Breathe- exhale on exertion (the hard, lifting phase)

Keep good posture- don’t swing or move other body parts

Lift slow and controlled (don’t drop or bang weights)

Up in 1-2 counts, down in 3-4

Go through the full Range of Motion (ROM)

Use spotters with free weights/barbells

Lifting Tips

Warm-up first, cool down after

Work large muscles first, then smaller muscles (Pecs before triceps)

Rest muscle group at least one day before working again

Work all major muscle groups (Core)- Multi joint exercise

Pecs, Shoulders, Lats, Abs ,Hips, Quads, Hamstrings

Assistance exercises (single joint) used to maintain balance or isolate a specific muscle group (bicep curl, tricep extension, heel raise)

Work Antagonist muscle groups (Bicep-Tricep/ Quad-Hamstring)

Strength Improvement- use higher weights, lower reps (5-8)

Hypertrophy (muscle size) reps 8-12

Muscular Endurance- use lighter weights, higher reps (12-20)

Methods of circuit exercise arrangement (to minimize muscle fatigue, save time)

Push-Pull: bench press (push), seated row (pull), (large before small)

Upper- lower alternating: good for total body work outs


Repetitions (reps)- The number of times an exercise is performed

Sets- a group of repetitions performed without rest. (usually 2-3)

Overload- impose more work or demands in order for improvement to take place.

Atrophy- a decrease in muscle size (you don’t use it you lose it)

Concentric contraction (flex/curl) muscle length shortens (lifting phase)

Eccentric contraction (extension) muscle lengthens. Lowering phase.

Methods used to overload: (FIT)

Frequency- increasing how often you exercise

Intensity- increasing the rate or level of exertion (lift more weight, run harder, faster, work in higher heart rate zone, increase incline, rpm’s…)

Time- increasing the duration or number of repetitions

Type- (specificity) selection of activity must relate to your goals/interests

Progression- gradually increase work loads to allow body time to adapt to increased demands. Go from easy to hard. Alter only one method at a time. (F.I.T.)

Components of Fitness and Good Health

1. Cardiovascular Endurance- the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles continuously over a long period of time.

Aerobic Exercise (oxygen used) is when you work within your target heart rate (swimming, biking, jogging, roller blade, rowing, x- country skiing…)

F= 3-5 times per week, I=60-85% of working heart rate T= 20-30min.

220- age= max H.R ______, x .% (60-85)=______working HR target zone

Karvonen formula (-) resting Hr from max, then multiply, then re-add the resting HR back in at the end.

2. Muscular Strength and Endurance F-2-3 days per week (every other day)

I. increase weight when you can complete 2 (or more) reps for 2 consecutive training sessions

T. see above for reps and sets for various goals

3. Flexibility- Ability of a joint to go through it’s full range of motion. (ROM)

F. 3-7 days/week, I. to point of stretch/tension- not pain, T.-15-30 sec.

4. Body composition: Lifestyle/healthy habits- eat healthy food, get enough sleep, relieve stress (not by eating), don’t smoke…

A diet isn’t something you “go” on. It’s changing your bad habits to good ones which will result in a lean body composition. (% of lean vs fat body weight)

Aerobic exercise for 20+ minutes will burn fat as energy source (low end of target zone)

Eat well balanced meals with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, limit fat

Choose to be active through the day (take the stairs instead of elevator…)

Input (caloric food intake) minus (-) output (exercise) = you

Remember that you can’t change your heredity (bone structure, body shape)

Parts of a work out

Warm-up- light aerobic exercise to get muscle temperature up (2-5 min)

Stretch- hold for 15-30 seconds, don’t bounce. (hinders power/explosiveness) or

Dynamic stretching- using exaggerated movements that mimic the activity

Main work out/exercise (20+ minutes)

Cool down- gradually slow down and stretch again after heart rate is down to 100.

Benefits of Exercise

The heart can work harder and longer without tiring as quickly. (working heart rate)

The heart becomes more efficient- able to supply more blood with fewer beats

Lower resting heart rate

Cholesterol build up in arteries can be reduced through exercise

Your heart can recover more quickly after exercise (recovery H.R.)

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Reduces stress

Improves sleep

Improves body composition- helps in weight loss and weight management