BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY – ROMS ITAL 105 – Spring 2017 - Monteleone
M, W, Th 1:00 – 1.:50
Instructor: Silvia Monteleone
Office: Shiffman 102
Office hours: M & W 12:00 – 1:00 and by appointment
Telephone: -62781
BUGS Leader: Maria Alegria –
This course is designed for students interested in continuing the study of the Italian language, culture, and literature beyond the intermediate level, and especially for those students who intend to major or minor in Italian or study in Italy. The development of oral and written proficiency is emphasized; the focus of the class is on speaking and writing in Italian. Materials used in class include songs, current newspaper and magazine articles, literary texts and film.
Italian 105 is an EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING COURSE and is based on four pedagogical principles: authenticity, active learning, drawing on and connecting to student experience. Student will have the opportunity of testing, interpreting, reflecting and challenging the course material (Italian music, Italian contemporary art and literature and various aspects of Italian contemporary society as represented in a TV movie) in order to translate their learning into a formative opportunity - academic, professional and/or personal.
COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of this semester students will be able to function in between the high intermediate and low/mid advanced levels of the language proficiency when performing in all language and socio-linguistic skills (writing, speaking, listening, readings and culture).
COURSE OUTCOMES Students will increase their fluency and accuracy in the target language while focusing on complex grammar structures, expanding their vocabulary and developing their understanding of diverse sociocultural aspects of the target culture. Specifically students will:
· Reinforce and develop vocabulary and learned about idiomatic use of language;
· Refine writing skills and command of syntactic structures of Italian;
· Develop conversation skills and exercise spoken Italian to increase confidence and fluency;
· Enhance comprehension of Italian in authentic broadcast, film, print and other media;
· Apply all the above skills to increase cultural knowledge about Italian culture.
Placement (for courses 10-106)
Think carefully about your placement in this course: will this course be challenging for you? Do you want to major or minor in Italian Studies and will you have enough time to do so? If you think you might not be in the right course, please speak with your professor immediately. Keep in mind that once you have completed a course in the language sequence—courses numbered 10 through 106—you will not be able to skip a level. If the course is that is at your level is closed, we advise you to wait a semester and enroll in the right course for you.
F. Italiano & F. Marchegiani, Crescendo, 3th Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2016)
Dispensa to be purchased at the beginning of the semester ($10)
· Success in this 3 credit hour course is based on the expectation that students will spend a minimum of 9 hours of study time per week in preparation for class (readings, papers, discussion sections, preparation for exams, etc.).
· Attendance and participation in class. Learning to speak another language demands in-class participation. Your attendance and your participation are part of your final grade. Since attendance is expected you won’t get points just for coming to class; however more than three unjustified absences will influence your grade.
· Homework. Students are expected to complete the reading and the study of the grammar and vocabulary as listed on the syllabus before coming to class. Classroom time is devoted to conversation and practice. Please make sure to watch the movie(s) as assigned ahead of time so that you can come to the class discussion prepared.
· Written assignments. Every at home written assignment shall be typed and double spaced. Each written assignment should be numbered, have a date and a title. Please indicate if the assignment is a first or a second draft. Please turn in both draft of an assignment for grading. Please turn your assignments in on the due date. Unless accompanied by a justification, a late assignment will receive a lower grade.
· Presentations. Presentation shall be in Power Point format or video and no more than 5 minutes long. Please try not to just read from notes.
· In class writing exercises. There will be practice of writing techniques and strategies throughout the semester in class.
· La Tavola Italiana: There will be a series of meeting of the Italian Table to give students the opportunity to speak Italian in a relaxed and informal environment. You should join this group at least two times during the semester. Please make sure that you are on the UDRs’ mail list.
· Co-curricular activities: You are strongly encouraged to participate to as many as possible co-curricular activities (Italian Table included) outside the classroom as announced by your UDRs and professors according to this year schedule. Participation in at least 3 events will result in extra-credits.
15% Participation & homework
30% Exams
30% Essays
15% Presentations
10% Final (Written & Oral) Exam
For any problem you may encounter with the LATTE website, please contact the HELP DESK at -67782.
Tutoring: Brandeis offers a free tutoring service in case you need extra help or you would just like extra practice in Italian. Please contact B.U.G.S at Brandeis for general information about tutoring services and/or the Italian tutor this year.
Email policy: Email will be the best way to contact me outside the class and office hours. Please be advised that I will not discuss sensitive information, such as your grade, over email. Please make an appointment to speak with me in person if you have questions about your standing in the class.
