Adopted July 6, 1982
As amended through July, 2017
All amendments adopted by the Braille Revival League (BRL) membership have been incorporated into this document. All language which these amendments supplanted has been deleted.
Braille Revival League
an affiliate of
American Council of the Blind, Inc., (ACB)
1703 N. Beauregard St., Suite 420
Alexandria, VA 22311
Article I. NAME:
The name of this organization shall be the Braille Revival League, hereinafter referred to as BRL.
Article II. PURPOSE:
BRL is an educational organization, the purpose of which shall be to promote the production, teaching and use of braille as the primary medium of literacy for all blind people who are physically and mentally able to make practical use of it. To this end, BRL shall strive to:
2.1 engender a proper sense of pride among blind people in the fact that braille is a method of reading and writing that can render them as literate as sighted people;
2.2 stimulate in blind people a keen awareness of the practical uses and importance of braille in their daily lives;
2.3 encourage all blind people to read and write braille;
2.4 make braille instruction mandatory in schools and other educational facilities for the blind;
2.5 make the mastering of braille an integral part of the curriculum for training prospective teachers of the blind;
2.6 achieve a substantial increase in the output and availability of braille material from our printing houses and libraries with a high degree of excellence and accuracy from our producers of braille; and
2.7 encourage maximum availability of information in braille for consumers by providers of goods and services.
BRL shall be an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Inc.
4.1.1 ELIGIBILITY: Membership in BRL shall be open to blind and sighted persons who have attained their eighteenth (18) birthday and who believe in and are willing to work for the furtherance of braille as the primary medium of literacy for blind people. Blind persons shall constitute at least a simple majority of the membership.
4.1.2 ADMISSION OF MEMBERS: Persons may be admitted to membership as members-at-large or as members of affiliates. To be admitted as a member-at-large an applicant must notify the BRL Treasurer of the desire to be a member and send the following material: Dues for the current year, Applicant's full name, Address, phone number and alternate phone number email address Visual Status (Blind or sighted), Medium in which the applicant wishes to receive the newsletter or other materials.
Upon receipt of these materials the BRL Treasurer shall add the applicant to the membership rolls and send the appropriate information to the Editor of the BRL newsletter promptly. To be admitted as a member of an affiliate the person must submit to the affiliate the material listed in along with such affiliate dues and other information required by the affiliate. The appropriate officer of the affiliate shall forward to the BRL Treasurer the necessary dues and other material required in within forty-five (45) days. The BRL Treasurer shall then proceed as in
4.1.4 STRUCTURE, RESPONSIBILITIES and CHARTERING of AFFILIATES: Affiliates may be organized in any state, territory, or dependency of the United States. Blind persons must constitute a majority of the membership in any affiliate. No affiliate may encroach upon the geographic area of an existing affiliate. In cases involving two or more applicant groups proposing overlapping areas, the BRL Board of Directors shall make the boundary determination if a mutual agreement can not be achieved before admission. The purposes and goals of affiliates shall be consistent with those of the BRL. The Constitution and/or By-Laws shall not conflict with those of BRL. A minimum of ten (10) persons — members and/or other persons eligible for membership in BRL — shall be required for the establishment of an affiliate. The applicant group shall submit to the BRL Board of Directors a list of its Charter Members along with the materials required for each in 4.1.3, a list of its officers, a copy of its instrument of organization, a delineation of its geographic areas such as city, county, state etc. Upon receipt of the foregoing materials the Board of Directors may issue a Charter to the group as an affiliate organization. In order to remain in good standing an affiliate must maintain the minimum membership and comply with all other provisions of this Constitution. Each chartered affiliate shall have the right to select a delegate to serve as its representative in a caucus which shall be held within one (1) month of the end of the BRL annual business meeting. The delegates at this caucus shall proceed to select one representative from among the affiliate representatives to serve on the BRL Board of Directors. It shall be the responsibility of the BRL Secretary to set up a conference call and to inform the President of each affiliate of the date and time when this meeting will be held. The President of BRL shall chair this meeting. Those present shall constitute a quorum and shall choose a representative who will serve for the next two (2) years. Affiliate representatives shall be chosen in even numbered years. Caucus delegates shall be selected in a manner determined by each delegates' affiliate.
4.1.5 LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Life membership in BRL shall be available to any BRL member. Cessation of membership in
an affiliate for any reason shall not affect the status of life membership in BRL.
