10th NOVEMBER 2015


Meeting started at 7.30pm

1. Apologies: Sue Gurney.

2. Attendees: Cornwall Trec, East Cornwall, Foxworthy Beacon, Holsworthy, Lyd Valley, Mid Devon, Newquay, Peninsula Dressage, Tavy Valley, Threewaters, West Devon, Jane Fisher, Caroline Wills, Lisa Davey, Rhian Roberts, Mel Wilton, Laura Sanger, Rachael Hollely.

3. Election of Area Officials:

Vice Chair – Lisa Davey, prop – Peninsula, sec – Holsworthy, unanimous.

Secretary – Rhian Roberts, prop – Holsworthy, sec – Threewaters, unanimous.

Treasurer – Sue Gurney, prop – Newquay, sec Tavy Valley, unanimous.

No other officials are due to be elected because of approved two year rotation.

4. Minutes of last Meeting:

Agreed as being a true record – prop Holsworthy, sec Threewaters, unanimous.

5. Matters Arising:


6. Treasurers report:

Unfortunately we made a small loss of £163.67 on the year, but our balance is still looking healthy with £3151.64 in the bank. It was confirmed that the annual BRC training grant was used to subsidise the dressage camp at Bicton.

Jane proposed with Mel seconding that the Area Liaison fee of £10 be waived for 2016, unanimously agreed.

7. Qualifiers 2015:

·  Winter Dressage @ Duchy – East Cornwall ran and did a good job, all happy.

·  Winter Novice SJ @ Duchy – Area team ran and did a good job. Clive built which everyone always enjoys. All agreed there was good communication and a friendly atmosphere.

·  Combined Training @ Colraine – Area team ran and it proved problematical with huge entries and adverse weather conditions, but eventually ran and broke even. Jane thanked all the junior teams and their managers for all their co-operation.

·  Summer Dressage @ St Leonards – Held over two days by the venue who did a good job, well done.

·  Summer Showjumping @ Chyverton – Area team ran and did a good job, well done.

·  Horse Trials @ St Leonards – Venue ran with area input and did a good job with great courses, well done.

·  FOH Challenge @ Chyverton – CTG ran and was excellent once again.

·  Intermediate Dressage @ Duchy – Area team to run this new competition. The Junior Novice indoor showjumping is to run on this day to increase revenue, which will make for quite a long day, but which will enable greater participation at the Senior Novice indoor showjumping. There has also been some confusion on eligibility for this competition.

Thank you to those Clubs, Venues and the area team who ran qualifiers this year.

8. Forthcoming rule changes:

Downgrading can now also be self-regulating as well as by application to BRC HQ. This is not as run by BD, BE or BS as BRC feel it is fairer. All applied downgrades will be logged at BRC HQ.

The BD changes will be reflected in the 2016 BRC Rule Book, but essentially BRC will ignore any points gained at Prelim level and BD points limits will remain the same as now.

BD team quest, BE foundation and BS club points are also ignored by BRC for eligibility criteria.

BRC rigorously check eligibility and can be approached prior to competitions for confirmation.

Quadrille teams will now have to show walk, trot and canter on both reins during their performance.

Hat changes come into force on 1st January 2016 – hats that are only marked with BSEN 1384 will no longer be acceptable and all acceptable hats will be tagged with new orange labels, the previous blue ones will not be accepted. Can Clubs remind their members please that all hats will need to be presented for checking.

9. Qualifiers 2016:

·  Winter Dressage @ Duchy 7th Feb to be run by East Cornwall.

·  Winter Novice SJ @ Duchy 21st Feb to be run by the Area.

·  Combined Training @ Colraine 19th /20th March Jane explained that in order to achieve two dressage arenas in the top school they could not achieve a 5m separation distance, but all agreed that this was acceptable. To be run by the Area in association with the Venue

·  Summer Dressage @ St Leonards 2nd July and 3rd July to be run by Venue.

·  Summer Showjumping @ Chyverton 19th June to be run by the Area.

·  Horse Trials @ St Leonards 26th June to be run by the Venue with input from the Area.

·  FOH Challenge @ Chyverton date to be confirmed to be run by CTG.

