Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.05.1
Configuration Guide for: GMC EIM Transaction Charge / Date: 6/18/20141/26/15

Settlements & Billing

BPM:GMCEIM Transaction Charge

CC 4564

Version 5.05.1

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 14
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.05.1
Configuration Guide for: GMC EIM Transaction Charge / Date: 6/18/20141/26/15

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs - External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Dates

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Charge Code in one document.



The Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) administrative charge was derived through by evaluating the components of existing administrative charges and determining what aspects of the services provided are attributable to EIM functions.The EIM Administrative Charge raterepresents the amount all users of these real-time services pay – it is not a new charge but rather a way to evaluate the actual costs of running the elements of the ISO market that the ISO will be offering as EIM functions. The rate is driven by the volume for the entire market, including California, that gets the services that the EIM participants will be purchasing.


This EIM administrative cost covers staff and portions of ISO systems used to support EIM functionality. EIM revenue will be applied to the ISO GMC components which reduces the costs that need to be recovered from ISO market participants.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / The CAISO will charge EIM Market Participants and EIM Scheduling Coordinators a fixed EIM Administrative Charge rate.
1.1 / The CAISO will charge each EIM Market Participant an EIM Administrative Charge equal to the product of the EIM Administrative Charge rate and the sum of:
(A)five percent of the total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants; plus
(B) five percent of the total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants.
(A) the total gross absolute value of FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy, gross absolute value of RTD Imbalance Energy, and gross absolute value of Uninstructed Imbalance Energy of the EIM Market Participant’s Supply, and
(B) the gross absolute value of Uninstructed Imbalance Energy of the EIM Market Participant’s Demand.
2.0 / The CAISO will calculate the minimum EIM Adminstrative Charge as the product of the EIM Administrative Charge rate and—
(A)five percent of the total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants; plus
(B) five percent of the total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants.
3.0 / To the extent that the full amount charged in the EIM Administrative Charge is less than the amount calculated under the Minimum EIM Administrative Charge then the CAISO will allocate the difference to the EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator.
4.02.0 / The CAISO will apply revenues received from the EIM Administrative Charge against the costs to be recovered through the Grid Management Charge
5.03.0 / For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs, recalculation or operator override, Pass Through Bill Charge adjustment shall be applied.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
MSS Netting PC
Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
CC 64600 FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy EIM Settlement
System Resource Deemed Delivered PC

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name

3.4Inputs - External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / EIMAdminstrativeChargeRate / Rate is driven by the volume for the entire market, including California, that gets the services that the EIM participants will be purchasing
2 / EIMMinimumVolumePercentage / Applied to both total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants and total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants. Currently 5%
3 / EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’ / A flag input that, when = 1, relates an EIM Balancing Authority Area (EIM BAA) with the associated Business Associate of the Scheduling Coordinator ID
4 / PTBChargeAdjustmentGMCEIMTransactionChargeAmount BJmdhcif / PTB adjustment variable for this Charge Code, with amount per SC (in $)

3.5Inputs- Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / EIMBA5MResourceTotalFMMEnergyQuantity BrtuQ’M’mdhcif / CC 64600 FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy EIM Settlement
2 / SettlementIntervalTotalIIE1 BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif / Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
3 / BA5MResourceTotalRTDManualDispatchEnergyQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif / Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
4 / SettlementIntervalRealTimeUIE BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif / Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
5 / SettlementIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’OVvHn’L’mdhcif / System Resource Deemed Delivered PC
6 / BASettlementIntervalResEntityEIMEntityMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif / MSS Netting PC
7 /

BASettlementIntervalResEIMEntityMeterDemandQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif

/ MSS Netting PC
8 /

SettlementIntervalOAEnergy BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif

/ Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
9 /

SettlementIntervalResidualIIE BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif

/ Real-Time Energy Pre-calculation
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 14
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.05.1
Configuration Guide for: GMC EIM Transaction Charge / Date: 6/18/20141/26/15

3.6CAISO Formula

The five minute settlement of GMCEIMTransaction Charge for each resource is as follows:

3.6.1BASettlementIntervalGMCEIMTransactionChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif = BAASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif *EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’

3.6.2BASettlementIntervalGMCEIMTransactionChargeQuantity BQ’mdhcif = ((BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage) +( BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage)) * EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’

3.6.1BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif + EIMEntitySCSettlementIntervalAmount BQ’mdhcif

3.6.2EIMEntitySCSettlementIntervalAmount BQ’mdhcif = BAASettlementIntervalEIMAllocationAmount Q’mdhcif *EIMEntitySCFlag BQ’

3.6.3BAASettlementIntervalEIMAllocationAmount Q’mdhcif = max(0, BAASettlementIntervalMinimumEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif– BAASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif) Q’mdhcif = ((BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage) +( BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage))* EIMAdminstrativeChargeRate BAASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif = BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif

3.6.5BAASettlementIntervalMinimumEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif = ((BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage) +( BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity Q’mdhcif * EIMMinimumVolumePercentage))* EIMAdminstrativeChargeRate’mdhcif = BASettlementIntervalResEIMMeterDemandQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif + BASettlementIntervalEIMInterchangeExportQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif BrtQ’mdhcif = ABS(BASettlementIntervalResEIMEntityMeterDemandQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif) BrtQ’mdhcif =

ABS(SettlementIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’OVvHn’L’mdhcif)

Where Q’ > ‘CISO’ and t = ‘ETIE’’mdhcif = BASettlementIntervalResEIMMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif +BASettlementIntervalEIMInterchangeImportQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif BrtQ’mdhcif = ABS(BASettlementIntervalResEntityEIMEntityMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif) BrtQ’mdhcif =

