November Board Meeting Notes

Sunday, November12, 2017 – Tailgators

Attendees: Levi Sanders, Al Kirkeby, Paul Peterson,Ron Hayes, Brian Bertsch,Missy Livingston, Alisha Padgett, Josh VanRiper, Chris Brown, Lon Nelson, Jeremy Van Heel.

Meeting was called to order bySandersat 7:01 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES – motion by Hayes, 2nd by Brown to approve the minutes from the September meeting. Motion carried.Motion by Hayes, 2nd by Nelson to approve the minutes from the October meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Hayes, 2nd by Nelson to approve the minutes from the Annual meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Brown, 2nd by Bertsch to approve the minutes from the Special meeting in October. Motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT – End of Season totals: Registration Income budget $104K, actual $117K, Tournament Income budget $62K, actual $75K, Camps and Clinics income budget $23K, actual $22K, League Operating cost budget $125K, actual $113K, Tournament Expenses budget $26K, actual $29K, Camp expenses budget $16K, actual $16K, Capital Improvement expense budget $25K, actual $21K.Motion by Hayes and a 2nd by Nelson to accept the financial report. Motion carried.

REGISTRATION UPDATE/SCHEDULE FOR RELEASE – the volunteer requirement for ages 13+ will be 3 games this year. Summer registration is built, will test it and open it around Thanksgiving. Current numbers are 7 teams registered for tournaments, 34 players for winter workouts, 10 players for high school. This is the final year of summer birthdays being eligible for Little League but ages less than 12 birthdate cutoff has changed from 4/30 to 8/31 in 2018. All pages on the website are open for next year and the league reps have been given access.

FIELD OF DREAMS UPDATE –this week cement contractor will finish pouring the curbing and start on the backstop wall. Mid-America will then return and determine if turf installation can be done this fall or needs to wait until spring. After the ground freezes Michaels will return to finish the fencing. Last week there was a meeting with all contractors working on the project including those doing the concessions building. Everyone is on schedule. The poles for the backstop have been paid for and will be delivered in 10 weeks, they will be installed along with the netting in the spring.

RAFFLE FUNDRAISING - $7400 is the fundraising dollar goal in 2018. Last year 1100 tickets were sold and payout was about 10% of the total. This year want to target a payout of about 35%. This year volunteer hours will be charged at registration and rebated as soon as the commitment of hours is fulfilled.

2018 BUDGET –budget is being drafted and will be distributed prior to the December meeting for review. Some of the changes from last year include reducing the gate budget for the Slugfest to account for weather, reducing the gate and registrations for Marlins tournament because of the change in date, increasing registrations for Fall Ball, raising the umpire expense budget, reducing the Legion expenses by $1000 as no uniform purchases this year, adding a budget for coaches at the 13/14 combined team and for fall ball, putting in income of $5000 for summer gate, reducing the concession stand income, and raising the expense for fertilizer and clay for field A.

DAUBYS/LEGENDS BAT DAY – Little League is changing bats this year. USA Bat will have a demo day for players ages 9-12 on 12/2 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Legends. Non-Little League sanctioned communities will have a year to move to the new standards so the old bats will still be legal in 2018 at non-Little League tournaments.

LUVERNE PLAYER LITTLE LEAGUE WAIVER – a parent of an 11 year old living in Luverne has asked the BVBA to request a waiver to allow the player to play both league and travel baseball in Brandon. Played for the Cyclones last year and wants a more competitive option than what Luverne offers. Motion by Bertsch, 2nd by Brown not to request the waiver as our association is community based on our school district boundaries. Motion carried.

There were no DOB reports as neither director was present.

There were no league rep reports to make.

OTHER BUSINESS – we need to provide our tournament schedule to Devin with the city. Discussed having the on line store open for Christmas sales. There is no time to get it up and running this year but should look at doing this next year earlier in the fall.

With no further business to discuss Brown motioned the meeting be adjourned. Hayes seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

The next board meeting will be December10, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. at Tailgators.