Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Ed Barrios.
The January minutes were approved as presented, as wasthe treasurer’s report which shows income for the month of $1,460.39, expenses of $5,472.34 and a current balanceof $14,670.13.
Bebe Brown announced Donna DiGiuseppe and Beverly Straughan have volunteered to be Chair and co-Chair
respectively, of the Hospitality Committee.
Cindy Goodrum announced that twelve people have signed up for the upcoming BCMG Training Program whichbegins Thursday, 1-15-09.
Lee Withers introduced our guest speaker, Curtis Jones with the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge, who gave avery informative talk on local snakes.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Ed Barrios.
The January minutes were approved aspresented, as was the treasurer’s report which shows income for the month of $1,460.39,expenses of $5,472.34 and a current balance of $14,670.13.
Cindy Goodrum announced there are currently eighteen students enrolled in the Master Gardenertraining program that began January 15.
Donna DiGiuseppe, Hospitality Chairperson, thanked those who brought refreshments tonightand asked for 4 volunteers to bring refreshments for next month.
It was announced a ground breaking ceremony on the Enabling Garden will be held Thursday,March 4.
Larry Lewis was called forward to introduce our new mascot, a beautiful bee, he built fromrecycled materials.
Gil Livanec showed off the yellow and blue tee shirts Master Gardeners will be wearing at theupcoming plant sale. These bright yellow shirts will call attention to the ‘worker bees’ who canassist customers. Gil also announced bare root plants will be shipped to Barbara Bruyere. Shewill deliver them to the Education Station on Tuesday, February 17, to be wrapped in wetnewspaper and bagged for the plant sale. The rest of the plants will be delivered to the EducationStation on Friday, February 20 so we can set up for Saturday’s sale. Master Gardeners, whoordered plants, can purchase them tax free after 12:00 p.m. on Friday. Gil also reviewed his listof workers scheduled for Saturday and requested all additional Master Gardeners who can, comeout to help with the sale. There will be over 1,000 plants available for sale and he is expecting tosee a very large group of customers.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
President Ed Barrios called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ted Jagan presented the Treasurers Report showing Income of $47,224.51, Expenses of$27,885.37 and Net Income of $19,339.14.
Gil Livanec announced we had over 1,300 plants at the Citrus sale and Carol Wenny sold the lastone at 10:10 a.m. He thanked all who worked so hard to make this sale so successful. He will bemeeting with one of the growers next week regarding the 2010 Citrus Sale and report back to us atthe April meeting.
Lee Withers announced she is working on a grant proposal, to the Houston-Galveston AreaCouncil, in the amount of $100,000. If approved, these funds will be used to complete the interiorof the classroom area, the compost area will be upgraded, 2 bridges will be built to access theenabling gardens and a “Trax” walkway, circling through the gardens will be built. Alsomiscellaneous tools, a printer & supplies for public education will be purchased.
Lee introduced Jennifer Northrop, one of our interns, who was diagnosed with MS in 2003.Jennifer explained the symptoms and said although there is no cure, the adult brain has someability to repair itself. She has had different treatments to delay the disease and during this timeshe decided gardening was good therapy for her. She came up with the idea of an enablinggarden for people with disabilities and as is said, “The rest is history.”
Jennifer has secured a $10,000 grant to build the Brazoria Environmental Education StationEnabling Gardens. A ground breaking ceremony was held March 4 and Jennifer is moving on.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
April 14, 2009
President Ed Barrios called the meeting to order and announced minutes are approved as read.
Ted Jagen reported the monthly treasurers' report and monthly budget update.
Ed announced Ann McLain will put in a Funny Plants in the Garden bed, A. J. Knoll is putting ina Salvia garden located in the former memorial garden area and the memorial garden is beingrelocated under the Post Oak tree on the east side of the brick building.
Ann announced there will be an Open House at BEES on Saturday, April 18 and she need somehelp. Cindy will be talking about the upcoming Plant Sale and Ann would like to have some bareroot plants to give away.