Academic integrity:
Academic integrity is central to the mission of educational excellence at Brandeis University. Violation of University policies on academic integrity, described in Section 3 of Rights and Responsibilities, may result in failure on the assignment or failure in the course, and could even end in suspension from the University. Remember that native speakers, family members, friends, and tutors or study leaders, including those sanctioned by Brandeis University, are not authorized to complete homework or any other assignments for you. Any such help with be considered cheating. If you have questions about the type of help you can receive, please ask your professor before you receive help. Plagiarism is not tolerated in this course, and ignorance or negligence on your part is not a valid excuse. The most rampant form of cheating these days is “cut and paste” plagiarism from the Internet. Using words, ideas, or fragments from undocumented Internet sources is cheating. If you have any questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please contact your professor or the Office of Student Development and Conduct in 203 Shapiro Campus Center; Erika Lamarre () is the Director and her phone number is 781-736-5070.
Students with disabilities:
If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see the professor immediately. Retroactive accommodation cannot be provided.
Majoring/minoring in Italian: If you are thinking about majoring or minoring in Italian Studies, you should familiarize yourself with the program in the Bulletin and then see the Undergraduate Advising Head Paola Servino
Study abroad: We encourage all students in our courses to find out about the possibilities that exist for studying in an Italian-speaking country. Students who have the opportunity to study abroad gain access to a richer understanding of the language and culture, and they develop on a higher intellectual and personal level. For more information, please contact Darren Gallant ( x 63483) in the Study Abroad, 127 Usdan Student Center.
Mercoledì 18 gennaio Introduzione al corso
Giovedì 19 gennaio LA MUSICA ITALIANA
Studiare Parole utili p 3336 Crescendo (tb) e Vocabolario nella dispensa.
Wb/Lab Es 11.4 & 11.5 p. 170
Esercizio 11.29 “La storia della musica” p. 375 Crescendo(tb)
(correlato a “Breve storia della musica” sul Wb p. 182-183. Completa Comprensione 11.33 p. 183 e& 11.35 p. 184-185)
Lunedì 23 gennaio L’opera
LETTURA a casa La musica italiana & Il Melodramma (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
In classe: analisi di alcune arie famose
GRAMMATICA - Ripasso: CHI RELATIVO & INTERROGATIVO p. 277 Crescendo(tb) & I SUPERLATIVI ASSOLUTI pp 345-346 Crescendo(tb) Es. 11.43 p. 347
Mercoledì 25 gennaio L’opera
LETTURA a casa Giacomo Puccini (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
In classe: CONFRONTO La Boheme e Rent.
GRAMMATICA - Ripasso: I COMPARATIVI E I SUPERLATIVI REGOLARI & IRREGOLARI pp 343-345 & 347-348 Crescendo(tb) Es. 11.40, 11.41 p. 346 & 11.42 p. 347; Es. 11.45, 11.46 p. 349
Giovedì 26 gennaio L’opera
Scegli un’opera che hai visto o vorresti vedere. Fai un riassunto della trama e una breve analisi dell’aria più famosa. Pubblica su LATTE (100 words)
GRAMMATICA - Ripasso: I PRONOMI RELATIVI pp 276-278 Crescendo(tb) Es 9.38, 9.39 p.278
Lunedì 30 gennaio Scambi musicali tra Italia e Stati Uniti
LETTURA a casa La musica che viaggia tra Italia e Stati Uniti (nella dispensa)
Mercoledì 1 febbraio I cantautori
LETTURA a casa Fabrizio De André (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Esercizio di scrittura in classe: Analisi e commento di una canzone di Fabrizio De André
p. 215-217 Crescendo Es. 7.50, 7.51, 7.52, 7.53 p.218
Giovedì 2 febbraio Gianni Morandi
LETTURA a casa Gianni Morandi (nella dispensa)
Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
p. 59 Crescendo Es. 2.53, 2.54, 2.55 p. 60
Lunedi 6 febbraio Jovanotti
In classe La carriera di Jovanotti
Cerca su Youtube una canzone di Jovanotti da condividere con la classe. Preparati a descrivere il video e motiva la tua scelta. Pubblica su LATTE (100 words)
Mercoledi 8 febbraio Jovanotti.
LETTURA a casa Jovanotti Il grande Boh. “Il valzer del venerdì sera” (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Giovedì 9 febbraio I reality musicali. Marco Mengoni.