·  Intermediate Dressage/SJ @ Duchy date to be confirmed to be run by the Area.

10. Area Training/Unaffiliated Competitions:

2015 Training

Richard Waygood XC training in March at Chyverton was very well received, but the weather was not good as windy and wet. Most people attended the training and because it was in the bottom fields it was well protected from the elements. Unhelpful comments on facebook prior to the training about the weather and some non-payers put a black cloud over the event. Note: it was the members most local who decided the weather was too bad to travel against the ones from further away. As always, those that attended had a fab time and their feedback was excellent.

Dressage Camp in May at Bicton was a huge success and run by Sarah Jane Prew of the Peninsula Dressage Group and attended by 24 mainly true grassroots riders including those from the wait list. They were blessed with great weather. Unfortunately, Bicton Arena placed a large Show around us on the second day which did affect some of the enjoyment as some horses were not keen on the more exciting atmosphere. All the instructors were from out of the area and were great. Thank you to Sarah Jane.

2016 Training

Holsworthy asked about the possibility of the Area holding Riding and Road Safety training, but this was felt to be more of a Club responsibility which could be held in conjunction with the current BHS initiative and training availability. Rachael (BRC HQ) asked Holsworthy to email her with the request and she will progress this through to the BHS on their behalf. Caroline also offered to forward the contact name and details for the Devon BHS assessor. Holsworthy stressed that they believe Riding and Road Safety training is extremely important today and that all Clubs should be considering offering it to their members.

Jane is putting together a two day show jump course building training session with Nick Staines for the more experienced area members which could result in a certificate, but she will disseminate the information once the full details are firmed up.

There are plans to try and get another Richard Waygood XC training to build upon the last couple of years.

If anybody has any further suggestions please could they contact Caroline.

Unaffiliated Competition

The unaffiliated ODE ran at St Leonards again with good entries, but more would have been better.

11. Important information clubs need to be aware of:

The BRC Rule that we have to have a vet at the venue for any XC Competition was highlighted part way through the year and caused a problem for some clubs. This was discussed at great length during the open meeting that followed this meeting with the conclusion being that Area 19 should put together and present a case to BRC HQ for special dispensation from compliance with this rule.

We were also notified that, unfortunately, the Winter Championships have moved from Hartpury to Keysoe. This was discussed at great length during the open meeting that followed this meeting with no conclusion being reached other than BRC HQ are always researching venues across the country.

12. AOB:

Venue of Area AGM (Threewaters) – due to circumstances this years meeting had to be held at an available and accessible venue, however in 2016 a venue that is central for those Clubs on the periphery of the area will be booked.

Running order at Horse Trials qualifier (Threewaters) – Jane gave an overview of the history of the running order which was followed by discussion over the current all team riders to go following each other, all rider ones, twos, threes, fours as per other competitions and two and two order. There were pros and cons for all arrangements followed by a vote on all three options.

Remain as current – 1

All 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s – 1

Team riders 1 and 2 in first half of draw then riders 3 and 4 in second half of draw – 7.

This last option was agreed to be trialled at the 2016 HT qualifier. Could Clubs please make sure that their team reps make it clear on area entry forms where riders are travelling together.

Area 19 website (Threewaters) – could results be posted on the site. Caroline told the meeting that where she is sent the results she does put them onto the website. Tash Davies from Holsworthy has offered to type up any results for Caroline if organisers are unable to do this themselves.

Low entries at Qualifiers (Holsworthy) – discussion was held over low entries due to riders not wishing to travel the distances to the respective Championships. It was agreed that when Prelim entries close the area team will look at numbers entered and make a decision on whether the competition could be opened up to HC entries.

Area 19 inter Clubs competitions (Holsworthy) – it was agreed that the Area Liaison team would support and encourage this throughout the Area, but stressed that it would be the Clubs responsibility to organise.

Photographers at qualifiers (Threewaters) – their attendance is dependent upon the organiser, the photographers availability and co-operation with promotional photographs from the events for our website.

13. Date of Next Meeting will be held in November 2016 on a date and at a Venue to be agreed.

14. Closure of Meeting @ 8.45pm.