ensure that all partners understand the work packages and their roles within the work packages
7.To ensure that all partners understand their responsibilities for communication with the leader (BTF) and all other partners
8.To create a positive and creative environment for the partners to work in
9.To establish a clear end goal which we all shall aim at
10.To be constructive and supportive of each other so as to produce a top quality project.
5. Level of satisfaction with the additional events
Activities delivered in the spare time
6. Global Satisfaction with the TNM organization
Please name three issues that have been covered in the TNM better that you expected
Please name three issues that should be covered better in the next TNM
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. / 1

ANNEX 2: Quality Plan:

Subject / Partner / Deadline
Quality Assurance Process
Document Management System / All Partners / On Demand
Transnational Meetings / All Partners / M1,M7,M15,M24
Minutes at the end of all TN meetings / The Leader of the Consortium / M1,M7,M15,M24
Skype Meetingbetween all partners / All Partners / M3, M6, M9, M12, M15, M18, M21.
Quality audits / Everis / M7, M11, M15, M20, M24.
Monitoring and Evaluation strategy
Internal Evaluation: interim evaluation report / Everis / M3, M7, M11, M15, M20 y M24
External Evaluation / External / M24
End of Project Evaluation Report / Everis / M24
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. / 1

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. / 1