Boys’ League Application 2015 - 2016
In order to be eligible as a member of the La Quinta High School Boys’ League, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Must be a male student of La Quinta High School.
2. Must be an upcoming sophomore, junior or senior.
3. Require cumulative 2.5 grade point average (unweighted, 9-12) as well as having no failing marks.
4. Have application signed and returned before the due date (April 17, 2015, 3PM @ Rm.312)
5. Be interviewed and selected by Boys’ League veterans with final approval of advisor.
Full Name: Cell Phone Number:
Grade: Home Number:
Address: Email Address:
2015-2016 Classes that you are signed up for:
Times when you are NOT available for an interview (May 18th-23rd after school, you must have several afternoon options available for us):
1. Include a copy of your AERIES transcript AND attach a CURRENT grade check, signed by your current teachers, provided on the Boys’ League website.
2. Interview dates and times are not guaranteed; we will do our best to accommodate your conveniences.
3. Applications must be completed and turned in to Ms. Dang’s room (312) or a Boys’ League Officer on DATE no later than 3:00 PM.
4. Must submit three Teacher Evaluation forms (attached). Please submit to your teachers at least a week prior and not the day before!
5. Must have both parent/legal guardian and child read the Parent and Applicant Notice. This must be signed, dated, and included with the application.
6. Keep in mind that applicants who do not meet the above criteria will not be considered.
7. Socials/Mixers are highly recommended for you to attend.
8. There is no limitation to what you can do with the application. Be creative if you must J
9. The entire application MUST BE TYPED.
Application Questions MUST ALL BE TYPED:
1. Essay: On a separate sheet of paper, type an informal essay, no more than 400 words, answering this question: What makes you a worthy Boys' League applicant? Please elaborate on your qualifications, unique traits, personality, commitment, and/or leadership.
2. List all activities and leadership roles you are planning to be involved with inside and outside (ex: Church) of La Quinta for 2014-2015. Please include the time commitment each activity requires of you. (i.e. Running for ASB Dance Crew, 20hrs/wk during assembly practice)
3. List all past activities and/or leadership roles you have been involved with both inside and outside of La Quinta for the last 3 years (2012-2015).
Activity / Position/Role / Year4. (Optional) Do you have a passion/interest for something? If so, describe your passion/interest and provide examples.
5. (Optional) What are some themes or ideas that you could think for next year’s Talent Show?
Clothing Sizes: Please provide clothes sizes
Dress Shirt* / Dress Pants* (i.e. 29X30) / T-Shirt/Baseball tee / Hooded Sweaters / Blazers / Windbreakers / Tank-Top
*Dress clothing is usually purchase through Express Men or H&M Men (Check the sizing)
If you are applying for an officer position, complete on a separate piece of paper and TYPED. These are positions open to ALL new members:
- Technician Officer: Videos (Teasers), Karaoke, Sound and Equipment for Talent Show
- Art Officer: Advertisements, Props, Posters, Flyers, Clothing Design
- Media Officers: Working with Yearbook, creating memories (pictures and videos), maintain and run Social Media sites
- Community Service Officers: Community services, blood drives
- Fundraiser Officers: Fundraisers, coordinating fundraisers
- Public Relations: Socials out of BL/ within BL, Inviting Leagues to Talent Show
- Dance Choreographers: Must be a master of the dance, specializing in choreography
1. List the officer positions from 1 to 3 in order of preference. Explain your number one choice.
Parent and Applicant Notice
We would like to remind you that your son is applying for membership for Boys’ League, a club at La Quinta High School. Here are a few Q&A for any information regarding this organization:
Q: What is Boys’ League?
1. Boys’ League is a male organization composed of campus leaders who strive to improve both the community and themselves.
2. The prevailing goals of this club are to encourage integration into the school community and to promote the ideals of brotherhood.
Q: What is your son’s time commitment?
· At least, once-a-week- meeting on Tuesday at lunch
· Officer meetings: Once a week at 7 am
· At least one community service and social every month (2-6 hours)
· December-February must be opened
Q: What is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibilities?
Being a part of Boys’ League extends outside of weekly meetings; Boys’ League membership spans to school, home, and the community. As such, we require that your son be committed and dedicated to Boys’ League, and we urge you to understand exactly how high this level of commitment stands. As a parent, you should be able to make this commitment together, with you understanding your son’s obligation, and with your child fulfilling this obligation as well. Also, we ask that you and your child understand the cost that comes with being a Boys’ League member: the end-of-year banquet, clothes, uniform, nametag, and school events.
We remind you that, in the case where your child is deemed a worthy member of Boys’ League, he will be picked up for an early breakfast and inauguration. In this scenario, we shall inform you of this date in advance and urge you to keep this information private, especially with regard to your son.
If you agree, understand the purpose of Boys’ League, and are willing to undertake this commitment along with your child, please sign and date below with your child. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Parent Signature Date
Parent InformationName (printed):
Cellular number:
Home Phone:
Student Signature Date
La Quinta High School
Student's Name: ______Current Grade Level: ______
1=Poor 2=Needs Improvement 3=Average 4=Above-average 5=Superior performance
Please give the student a score, using the scale above, on his overall performance in the following categories and justify and elaborate on the given score:
_____Attitude Toward Peers:______
_____ Ability To Cooperate:______Responsibility/Dependability:______
_____ Attitude Toward Authority:______
Addition Comments: ______
Teacher's name Teacher's Signature
Class School
*** This recommendation should not be seen by the student so please do not return this to the student.***
Please return by District Mail, Fax, or place in Ms. Dang’s mailbox.
DUE DATE April 17 by 3:00 pm