Name ______

Brave New World Chapters 1-10

***Reading Check on Tuesday, April 26th

The questions are due at that time.

1. What is the World State’s motto?

2. What does D.H.C. stand for?

3. How are people classified?

4. What is Bokanovsky's Process?

5. Explain why Bokanovsky's Process is one of the major instruments of social stability.

6. What had happened when the maturation process had been shortened?

7. Why are the babies being conditioned to hate books and flowers?

8. How is the conditioning reinforced?

9. Why must the lower groups be conditioned to go to the country?

10. What words have become “dirty words”?

11. Define hypnopaedia.

12. Why is Fanny worried about Lenina’s dating habits?

13. What is the name of the deity in this world?

14. How is Bernard Marx different from his associates?

15. What is the purpose of Lenina’s Malthusian belt? Why must she wear it?

16. What is soma?

17. What does Lenina say during the flight with Henry that demonstrates she is a true product of conditioning?

18. How are Bernard and Helmholtz alike?

19. In what type of housing are the lower castes? How are Alphas and Betas housed?

20. What is done with the dead in the New World?

21. What is a Solidarity Service?

22. How many people are in each Solidarity Group? How are they seated?

23. What ritual is performed during the First Solidarity Hymn?

24. Why is Bernard unable to feel the oneness with his group?

25. How does Bernard want to spend his dates with Lenina?

26. What does the Director sometimes dream about regarding his experience at the Reservation?

27. Why does the Director threaten to send Bernard to Iceland?

28. How does Bernard react when he hears the Director has made good on his threat of exile?

29. Why doesn’t Lenina like the Indian guide?

30. What shocks Lenina about the old man?

31. Of what do the drums remind Lenina?

32. How does the new Savage appear different?

33. What about Lenina fascinates the blonde Indian?

34. How are Linda and John different from the other savages?

35. Why is Lenina disgusted by Linda?

36. Why do the women whip Linda?

37. When John calls Linda “Mother,” what does she do? What does he always call her after that?

38. What things does Mitsima teach John?

39. What book does Pope bring for John?

40. What does John do when he is denied the initiation rite?

41. When Bernard offers to take John to London, what does John ask?

42. How does Lenina handle the disgust of her visit to the Reservation when she returns to the guest house?

43. Whom does Bernard call from Santa Fe? Why?

44. Why do Bernard and John both feel alone?

45. To whom does John compare Lenina to?

46. Of what does the Director accuse Bernard? What is to be Bernard’s punishment?

47. How does Bernard humiliate the Director?

48. What is the reaction in the room to Linda’s revelation?

49. What is the reaction to John’s calling the Director his father?

Brave New World Chapters 11-18

***Reading Check on Friday, April 6th

The questions are due at that time.

1. Why is everyone interested in John but not Linda?

2. How does Linda spend her time?

3. How does society label John?

4. Why does John throw up?

5. Why does Bernard want Lenina to take the Savage to the feelies?

6. What is the Savage’s reaction to the feely?

7. Why is Lenina disappointed at the end of the chapter 11?

8. What other "civilized" customs disgust John?

9. What important person has Bernard invited to his reception? Why?

10. Why does John refuse to come to the party?

11. How does John's refusal affect Bernard?

12. How does Lenina feel?

13. What is the Savage reading? Why?

14. How does Bernard react to his downfall?

15. What happens when Bernard tries to interrupt Helmholtz and the Savage?

16. What makes Helmholtz laugh at Romeo and Juliet?

17. Whom had John been expecting when Lenina visits him?

18. What does John want to do for Lenina?

19. What idea does Lenina find horrible?

20. What does John finally do to Lenina?

21. What distracts John from his murderous rage?

22. What shocks and embarrasses the nurse?

23. What are John’s first memories as he sits at Linda’s bedside?

24. What disturbs the Savage’s memories?

25. Why are children given treats when they visit the Hospital for the Dying?

26. Why is John's reaction to his mother's death inappropriate?

27. How does the Savage leave the ward?

28. How do the Delta twins react to the Savage’s pushing through?

29. What does the Deputy Sub-Bursar threaten if the group doesn’t settle down?

30. Why does John attempt to stop the soma distribution?

31. Whom does the Sub-Bursar call? Why?

32. How do the police subdue the crowd?

33. What does the Sergeant do?

34. When Bernard, Helmholtz, and the Savage are ushered into Mond’s office, how does each place himself?




35. What happens to Bernard and Helmholtz?

36. What is Bernard’s reaction to exile?

37. For what does Helmholtz ask? Where is he to be sent?

38. Why does the Controller say they should be happy to be banished?

39. When does Mond say man can be independent from God?

40. Why are Shakespeare and scientific research banned?

41. What has society done with what the Savage calls the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”?

42. What replaces living dangerously?

43. What does John mean when he says, "I claim them all"?

44. Why does John drink mustard water?

45. What does the Savage plan to do? Why?

46. Why does John torture himself?

47. How is the Savage’s place found?

48. What does Darwin Bonaparte do with his film of the Savage?

49. How does the Savage pay for what he sees as his final sin?