She also announced there will be four gardening sessions at BEES in May, Saturday, May 8, TheFragrant Garden, Saturday, May 15, Water – Too Much or Too Little, Saturday, May 22, TropicalGiants and Saturday, May 29, Cool Plants.
Ed announced our appreciation to Jim Hillis for the beautiful new pergola in the front bed at BEESand our appreciation to Sandy Henderson for her great work on the display board.
Ed asked for a volunteer to take the display board to the Envirofest in Lake Jackson this Saturday,April 18. Thanks to JoAnn Holt who ‘stepped up to the plate.’
Debbie Soderman announced she is taking orders for tee shirts tonight and we must pay 6.75%sales tax.
Gil Livanec announced the spring 2010 Citrus Sale is set for February 20. He will meet with thegrowers this week and will announce his plans at the June meeting.
The May meeting will be Graduation Day for the 2008 class interns. There will be a covered dishsupper for the celebration. The June meeting will be held at Cindy Goodrum’s home.
Dan Sebesta announced there will be a crayfish boil at BEES on Tuesday, April 21. Come to workand bring a side dish for lunch.
Cindy talked about the upcoming Plant Sale saying we will set up on Friday, May 1, from 7:30a.m. until we get through. We should plan to be at BEES by 7:00 a.m. Saturday, May 2, to put upthe plant sale pictures and finalize all set up preparations. She also announced the 2010 SpringPlant Sale date is April 17.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardener’s Association
Minutes of General Meeting
May 12, 2009
President Ed Barrios called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
He immediately turned the meeting over to PaulaCraig and Cindy Goodrum who proceeded to graduate fourteen interns to new Master Gardeners. The new MasterGardeners are Carole Brannon, Elaine Crews, Myrna Luzey, Jennifer Northrop, Justina Dent, Renee Luke, ShellyFrenzel, Al Fedoruk, Gerald Forrest, Daron Gilliam, Ralph “Bo” Harden, Jr., Jim Hillis, Arthur Knoll and ChuckReynolds. Congratulations to all!
Debbie Soderman announced she has Master Gardener shirts, aprons, etc. and they can be picked up at the end of themeeting.
Fritz Westover, Viticulture Extension Associate for the Gulf Coast, with Texas Agri-Life Extension Service was ourguest speaker.
Cindy announced she and her husband, James, will host the June meeting at their home. They will provide barbequebrisket and we can sign up to bring side dishes. She provided a map for everyone and suggested we bring our lawnchairs.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
General Meeting
June 9, 2009
The general meeting was hosted by Cindy Goodrum and her husband at their home. Wehad a wonderful meal of brisket and all the trimmings, including a large array of deserts.Cindy, who is chairperson of the awards committee, presented 5 year pins to Bebe Brown,Larry Lewis, Ellen Pedisich, Lana Sands, Barbaa Bruyere, Henry Willis and Ray Michalik.Those not present receiving 5 year pins were Cheryl Vining, Ted Jagen, Christine Kern andDiAnna Munson. Cindy presented 10 years pins to James “Smitty” Smith, Carole Wennyand Donie Stowers. Those not present receiving 10 year pins were Carol Farmer, JohnRosser, Sherry Summers and Doraine Morgan.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
July 14, 2009
President Ed Barrios opened the meeting and his first order of business was to request amotion to purchase new badges in the shape of Texas. Lee Withers made the motion with asecond by Beverly Straughan and approval by all.
Ted Jagan presented the Treasurer’s Report showing a current balance of $33,215.88,income of $532.90 and expenses of $1,371.95.
Billy Heck reported he is working on cost estimates for the Enabling Garden and JenniferNorthrop says the Multiple Sclerosis Society will provide labor to build the garden.Ed thanked Cindy Goodrum for her hard work as Training Class Coordinator andannounced she is resigning the position. Ed requested everyone think about volunteering tofill the open position.
Lee Withers reported the HGAC grant proposal will be submitted Friday, July 17, 2009 andshe will present a verbal request at a later date.