IN CLASSE: I REALITY SHOWS MUSICALI & “Marco Mengoni story. Da Xfactor a Sanremo 2013” Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Lunedi 13 febbraio PRESENTAZIONI
CONSEGNARE SAGGIO BREVE 1. Scegli tra i seguenti titoli:
“L’impegno dei cantautori e la musica di Fabrizio De André. Analisi di una canzone.”
“Morandi e Jovanotti come rappresentanti della società italiana che si trasforma.”
“Marco Mengoni, un artista del nostro tempo. Descrivi come Marco Mengoni riflette le caratteristiche della musica contemporanea.”
Mercoledi 15 febbraio ESAME 1
Giovedì 16 febbraio ATTIVITÀ in classe
20 febbraio – 24 febbraio VACANZA
Lunedi 27 febbraio L’arte contemporanea
Studiare il Vocabolario (nella dispensa)
LETTURA a casa L’arte contemporanea
(nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
IN CLASSE Giorgio Guglielmino “Come guardare l’arte contemporanea”
Mercoledì 1 marzo GRAMMATICA: IL CONGIUNTIVO pp. 150-157 & 182-186 Crescendo (+ Altri usi del Congiuntivo A. p. 366 Es. 12.11, 12.12 p. 367)
Giovedì 2 marzo L’arte contemporanea –Luigi Presicce
LETTURA a casa Luigi Presicce (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
GRAMMATICA: Il Congiuntivo in proposizioni indipendenti p. 366 Crescendo
Lunedì 6 marzo L’arte contemporanea – Arte povera e Transavanguardia
LETTURA a casa Arte povera e Transavanguardia (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Scegli un’opera di cui discutere in classe. Descrivi l’opera seguendo le indicazioni in “Come descrivere un’immagine.” Pubblica su LATTE (100 words)
Mercoledì 8 marzo Arte contemporanea italiana – Maurizio Cattelan
LETTURA in classe Maurizio Cattelan “È sfinito e senza ali il Pegaso del XX secolo” (nella dispensa)
Giovedì 9 marzo Arte contemporanea italiana – Maurizio Cattelan
Lunedi 13 marzo Arte contemporanea italiana – Francesco Vezzoli
LETTURA a casa Francesco Vezzoli (nella dispensa)
Vai al sito di Gagosian sulla pagine dedicata a Vezzoli ( Clicca su Multimedia e ascolta l’intervista all’artista.
Scegli un video/film di Vezzoli, descrivilo e fai un breve commento. Pubblica su LATTE (100 words)
Mercoledì 15 marzo Arte contemporanea italiana – fotografia – Massimiliano Gatti
Giovedì 16 marzo GRAMMATICA La concordanza dei tempi dell’indicativo e del congiuntivo pp.369-370 Crescendo Es. 12.16, 12.17, 12.18 p. 371
Lunedì 20 marzo L’arte contemporanea.
DIBATTITO IN CLASSE Ma l’arte contemporanea è vera arte?
Mercoledì 22 marzo ESAME 2
Giovedì 23 marzo In classe Erri De Luca. Lettura e commento di una poesia
Lunedì 27 marzo LETTURA a casa – Stefano Benni “La chitarra magica”
(nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Mercoledì 29 marzo CLINICA DI GRAMMATICA IL PERIODO IPOTETICO p.186 Crescendo Es. 6.56, 6.57 p. 187 & p. 367Crescendo Es. 12.13, 12.14 p. 368
Giovedì 30 marzo LETTURA a casa – Gabriele Romagnoli “L’altra”
(nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
INFINITO, GERUNDIO, PARTICIPIO pp. 376-378 (Infinito), pp. 379-381 (Gerundio), pp. 382 (Participio) Crescendo
Mercoledì 5 aprile LETTURA a casa – Domenico Starnone “Le guerre puniche e Galileo Galilei” (nella dispensa) Rispondi alle domande di comprensione e discussione.
Giovedì 6 aprile ATTIVITÀ in classe
Mercoledì 19 aprile BRANDEIS MONDAY ESAME 3
10 aprile – 18 aprile VACANZA
Giovedi 20 aprile Le cose che restano (prima parte)
Lunedi 24 aprile Le cose che restano (seconda parte)
Mercoledì 26 aprile ATTIVITÀ in classe
Giovedi 27 aprile Le cose che restano (terza parte)
Lunedi 1 maggio Le cose che restano (quarta parte)
Mercoledì 3 maggio DISCUSSIONE CUMULATIVA SUL FILM & preparazione del saggio finale in classe
Giovedì 4 maggio ESAME 3