Brainstorm Discussion on Current Strategies, Policies and Programs in BernCo related to CTG Strategic Directions

BCCHC Meeting – November 16, 2011


TUPAC – Tobacco Use Prevention and Control (many state-funded programs, but funding has been reduced)

First Choice program: Expand use of tobacco cessation/every patient completes adult questionnaire. Protocol on helping patients with cessation – they set a date to quit. Patches are free. Find out if there is any outcome data to track success on this.

APS personal health profile – similar approach for APS personnel. PHP provides data back to APS

WIC Clinics conduct VAST screening with clients annually (Violence, Alcohol, Substance Abuse, Tobacco Use). Hard to get data out of the system.

Media news stories on retail outlets not charging tax on tobacco.Recently Target 7 identified merchant(s) in the City of Albuquerque who were not charging tax on cigarettes; the packages didn't have tax stamps on them. Only American Indian merchants on reservation lands do not have to have the stamps.

APS health curriculum requires HS students have some health classes; currently updating this and can check what is in the curriculum and see if there is K-12 continuum.

YRRS - (Linda Penaloza PRC) – require all schools receiving state $ to participate; charter schools?

Need to research Alternative healing programs focused on tobacco cessation

Traditional tobacco vs. commercial

Clean Indoor Air Act enforcement – is it working? (Check with American Cancer Society)


SPANE Study-3 sections for elementary schools. Principal completes environmental scan, PE teachers on PA and then nutrition by the food/nutrition dept. Some areas missing but for the most part schools are filling out the SPANE survey.

Look at Employee Wellness Plans for large employers - Presbyterian has good program; DOH program is minimal. Some employers do a great job and others do not. “Good health is good business” campaign in 1980s.

Check the Chamber to see if they have information on employee wellness programs.

New Heart in Martineztown offers discounted gym membership for SB Martineztown.

Some of this information can come from insurance companies – some have incentives.

UNM – Food Corps project (Art Kaufman’s office)

APS SHAC – School Health Advisory Councils – every school has one; PANAC (Physical Activity Nutrition Advisory Council) is a subcommittee of the SHAC

APS Walking School Bus - Safe Routes to Schools (DOT-funded)

Seniors – What is available? Check with Jorja Armijo Brasher (City’s Office of Senior Affairs)

Roadrunner Food Bank boxes and backpacks (schools) /how healthy and nutritious are they? What policies do Roadrunner, the Storehouse or others that give out donated food have? Local farm food is linked to Roadrunner and the Storehouse. One issue that arises is the need for coolers (for produce) as an alternative to processed food.

Con Alma Health Foundation – check grantees to see if any from Bernalillo County are involved in active living or healthy eating initiatives.

First Choice—South Valley Commons looking at building a wellness center

WIC provides free breast pumps

International District – PRC doing study on diabesity. Check with Janet Page-Reeves. Mixed methods, focus groups/archive data to create maps with information. Eventually will have information that groups can use later.

La Plazita Institute now has 3-4 certified organic farms.

Check out what is taught in culinary/chef programs at CNM.

Food Policy Council – What happened to the one being developed for BernCo? Check with MRCOG.

USDA Childcare Policies – guidelines for nutrition in daycare centers

NM SU Cooperative Extension - Check with Cindy Davies (as contact, has a lot of information).


Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) at NMMRA (RWJ-funded) – looking at process and outcomes around cardiovascular disease and diabetes ( Data being collected from health plans

Get data from CMS and Joint Commission (JCAHO)

Presbyterian is great example of integrated system.

PATHWAYS and Bernalillo County

Link with primary care providers.

Medicare/Medicaid has data, but is not easy to get.

Use CHWs for screening

MEDICC – Medical Education in Cooperation with Cuba – group from here is going to visit to study healthcare/public health system to bring back ideas and insights for a project in the South Valley