BPM - CG CC 6976 Trans Loss Obligation Charge for RT Schedules Under Control Agreement

BPM - CG CC 6976 Trans Loss Obligation Charge for RT Schedules Under Control Agreement

SaMC Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.0 5.1
Configuration Guide for: Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules Under Control Agreement / Date: 04/0109 11/26/13

Settlements and BillingSaMC

BPM Configuration Guide: Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules Under Control Agreement

CC 6976

Version 5.05.1

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 7
SaMC Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.0 5.1
Configuration Guide for: Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules Under Control Agreement / Date: 04/0109 11/26/13

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Pre-calculation in one document.



Energy schedules for some interties are subject to supplemental Transmission Loss charges associated with the use of the intertie’s transmission line and facilities based upon contractual obligations. The supplemental charges are determined for and applied to schedules of interties in accord with standing agreements between the CAISO and transmission line Operators.

The supplemental Transmission Loss quantities result in corresponding Transmission Loss obligation amounts being charged to Business Associates (BAs) whose schedules are associated with the losses. In addition to providing for the accurate Settlement of RT energy through an intertie, the loss quantities serve to provide for the adjustment of metered (or measured) demand quantities that are required for the allocation of a variety of charges and payments.

Based on supplemental loss quantity data that a transmission line scheduler provides to the California ISO (CAISO) per a transmission agreement, the CAISO administers the Settlement of supplemental losses for an intertie by applying supplemental loss charges to each intertie schedule that contributes to the supplemental losses. The supplemental loss quantities are charged in CC Transmission Loss Obligation Charge (CC 6976) and allocated in Allocation of Transmission Loss Obligation (CC 6977).

Prior to the introduction of MRTU market rules, the CAISO determined Transmission Losses for a System Resource (intertie) through the use of a Transmission Meter Multiplier (TMM) specific to the intertie. The CAISO multiplied the TMM by the magnitude of the net flow (total import flow minus total export flow) scheduled for the intertie to obtain a Transmission Loss quantity. The Transmission Loss quantity resulted in a corresponding charge amount for any schedule having its scheduled flow in the same direction as the net flow. In addition to Transmission Losses calculated through TMMs, Energy schedules for some interties (for instance, Sylmar, Four Corners and Moenkopi) were subject to supplemental Transmission Loss charges associated with the use of the intertie’s transmission line and facilities. The supplemental charges were determined for and applied to schedules of interties in accord with standing agreements between the CAISO and transmission line operators, including LDWP, APS and others. The agreements were in effect prior to the existence of CAISO, or formulated thereafter during the creation of new control areas or interties.

With MRTU market rules, supplemental losses for applicable interties must continue to be accounted for in order to provide for accurate Energy Settlement. The supplemental Transmission Loss quantities result in corresponding Transmission Loss obligation amounts being charged to Business Associates (BAs) whose schedules are associated with the losses. In addition to providing for the accurate Settlement of RT Energy through an intertie, the loss quantities serve to provide for the adjustment of metered (or measured) demand quantities that are required for the allocation of a variety of charges and payments (by various SaMC “Charge Code” software).

Based on supplemental loss quantity data that a transmission line scheduler provides to the California ISO (CAISO) per a transmission agreement, the CAISO administers the Settlement of supplemental losses for an intertie by applying supplemental loss charges to each intertie schedule that contributes to the supplemental losses. Prior to implementation of MRTU Phase 1B (P1B), the supplemental Transmissions Loss charges were manually calculated and uploaded into the Settlements system as a component of CT 407 Uninstructed Energy and CT 487 Allocation of Excess Cost for Instructed Energy. Upon Implementation of P1B on 10/1/04, the supplemental losses became a component of CT 4450 Transmission Loss Obligation and Measured Demand calculations. With MRTU the accounting of supplemental losses has been continued through the pre-calculation defined in Allocation of Transmission Losses Under Operating Agreements Pre-calculation, which provides a calculation of supplemental loss quantities for interties. These loss quantities are then charged in CC Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for RT Schedules under a Operating Agreement and allocated in Allocation of Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for RT Schedules under a Operating Agreement.