4.2 Voting: Each member of BRL shall have one vote at any meeting of the BRL membership.
4.3 DUES:
4.3.1 PAYMENT: All dues of Members-at-Large shall be payable directly to the BRL Treasurer. All dues of members of affiliates shall be payable to the affiliate and the appropriate officer shall forward these to the BRL Treasurer.
4.3.2 ANNUAL DUES PAYABLE: Each member other than life members, shall pay an annual dues in an amount to be set from time to time by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any annual convention. Annual dues shall be payable on or before the first (1st) day of January of each year. Dues of new members shall accompany their application, and if their application is submitted after August 31, the dues shall be valid through the next calendar year. Members whose dues are not received on or before February 15 of any year shall be removed from the rolls. The record date of this organization is April first (1st). Each member who has paid his or her dues by the record date shall be considered a member in good standing and shall be eligible to cast one (1) vote as set forth in this Constitution or on which the Nonprofit Code requires the approval of the members. The BRL Treasurer shall see that an official notice appears in the Fall issue of the BRL Memorandum of each year stating when and to whom dues are payable and when membership shall be terminated if dues are not received by the BRL Treasurer.
4.3.3 LIFE MEMBERSHIP DUES: Life Membership Dues shall be Twenty (20) times the Annual Dues if paid in a lump sum. As an alternative, members may pay life membership dues by paying five (5) times the annual dues each year for a period of five (5) years. Each such installment includes the annual dues which the prospective life member shall continue to pay throughout this five (5) year period. In either case, the member, upon completion of said payment shall be declared a Life Member with no additional dues to be paid.
Article V. OFFICERS:
5.1 OFFICERS: BRL shall elect from its membership a President, a first Vice-President, a second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be the officers of BRL.
5.2 ELIGIBILITY: Any member in good standing of BRL shall be eligible for election to an office, provided the provisions of this constitution are met, except that the President and both Vice-Presidents shall be legally blind.
5.3 TERM of OFFICE: The term of office shall commence at the close of the annual convention at which the election takes place, and shall end at the close of the annual convention two (2) years thereafter. No president, first vice president or second vice
president may be elected to the same office for more than three (3) consecutive terms, but may be eligible for election after an absence of one term. Partial terms shall not count in determining eligibility. There shall be no limitation on the number of consecutive terms for the secretary or treasurer.
5.4 ELECTIONS: A majority vote of the members present and voting at an annual convention shall be required to elect any officer. Voting shall be by voice or show of hands unless, when there are two or more candidates, a candidate requests a secret ballot.
5.5 RESIDENCE: Two officers shall not be elected from the same state.
6.1 DIRECTORS: BRL shall elect from its membership four (4) directors.
6.2 ELIGIBILITY: Any member of BRL shall be eligible to be elected to the position of director.
6.3 TERM of OFFICE: A director shall be elected for a term of two (2) years which shall commence at the close of the annual convention at which the election takes place and shall end at the close of the annual convention two (2) years thereafter, except that the directors elected at the annual convention at which this constitution is adopted shall serve for one (1) year. No director shall be elected for more than three (3) consecutive terms but may be eligible to serve in that capacity after an absence of one term. Partial terms shall not count in determining eligibility.
6.4 ELECTIONS: A majority vote of the members present and voting at an annual convention shall be a requisite for an election. Voting shall be by voice or show of hands.
6.5 RESIDENCE: Two (2) directors shall not be elected from the same state.
7.1. BOARD of DIRECTORS: The five (5) officers, four (4) directors and the immediate past president, and the representative of affiliate organizations shall constitute the Board of Directors. The Editor of the BRL Memorandum, who shall be appointed by the president every two years, shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors with a seat and a voice but without the right to vote, unless he/she is also an elected director.
7.2 VACANCIES: In the event of the resignation, removal, incapacitation, or death of the President between conventions, the First Vice-President shall automatically become President for the duration of the term. All other vacancies shall be filled by the President until the next annual convention.
7.3 MEETINGS: A meeting Of the Board of Directors shall be held concurrently with the annual convention. At least one (1) interim meeting shall be held at a time and place to be selected by the Board of Directors, except that the interim meeting may be cancelled by the President or by a majority of the Board. Extraordinary meetings may be convened by the President or by a petition of four (4) members of the Board of Directors. Interim and extraordinary meetings may be held via teleconference or any other means acceptable to the board.
7.4 NOTICE of MEETINGS: Notice in braille, large print or email of the time and place of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be sent to all members of the Board of Directors not less than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting and shall include a statement of business to be transacted.
