Bret Harte Community Club

January 20, 2015


I.  Call to Order

A.  The meeting was called to order 9:37AM. The meeting was attended by Sandi Geringer, Lisa Thompkins, Joanne Tsudama, Peggy Koskie, Tina Lien, Elise Newton, Holly Case, Flor Gider, and Jill Taylor.

II.  Approval of December 16, 2014 Minutes

A.  We were unable to approve the December minutes because there were not enough board members present.

III.  Principal’s Report

A.  College prep for 7th and 8th graders planning for a four-year college to happen in March and April.

B.  Honors Academic Assemblies - Planning is going on about how many people/chairs can fit in the cafeteria. Should parents attend? What can be served that is special and district approved?

C.  5th and 8th graders should have received transitional papers.

D.  There will be three assemblies for Leadership. 6th grade Tuesday Jan 27, 7th grade Wednesday Jan 28, and 8th grade Thursday Jan 29.

E.  This Wednesday January 21, a child psychologist will be talking to parents about the transition to middle school, brain development, support, and the power struggle.

F.  Next Bronco night is Friday January 30 and it is a Disney theme.

G.  Computer testing is happening online for the second year. It is the first year the results will count. Results won’t come out until next Fall.

IV.  Treasurer’s Report

A.  Our donation drive is 86% on target.

B.  Total expenses are $40,611, which is 61% of our income.

C.  SNAC net income $8924.

V.  President’s Report

A.  The next BHCC meeting is moved to the fourth Tuesday, February 24, due to winter break.

B.  The nurse needs Kleenex and maxipads. The principal’s budget is providing the Kleenex. Sandi requests that the maxipads be purchased through RFF.

C.  Elise Newton motions to spend $25 on maxipads from RFF, Lisa Thompkins seconded the motion and it was approved.

D.  Thank you note from Dolores was read. Karen Gould became a grandmother and her brother died, BHCC will send a card. Darrel Griffin had a baby girl, BHCC will give a gift to baby Evelyn.

VI.  Committee Updates

A.  RFF -

1.  Kim has purchased 7 of the 35 memory cards, which is all that was available at the stipulated price. She will continue to search and purchase as they become available.

2.  The price of the camera has gone up so different options are being looked at. A check out system for the camera has been suggested so students can be held responsible.

3.  Two small adapters were purchased for the PA system.

4.  TV’s are not installed. We are waiting for a work order from the district.

5.  It is not clear at this time if the Kiln has been repaired.

B.  Bronco Night – Next Bronco Night is on Friday, Jan 30. Volunteers are signing up. There will be a list at both doors to get kids in quicker.

C.  Communications and Publicity – Brooke is working, send anything in by the end of the week.

D.  Staff Appreciation – The next one will be on Feb 6. Erik’s Deli is being brought in.

E.  Emergency Preparedness – Joanne is looking into purchasing granola bars. A concern was raised about nut allergies and it was suggested we look into applesauce packets or fruit leather. Joanne will look into the cost of applesauce packets and/or fruit leather for 1302 students. It was suggested we buy for staff as well which is 75 more.

F.  Everyday Heroes - Everything is going well. There was a table in the quad last Tuesday and Beth Orth volunteered to help.

G.  Library Volunteer- The library is in the midst of textbook inventory. If anyone (fingerprint clear of course) would like to volunteer, they can email Linda. The process is easy.

H.  8th grade promotion – A notice to the parents is being prepared. The dance is on May 29, and the tickets are $25. This is an increase of $10 to help cover expenses. The $25 will include the chairs at the promotion.

Peggy Koskie motioned to adjourn the meeting Flor Gider seconded and the meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m.

Submitted by Jill Taylor