The Transmission Loss Obligation Charge (CC 6976) calculates Settlement Interval loss charges for Business Associates based on the supplemental losses allocation quantities calculated. The Allocation of Transmission Loss Obligation Charge (CC 6977) allocates these Settlement Interval loss charges based on an SC’s percentage of Control Area Measured Demand (excluding losses).

Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real-Time Interchange Schedules under Control Agreement calculates Settlement Interval loss charges for Business Associates based on the supplemental losses allocation quantities calculated by Pre-calculation Allocation of Transmission Losses under Operating Agreements. The Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for RT Schedules under an Operating Agreement (CC 6976) is the product of the Resource-Specific Settlement Interval LMP and the Operating Agreement Transmission Loss Allocation Quantity. The Operating Agreement Transmission Loss Allocation Quantity reflects the allocation of supplemental losses to the various schedules responsible for the losses and is derived in Pre-calculation Allocation of Transmission Losses under Operating Agreements. The current configuration allocates supplemental Transmission Losses for single interties including ‘Sylmar’ (DC Line), ‘Four Corners’, and various interties related to the Southern California Cities of Anaheim, Banning, Banning, Pasadena, Riverside, and Vernon (SPTO) . Furthermore, the current configuration provides for the allocation of Moenkopi line losses over the hourly RT schedules of both the ‘Moenkopi’ and ‘Four Corners’ interties. The configuration is expandable to other interties by simply identifying and providing data for them in a configuration table. The Resource-Specific Settlement Interval LMP is derived in Real Time Price Pre-calculation.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / TransmissionLossObligationChargeForSchedulesUnderControlAgreementAmount is calculated daily at a Settlement Interval10min granularity and can be either a charge or credit.
2.0 / TransmissionLossObligationChargeForSchedulesUnderControlAgreementAmount is the product of the SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP and the OpAgreementTransLossAllocationQuantity.
2.1 / The Op_Agreement_Trans_Loss_Allocation_Quantity is precalculated in a predecessor precalculation based on the relevant Transmission Operating Agreement with CAISO.
3.0 / For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs/recalculation or operator override Pass Through Bill Charge logic will be applied.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Pre-calculation Real Time Price
Pre-calculation Allocation of Transmission Losses Under Control Agreements

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 6977 – Allocation of Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules under a Control Agreement

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / PTBChargeAdjustmentTransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementAmount BJmhcif / PTB Charge Adjustment Transmission Loss Obligation Charge For RT Schedules Under Operating Agreement Amount by Business Associate ID B PTB ID J Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif / Pre-calculation Real Time Price
2 / Op_Agreement_Trans_Loss_Allocation_Quantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’PW’Nz’OVL’mdhcif / Pre-calculation Allocation of Transmission Losses under Operating Agreements

3.6CAISO Formula


TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementAmount BrtEmdhcif=


SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif*Op_Agreement_Trans_Loss_Allocation_Quantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’PW’Nz’OVL’mdhcif


TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementQuantity BrtEmdhcif = Op_Agreement_Trans_Loss_Allocation_QuantityBrtEuT’I’Q’M’PW’Nz’OVL’mdhcif


TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementPrice Brtmdhcif = SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif



Row # / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs. / All inputs.
2 / TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementQuantity BrtEmdhcif / Transmission Loss Obligation Charge For RT Schedules Under Operating Agreement Quantity by Business Associate ID B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, Energy Type E, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
3 / TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementPrice Brtmdhcif / Transmission Loss Obligation Charge For RT Schedules Under Operating Agreement Price by Business Associate ID B, Resource ID r,.Resource Type t, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
4 / TransmissionLossObligationChargeForRTSchedulesUnderOperatingAgreementAmount BrtEmdhcif / Transmission Loss Obligation Charge For Real-Time Interchange Schedules in accordance with the Transmission Control Agreement Amount by Business Associate ID B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, Energy Type E, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i..

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules Under Control Agreement / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / Open4/30/14 / Documentation Edits only
Transmission Loss Obligation Charge for Real Time Schedules Under Control Agreement / 5.1 / 05/01/14 / Open / Configuration Change
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 7