Donna Gillespie thanked everyone who brought refreshments for tonight’s meeting.Lee spoke on growing and using herbs.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardener’s Association
Minutes of General Meeting
August 11, 2009
Ed Barrios called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ted Jagen presented the Treasurer’s report showing income of $320.05, expenses of$2,620.70 and a current balance of $30,915.23. He said most of the expense money went tometal edging to complete the beds and a new lawn mower. Lee Withers made a motion toapprove the report with a second by Beverly Straughan.
Lee announced approval of most of the $87,938.00 grant proposal submitted to the Houston-Galveston Area Council. A large portion of the money will be used to rebuild the horse barnfor classroom use.
Ed announced we probably need a formal lease agreement on BEES property and may needliability insurance. Rich Tillman has volunteered to check on this matter.
Lee presented a brief program on rainwater harvesting and then she and Rich helped thoseof us who wanted, to make our own rainwater collection system using a large garbage can.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of General Meeting
September 8, 2009
President Ed Barrios called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Ted Jagen presented the Treasurer’s Report which showed acurrent balance of $27,176.60, expenses of $4,060.28 and incomeof $321.66.
Ed discussed the Liability insurance situation and said additionalresearch will be done before a final decision is made. He willreport more at next month’s meeting.
Debbie Soderman announced she and Ray Michalik will bepresenting a series on fall vegetable gardening at the Lake JacksonLibrary.
Lee Withers introduced Sharon Trower, Agri Life Agent, whospoke on Home Canning and Food Safety.
Sharon also announced Agri Life will have an information boothat the Brazoria County Fair and she is asking for volunteers to helpman this booth. A sign-up sheet was passed around and a numberof MG’s signed up to help.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardener’s Association
Minutes of General Meeting
October 13, 2009
President Ed Barrios called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Ted Jagen presented the Treasurer’s Report showing income of $682.74, expenses of $2,772.38and current balance of $25,088.04. He also announced due are now payable at $13 per personand $18 per couple. Our new badges are ready to be ordered but must be paid in full at time oforder so $7 for each badge ordered should paid along with dues. There will be a budget planningmeeting on November 13 at 12:00 p.m. here in the auditorium.
Bebe Brown announced the Precinct appreciation luncheon will be held here in the auditoriumon Thursday, October 22 at 12:00 noon. A sign up sheet is being passed around for side dishesto go with the barbecue being purchased from Joe’s in Alvin.
Ed announced he attended an Entomology program last week and brought back a thumb drivewith fifteen programs on it. He will download these to the computer at the head house andanyone interested can view them. He also introduced Mark Snyder who spoke on backyardwater gardens.
Respectfully submitted,
Brazoria County Master Gardener’s Association
Minutes of General Meeting
November 10, 2009
First Vice President Bebe Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ted Jagen presented the Treasurer’s Report showing income of $886.53, expenses of $4,074.84and current balance of $21,905.73. He also reminded us of the budget planning meeting thisFriday, November 13, at 12:00 p.m. and announced Debbie Soderman is still collecting annualdues and fees for new badges. Badge price will go up to $8.50 after December meeting.
Ann McLain announced plans are underway for spring open houses and/or classes. She askedfor a show of hands by anyone interested in attending a private MG grafting program in theafternoon after we host a public grafting program in the morning.
Bebe suggested we have a question and answer session at future meetings.
Carole Wenny presented the slate of nominated officers, Ed Barrios, President, Bebe Brown,First Vice President, Carole Wenny, Second Vice President, Ted Jagen, Treasurer, and DonieStowers, Secretary. Carol also asked for nominations from the floor and as there were none,nominations were closed. A motion was made to elect the nominated slate by acclamation with asecond and approval by all.
Bebe announced we will not have a regular general business meeting in December as we will
have a covered dish dinner and gift exchange in celebration of Christmas. Anyone interested inparticipating in the gift exchange should bring a generic gardening gift with a $15 value.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
Brazoria County Master Gardener’s Association
Minutes of General Meeting
December 8, 2009
The general meeting was our annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Lots of good food andgood fun! No business conducted and no minutes were kept.