Bradwell Parish Council Minutes, 2013/14 Year. Page 54

Minutes of the Business Meeting of Bradwell Parish Council

held on Monday 16th December 2013 at 7.30 p.m. at

Bradwell Parish Council Office, 21 Glovers Lane, Heelands, Milton Keynes

Members present:

Councillor Brian King (Chairman)

Councillor James Alexander

Councillor FreduaAsare

Councillor Marie Bradburn

Councillor Rex Exon

Councillor Leon Gilpin

Councillor Caroline Godfrey

Councillor Paul Lewin

Councillor John Newbury

Also attended: June Bryant, Administrative Assistant

1Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence where received and accepted from Harold Atkins, parish clerk/RFO; CouncillorMarc Hairsine and MK Councillor Pauline Wallis.

2Disclosure of Interest
Cllr James Alexander declared a pecuniary interest in 6.2.

The minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2013 were accepted as a true record; proposed by Cllr James Alexander and seconded by Cllr John Newbury. The minutes were signed by the Chairman
RESOLVED: To accept the minutes of the meeting held on 25th November as a true record.

4Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman reported that, after an incident at Heelands Meeting Place, users will be asked not to turn the boiler off. He said the washers on the kitchen taps were seized up but have now been repaired.

5Public Open Forum
No members of the public were present.

6Presentations for Applications for Parish Council Grants
6.1. JCC Media. Ms Nana Oguntola showed two films produced by her students to illustrate the courses they run. Three local schools had been contacted and Ms Oguntola reported they had given positive feedback. The Chairman asked how students were selected and would they be from Bradwell Parish. Cllr John Newbury was concerned on the financial controls and was not happy that JCC Media have no account of their own. Cllr Caroline Godfrey asked if other parishes had been approached. The Chairman pointed out that the amount requested must be budgeted for.
6.2. Bradwell Memorial Hall. ReverendJowitt gave a summary of progress on the work being carried out on the Hall, which involved upgrading the Hall to ensure it is safe. WREN will provide the bulk of the funding in staged payments (£50,000). He thanked the Parish Council for their grants received to date. The cost of renewing the lean-to has not been covered. Work is deferred until Summer 2014 (an estimated nine weeks).

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Other bids have been applied for. Cllr James Alexander asked that a reserve of £15,000 to be put aside in case it is needed. Completion date of the work will be 27 September 2014. Cllr Caroline Godfrey asked for a detailed breakdown of costs as this will be required for the Budget

Meeting. The chairman suggested a beacon-type celebration on completion.

7Insurance claims received in respect of 44 and 46 Abbey Road, Bradwell.

The Chairman summarised the claims; copies are in the office for inspection. The Clerk has sent the claim paperwork to our insurers for them to deal with on our behalf.

8. Bradwell Parish Council Tree Policy
The Tree Policy prepared by Cllr Paul Lewin was accepted with the proviso that “A programme of works is undertaken to identify the trees within the Parish which are our responsibility”. Cllr Paul Lewin was thanked for his work in preparing this tree policy. Once produced, the Tree Policy will be added to the BPC website and a summary inserted in the newsletter.

9. Dates on which PCSOs can attend Parish Council Meetings
These were circulated to members prior to the meeting.

10. Staff Remuneration 2014/2015
Cllr Caroline Godfrey recommended that the figure of £50,000 for all staff remuneration be set as the budget figure. Seconded by the Chairman.

11.Parishes Forum – 12th December
Cllr Leon Gilpin reported on localising support for council tax and the financial impact for parishes. The grant would be past on to parishes for year 2014-15. MKC were unable to find the same amount as in previous years; meaning the loss of £50,000, spread across all parishes on a percentage basis, would have to be funded by other means. One part of this fund, secured by MKALC and totalling £50,000, was introduced at the last moment and this amount would be split, with 20% (£10,000), being given to specific parishes whose losses exceeded £2.68 per band D. The total estimated loss for Bradwell Parish Council, for the year 2014-15, was estimated to be around £3400.
With regard to grants, the chairman asked if we should re-apply. Cllr Caroline Godfrey advised that we should wait for the new forms to arrive.

12. Dog Waste Bags
June Bryant reported on her research, via other local Parish Councils, and had obtained three quotations; she asked if BPC were interested in introducing a service to residents by providing them with dog waste bags. Cllr Marie Bradburn said it was about educating people to use them. After discussion, Cllr John Newbury proposed we go ahead; Cllr Leon Gilpin seconded this but requested the trial to run for a year. It was decided unanimously to ask for donations rather than to charge; these to go to Willen Hospice. £200 will be put in the budget; to be ordered in lots of 10,000 from C.P. Locks (who are a current supplier to BPC and had also offered the lowest quotation.)

13. Finances of Heelands Meeting Place

June Bryant reported that the Hall accounts are currently breaking even, but the current prices charged per hour are below most other local similar venues. June Bryant pointed out that there would not be enough surplus to pay for work which will probably be required in the coming year. The Chairman suggested new hire prices which would increase our income whilst not causing our regular users a problem. Councillor Paul Lewin proposed we accept the suggested figures; seconded by Cllr Rex Exon; all in favour; Cllr Caroline Godfrey abstained. New charges will be published and come into force from the beginning of April.
The Chairman reported on the work he anticipated would need doing in the coming year –

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interior decoration, plumbing, repairs including laying a new floor; consumables and utility bills should also be added to any amount put in the budget. Cllr Marie Bradburn proposed £10,000

be put aside; seconded by Cllr Caroline Godfrey.

14 Report on past Parish Council Grants
June Bryant reported that we have had no response from Gary Staff of the Scouting Organisation regarding a grant awarded to them for development of North Grafton roundabout. Cllr Rex Exon will find out what progress has been made on the project and report back at the

next meeting.

15. Applications for Parish Council Special Grants payable in 2014/2015
15.1 JCC Media – Councillors were asked to comment on the presentation given by Ms N Oguntola. Cllr John Newbury thought we should wait until JCC Media have their own independent bank account. Cllr James Alexander suggested we could work with another parish and wait to see some finished work before committing any money to this project. Cllr Leon Gilpin reported that his school had not, in fact, given any feedback to Ms Oguntola’s enquiry. Cllr Rex Exon proposed BPC do not support this grant application; seconded by the Chairman; unanimous. Resolved.
15.2 Bradwell Memorial Hall – Cllr Paul Lewin proposed that we keep £15,000 in reserve in case it is needed. Seconded by Cllr John Newman; unanimous.Resolved.

16. Payment of Accounts
Please see the list in Appendix 1 of these minutes, page 57.

17.1 To consider new planning applications
a) 13/02422/ful – Erection of double garage extension, St Augustine’s Presbetary, Langcliffe Drive.
No objections were made.
b) 13/02459/FUL – Single storey front extension, 3 Deepdale, Heelands.
No objections were made.
17.2 To note Planning Permission Granted
None received at 10 December.

18. Environmental and Community Matters
The Chairman reported that Environmental Services had discussed the area behind the bus stop in Glovers Lane which needs cutting back and have agreed to cut the trees to half height.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.27 p.m.

Signed: ……………………………………..Chairman

Date: …………………………..………………2014