Minutes for the Meeting of the Loretto Abbey Catholic School Parent Council: FINAL
Date: Monday, September 21st, 2015.
Attendance: Quorum: Yes*
Lynn Lancefield* (Chair) / Coreen Chisholm*(Member)Paola DeCiantis* (Vice-Chair) / Andy MacCulloch*(Member) Absent
Elizabeth Cerqueira* (Secretary) / Patrick Belton*(Member)
Mary Giannantonio* (Treasurer) / Fulvia Manarin* (Member)
Sister Sheila* (Parish Designate) Absent / Richard Dong*(Member)
Anita Bartolini (Principal) / Maureen Leon
Anyta Kyriakou (VP) / Paul Dodd
Josie Pannozzo (VP) / Margaret O’Rourke
Howard Cappadocia* (Teacher Rep) Absent / Lori Jepson
Pina Strafella / Karen Hughes
Miriam Jeganathan / Gabriela Moya
Alessandro Madrid / Davinder Valeri
Tina Campione / Jenny Hay (Popadich)
Ellen Lowden / Miline Foster
Kathleen Murphy / Monica Testa-Zanin
Lori Clements
Agenda / Discussion / Action
Call to order and Opening Prayer / Chair Lynn Lancefield openedmeeting (8:09p.m.)
Opening prayer by Lynn for Sister Sheila(absent)
Welcome and Introductions / Skipped since were done as AGM
Regrets and Quorum / -Regrets - Andy MacCulloch
Approval of Agenda / Agenda was reviewed
-1st motion- Fulvia Manarin; 2nd motion- Coreen Chisholm / Approved
Approval of Minutes-May 25th, 2015 / The following change was made:
-in “Friends of Loretto” change ‘our school’ to ‘Junior Cafeteria’
-1st motion-Mary Giannantonio; 2nd motion-Fulvia Manarin / Approved
Chair’s Report – Lynn Lancefield / No report was given due to new Election; will present one at next meeting
Principal`s Report -
Anita Bartolini / The following report was given:
-Labour disruption update-OECTA has ratified the Provincial agreement(High School and Elementary); bargaining to commence at local School Board level to come to an agreement; Board will deal with more local issues not salaries; members of CUPE (Assistants) are on ‘Work to Rule’ presently
-other important news: Sports at Loretto- many tryouts taking place now; Sept 23rd-Curriculum night (Grade 9); Oct. 6th-Awards Night(Grades 10,11,12) @ Cardinal Carter; Oct. 12th-Thanksgiving; Restoration of Auditorium-painting still to be completed; ‘CSAC’ on email to be changed to ‘CSPC’
-notices/announcements will be sent by Principal through Connex(phone) messages and email
-Attendance @ Loretto-absence/late tracked via email and phone message / See handouts
Treasurer’s Report–
Mary Giannantonio / No report given at this meeting; deferred to next meeting on Oct. 26th
-next meetings’ focus will be budget items (not covered by Board)
-voting on budget items to take place at next meeting
Friends of Loretto-Maureen McGivney / -Chair (Maureen) gave overview of what F.O.L. is and does
-is a Registered Charitable Organization that helps raise funds for the needs of the school
-F.O.L. is made up of parents and alumni
-first meeting of the year – Sept. 24th @ 1pm in Large Library; all are welcome
L.A.M.P.O. – Miriam Jeganathan / -L.A.M.P.O. stands for ‘Loretto Abbey Music Parent Organization’
-responsible for raising funds for the Music/Arts Departments
-2 concerts are held yearly (Christmas and Spring) to achieve this; baked goods are sold
-request for parent volunteers and involvement; first meeting on Sept. 30th @ 7pm
Other Business / None
Adjournment / Closing prayer – Lynn Lancefield
Meeting adjourned:8:39p.m. Next meeting:October 26st, 2015 Submitted by: P. DeCiantis (Secretary)