ABS(SettlementIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’OVvHn’L’mdhcif)

Where Q’ > ‘CISO’ and t = ‘ITIE’

3.6.12BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif = BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeQuantity BQ’mdhcif * EIMAdminstrativeChargeRate

3.6.13BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeQuantity BQ’mdhcif = (BASettlementIntervalGrossFMMIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif + BASettlementIntervalGrossRTDIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif + BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyUIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif)+ BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMUIEDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif)

3.6.14BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMUIEDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif = ABS(SettlementIntervalRealTimeUIE BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif)

Where Q’ >’CISO’ and t = ‘LOAD’ or ‘EXPORT’

3.6.15BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyUIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif = ABS(SettlementIntervalRealTimeUIE BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif)

Where Q’ >’CISO’ and t = ‘GEN’ or ‘ITIE’

3.6.16BASettlementIntervalGrossRTDIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif = ABS(BASettlementIntervalRTDIIEQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif)

3.6.17BASettlementIntervalRTDIIEQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif = (SettlementIntervalTotalIIE1 BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif + BA5MResourceTotalRTDManualDispatchEnergyQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif +SettlementIntervalOAEnergy BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif + SettlementIntervalResidualIIE BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif)

where Q’ > ‘CISO’

3.6.18BASettlementIntervalGrossFMMIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif = ABS(EIMBA5MResourceTotalFMMEnergyQuantity BrtuQ’M’mdhcif)


Row # / Name / Description
In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
1 / BASettlementIntervalGrossFMMIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif / The gross absolute value of EIM Market Participant’s Fifteen Minute Market (FMM) Instructed Imbalance Energy which reflects the sum of FMM Manual Dispatch Energy Quantity, FMM Optimal, FMM Minimum Load, FMM Rerate, and FMM Pumping Energy
2 / BASettlementIntervalRTDIIEQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif / Reflects the sum of RTD Manual Dispatch Energy Quantity, RTD Optimal, RTD Minimum Load, Ramping Energy Deviation, RTD Rerate, RTD Pumping Energy, and Regulation
5 / DayIFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’d / Daily total of IFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hi
3 / BASettlementIntervalGrossRTDIIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif / The gross absolute value of EIM Market Participant’s Real Time Dispatch (RTD) Instructed Imbalance Energy
4 / BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyUIEAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif / The gross absolute value of Uninstructed Imbalance Energy (UIE) of the EIM Market Participant’s Supply
5 / BASettlementIntervalGrossEIMUIEDemandAbsoluteValueQuantity BQ’mdhcif / Total gross absolute value of Demand of EIM Market Participant
6 / BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeQuantity BQ’mdhcif / EIM Market Participant’s MWH subject to the EIM Administrative Rate is defined as the sum of gross absolute values of FMM IIE, RTD IIE, UIE of it’s Supply AND UIE of it’s Demand
7 / BASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif / EIM Market Participant’s EIM Administrative Charge
81 / BASettlementIntervalEIMInterchangeImportQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif / Import subcomponent required for deriving total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants
92 / BASettlementIntervalResEIMMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif / Generation subcomponent required for deriving total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants. Input reflects Resource Type (t) = ‘GEN’ or ‘DYN’
103 / BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMSupplyAbsoluteValueQuantityQ’mdhcif / Total gross absolute value of Supply of all EIM Market Participants associated with a specific EIM Balancing Authority Area
114 / BASettlementIntervalEIMInterchangeExportQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif / Export subcomponent required for deriving total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants
125 / BASettlementIntervalResEIMMeterDemandQuantity BrtQ’mdhcif / Meter subcomponent required for deriving total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants. Input reflects the sum of EIM Entity metered load and EIM NGR Demand Quantity. Input reflects Q’ > ‘CISO’
136 / BAASettlementIntervalGrossEIMDemandAbsoluteValueQuantityQ’mdhcif / Total gross absolute value of Demand of all EIM Market Participants associated with a specific EIM Balancing Authority Area
14 / BAASettlementIntervalMinimumEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif / Minimum EIM Administrative Charge
157 / BAASettlementIntervalEIMAdministrativeChargeAmount Q’mdhcif / EIM Market Participant’s EIM Administrative Charges rolled up by Balancing Authority Area (Q’). Intermediate calculation required to derive Allocation of Minimum EIM Administrative Charge to EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator in a subsequent equation
16 / BAASettlementIntervalEIMAllocationAmount Q’mdhcif / To the extend that the full amount of EIM Administrative Charges is less than the full amount of Minimum EIM Administrative Charges then that difference will be associated with the EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator in a subsequent equation
17 / EIMEntitySCSettlementIntervalAmount BQ’mdhcif / Any EIM Administrative Charges that were not allocated to EIM Market Participant’s in the Minimum EIM Administrative Charge are associated with the EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator
188 / BASettlementIntervalGMCEIMTransactionChargeAmount BQ’mdhcif / GMC EIM Transaction Charge Amount for both EIM Market Participant’s and EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator
9 / BASettlementIntervalGMCEIMTransactionChargeQuantity BQ’mdhcif / GMC EIM Transaction Charge Quantity for EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 14
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.05.1
Configuration Guide for: GMC EIM Transaction Charge / Date: 6/18/20141/26/15

4.Charge Code Effective Dates

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
CC 4564 – GMC-EIM Transaction Charge / 5.0 / 10/01/2014 / Open1/14/15 / Configuration Impacted
CC 4564 – GMC-EIM Transaction Charge / 5.1 / 1/15/15 / Open / Configuration Impacted
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 14