BPNP Twentyfirst Steering Group Meeting, 25thSeptember 2012

Attendees; Chris Graham (Chair), Steve Adams, Rod Ball, Sarah Ball, Andrew Close, David Coppinger, Robin Howard, Duncan Johnston, Derek Mellor, Nick Pellew

Apologies: William Emmett, Louise Shenston,Leo Walters

  1. Action Recorder

It was agreed that action notes would be taken by Robin Howard

  1. Minutes ofTwentieth Steering Group Meeting

The minutes were agreed. Matters arising from the minutes were:

  • CG is to write to the Chief Planning Officer to support a traffic study for Holyport and will be assisted by SB.
  • SB is to investigate and report back whether RBWM have any control over the raising of agricultural land.
  • SB is to action a request from the Steering Group for the notes taken by RBWM at the Sites Allocation meeting to be released.
  1. Update on Vision Statement

The draft vision statement prepared by SA was discussed and it was agreed that comments should be sent to SA by next Monday and a revised version will then be circulated.

  1. Review of the Draft Project Plan V2

The Draft Project Plan V2 was discussed and it was agreed that it may need amendment when the timetable for the preparation of RBWM’s local plan becomes clearer. It was agreed that the current project plan should be left on the BPNP website for the time being.

  1. Aligning BPNP with the NP Regulations published in April 2012

CGoutlined the steps needed to be taken by Bray Parish Council to align the BPNP with the relevant regulations which included nominating the area to be covered and to confirm that the Steering Group was responsible for organising the process of preparing the BPNP.

  1. Update on planning for Workshops with the Princes Foundation

AC outlined the way that the Prince’s Foundation (“PF”) proposed to run the workshops andit was agreed it was important to know who would be facilitating each workshop as soon as possible and that they should get to know the area they were covering. It would also be important that all facilitators attended the general policy workshop on 16 October.

DC reported on the responses he received from the 47 invitations he had sent out and it was agreed that the chairmanof each workshop would send out their own invitations as appropriate. CG would arrange for articles publicising the workshops in the Maidenhead and Windsor newspapers.


Everyoneagreed that it was important to organise as much publicity as possible about the workshops so it was agreed that SB should organize for 2000 flyers to be printed by RBWM using V5 of the flyer that had been prepared by CGand also 50 A4 posters of the same version and that these would be distributed and put up across the parish as soon as possible.

NP, DG, RH and CG gave an update on the preparations for the individual workshops they were organising.

It was agreed after a discussion that it would not be appropriate for there to be any formal votes on any of the issues presented at the workshops. It was also agreed that it would be up to the individual chairman to arrange for setting up the halls and refreshments,etc.

  1. Review of Feedback from RBWM on 2nd Submission

CG reported that he a number of the members of the Steering Group had a very useful meeting with SB on the 20 September to discuss RBWM’s response to the Steering Group’s second submission as part of the consultation on the Local Plan.

As the rest of the meeting had taken up most of the time available for the meeting only a limited discussion was possible on the feedback and the meeting so it was agreed that a fuller discussion ofthese matters would need to take place following the outcome of the workshops.

  1. Discussion on Andrew Close’s feedback on 2nd Submission.

In the time left available it was not possible for this item to be discussed properly and so it will be carried forward for a fuller discussion following the outcome of the workshops.

  1. Process for Resolving Identified Overlap

For the same reason as the item above this item will be carried forward to be discussed following the outcome of workshops.

  1. AOB

No items were raised due to lack of time.

  1. Date of Next Meeting to be agreed:

CG will circulate possible dates for another meeting before the workshops.