Breastfeeding Coalition of Calhoun CountyMeeting Minutes

Meeting Date: March 3, 2016, WIC, 2:00 p.m.

Present: Diana Buist,Michelle Datema, Stephanie DeRushia, Stephanie Freeman,Sue Gehrman, Erika Gothberg, Cheryl Hinds, Barbie Krzyzanski,Jennifer VanValkenburg.

Time / Agenda Item & Discussion Notes / Decisions/Next Steps
2:00 pm /
  1. Welcome & Introductions:

2:05 pm /
  1. Review of February 18,2016 Breastfeeding Minutes
  • Minutes approved

2:05 pm /
  1. Grant Related Activities & Updates
  2. Breastfeeding Club Update
  3. Sistah to Sistah African American Breastfeeding Club: No one attended first February meeting, although some confirmed. 2nd February meeting was cancelled.
  4. Black Mother Breastfeeding Association Potential Grant
  5. Grant was not approved, option to re-submit in fall. Academic research grant request. Very specific about outcomes and testing.
  6. Next steps: Get together in the fall, re-apply, allow for more time.
  7. Suggested promotional: Shopper, Advisor – What’s Happening; have Coalition booth at Juneteenth event at Claude Evans park.
  8. Suggested promotional ideas: event to raise awareness; Shopper ad potentially.
  9. Teen BF Club: 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Urban League. Format has been changed to a class format to learn about breastfeeding. Two teens and a dad attended the last meeting. NFP will print copies of the flyers and will distribute them to partners.
*Home Visiting Hub will distribute them to providers.
  1. Albion BF Club: February meeting, 3 attendees. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 8th.
  1. Michigan Breastfeeding Awareness Month Events - committees
  1. Calhoun County Big Latch On. Sign up on Born to Be Website: Include Name, phone, email, number of attendees.Up and running by first of June. Text and email blast reminding people of coming.
Planning committee: Barbie, Stephanie F. Erika, Cheryl
  1. Calhoun County Fair– HOLD UNTIL NEXT MONTH.
  2. Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace – HOLD UNTIL NEXT MONTH
  3. Breastfeeding Awareness Month Promotion
  4. You’re busted program: Website is ready to go. This program will be funded through a different funding source, not the grant. 50 $20 gift cards, $1,000 total.
*Group would like to update 3 year Plan to reflect activities specific to theCoalition and Community Partners grant. / Cheryl Hinds will work with Shopper to post dates for upcoming Club dates.
Stephanie Freeman will research cost of Shopper ad for consideration.
Stephanie F. will research potential for Coalition to have booth at Juneteenth event.
Stephanie F. will contact first ladies of local churches.
Erika to send RHA You’re Busted cards to print for the group.
3:05 pm /
  • Emerging items
  • Breastfeeding & Lead – All members received information on lead and breastfeeding from Michigan Breastfeeding Network.
/ T
3:05 pm /
  1. Other items
  2. Coffective – Community Effective, Community Breastfeeding initiative
  3. 10 agencies interested in participating in Coffective. Resources are needed to provide laminated counseling sheets for providers to share information about Coffective. Cost is $40 per set, need50 total. Funding need is $2,000.
  4. Coffective is a community-wide initiative to increase breastfeeding initiation rates.
  5. Staff to use laminated sheets with clients in office with app.
  6. There are 5 WIC agencies piloting Coffective; Calhoun, Washtenaw, St. Clair and others.
  7. Request the Coalition provide $2,000 in funding for the Laminated Counseling sheets.
  8. Michigan Breastfeeding Network is interested in supporting implementation of the Coffective in Calhoun County.
*Group is supportive in using Community Partners grant funding to fund this need.
  1. Group reviewed a sample book that supports Breastfeeding. Printed by Blue Manatee Press.
  2. Books are $2.00 each.
  3. Michigan Breastfeeding Forum, March 15th.Several members are attending this forum including WIC staff, Cindy Standish, NFP staff.
  4. Meeting calendar
*Group would like to meet the third Thursday of every month at 3:00. / RHA to create meeting calendar for the group.
3:30pm /
  1. Adjourn
/ Reminder:
March 24th at 3:00 at WIC.