7.5 QUORUM: Business shall be transacted by the Board of Directors only if there is a quorum consisting of not less than five (5) members of the Board of Directors present.
7.6 VOTING: Unless otherwise provided by this constitution, formal action by the Board of Directors shall be taken by a simple majority vote of those present and voting. Any action which may be taken at a meeting may be taken without a meeting by either a letter-ballot or telephone solicitation, if the content of the action to be taken is set forth in writing and mailed to all members of the Board of Directors entitled to vote on such actions at a meeting.
7.7 POWERS and DUTIES: The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of BRL between conventions, provided that it shall make no policy decisions or take no official action in conflict with existing decisions or actions of the convention. Each officer and director shall be responsible for performing the duties properly appertaining to the particular position.
7.8 COMPENSATION: No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation for services to BRL, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of assigned duties. No professional staff employee of BRL shall be eligible for election to any office in BRL.
7.9 EXPENSES ATTENDING MEETINGS: All members of the Board of Directors shall be responsible for their own travel and maintenance expenses while attending meetings held concurrently with a convention of BRL. The travel and maintenance cost for members of the Board of Directors attending interim or extraordinary meetings of the Board of Directors shall be met in whole or in part for such members as may wish to apply.
7.10 REMOVAL: Removal of a member of the Board of Directors for cause, shall be by vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the
members present and voting at a convention of the membership. The Board member subject to the proposed action shall be notified by registered mail of the proposed removal and shall
have the right to know the reason(s) for such actions and the right to make rebuttal.
Causes for removal of a member of the Board of Directors include, but are not limited to:
A. ceasing to be a member in good standing or,
B. missing three (3) or more meetings in any twelve month period without being excused.
C. The President will notify the Board when a member is excused from a Board meeting with cause.
8.1 ESTABLISHING COMMITTEES: The President, with the approval of a simple majority of the Board of Directors, shall appoint or remove for cause chairpersons or members of all standing or other committees. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees of BRL except the Nominating Committee.
8.2 STANDING COMMITTEES: BRL shall maintain Budget and Finance, Constitution and By-laws, and Nominating Committees as Standing Committees. The term of office for chairpersons and members of standing committees shall be from the close of one annual convention to the close of the next. Appointments shall take place near the end of the annual convention.
8.3 BUDGET and FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Budget and Finance committee shall consist of three (3) Board members, including the BRL Treasurer. It shall be charged with the preparation of the annual budget and supervision of the annual review of BRL finances. The annual budget shall be mailed to the members of the Board of Directors no less than thirty (30) days prior to the adoption of the budget for study. The budget shall be presented and adopted at the December Board meeting.
The committee shall arrange for and supervise the preparation of an audit of BRL's Income and Expenses for the previous year. The audit shall be by an outside auditor when BRL's Income equals or exceeds twenty thousand (20,000.00) dollars for the previous fiscal year. The audit report shall be submitted to the Board of Directors within ninety (90) days after the close of BRL's books.
8.4 CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS COMMITTEE: The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three (3) Board members. It shall be charged from time-to-time with the study of
all or portions of the BRL Constitution, By-Laws, Policy Motions, Resolutions, and Related Documents and with the preparation and submission of appropriate changes in these documents.
8.5 NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Nominating Committee shall consist of no fewer than three (3) Board members. It shall be charged with the preparation of a slate of BRL officers or directors to be elected at the next annual convention. The Nominating Committee shall obtain the consent of nominees before placing their names on the slate. The slate shall be presented to the Board of Directors no less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual convention at which the slate's election shall take place.
8.6 OTHER COMMITTEES: BRL may establish such other standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary or desirable
9.1 ANNUAL CONVENTION: A regular meeting of BRL shall be held once a year, to be known as the Annual Convention. Unless otherwise decided by a majority vote of the members, the Annual Convention shall be held with that of the American Council of the Blind, Inc., (ACB).
9.2 EXTRAORDINARY MEETINGS: Additional meetings of BRL to be known as Extraordinary Conventions, may be convened under unusual circumstances, by the President or by Petition of one tenth (1/10th) of the total membership.
9.3 Quorum: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Constitution, business shall be transacted only if there is a quorum, which shall consist of at least fifteen (15) members in good standing.
9.4 VOTING: Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, formal action by the convention shall be taken by a simple
majority vote. Voting may be by voice or show of hands, or secret ballot.