Thank you for your interest in sharing your details with other cultural and sports organisations and children, young people and families in Leeds via membership of Breeze Culture Network,

Our aim is that Breeze Culture Network lists everyone providing positive activities for children and young people across Leeds, including sports/arts organisations and individuals, voluntary and community groups, Leeds City Council departments, schools and colleges.

We want every child in Leeds (and their family) to be able to access information about the huge range of opportunities and experience open to them across the City in one place, as part of our commitment to Leeds being a Child Friendly City.

You too can join our huge and growing network (currently over 3,000 organisations and individuals) with one thing in common – providing positive and high quality activities for children and young people and:

·  publish your open events and activities directly onto the calendar to be shared with thousands of young people (and their families) across the city

·  promote them further on and the Breeze Facebook page

·  access information on funding, training, partnerships and wider activities that could benefit you, your sports club/organisation, your members and your community

·  promote your activities, recruit volunteers, share your news with the network

Please note information provided on the form below will be checked and verified with the appropriate governing body before your account is activated on Breeze Culture Network. This is part of our ongoing commitment to quality of provision and safeguarding.

For more information, support and advice on using Breeze Culture Network please contact:

Sarah Howells –

Name of Organisation, Club or Independent Coach:
Sports / Activity Provided:
Contact details:
Your Name:
Your Position within the Club/Organisation (if applicable)
Mobile Phone:
Contact e-mail:
About you/your organisation:
Are you/the club/organisation affiliated to a National/Governing Body? / YES / NO
If ‘Yes’, please tell us the name of your National/Governing Body
National ID Number
and/or Affiliation Number
Do you have a recognised quality assurance Sports Mark from either Sport England or your Governing Body? / YES / NO
Name of Sports Mark
Does the mark have an expiry date? / YES / NO
Please state the expiry date:
If ‘No’ - please explain why you do not have a quality assurance mark.
Quality of Provision
Do you have the following in place and implemented by your coaches/ instructors/ members?
These documents should be working documents and up to date with current guidelines if you do not have these in place you can download templates of these from the Sport England website. Or contact your governing body.
Codes of Conduct / YES / NO
If ‘Yes’ please attach to this document
If ‘No’ please explain why:
Equal Opportunities Policy / YES / NO
If ‘Yes’ please attach to this document
If ‘No’ please explain why:
Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy / YES / NO
If ‘Yes’ please attach to this document
If ‘No’ please explain why:
Child Welfare Officer (Named Person) / YES / NO
Please give their name here:
Public Liability Insurance / YES / NO
If ‘Yes’ please give: / Certificate Number: / Provider/Insurer:
Amount insured to:
About your staff/volunteers
Do adult coaches /instructors/staff working with children and young people have up to date enhanced CRB’s/DBS registration / YES / NO
If ‘No’ please explain why:
Do coaches /instructors/staff working with children and young people have the appropriate qualification to work with Children/ young People / YES / NO
Community Sports Clubs only
Numbers in each age group please
Current Club Membership / U4’s / 5-8 / 9-11 / 12-16 / 16+
What do you hope to achieve from being involved with the Culture Network (1,2,3) / Funding / Recruitment / Networking


Via email to and/or .