Child Development Services II
Boyd County Career and Technical Education Center
12300 Midland Trail
Ashland, KY 41102
Instructor: Janet Runnels
Program: Family and Consumer Sciences
Course: Child Development Services II
Prerequisites: Child Development I
Credit: 2
Course Description: Child Development Services II is a continuation of Child Development Services I and designed for students who wish to train for supervisory level positions or to further their education at the post secondary level in the area of childcare and development. Students gain in- depth work experiences in child care establishments. Leadership development will be provided through the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Course Overview
- Describe the physical, emotional, cognitive and social development of infants and toddlers.
- Demonstrate appropriate skills in feeding and dressing infants and toddlers.
- Plan activities that encourage speech development of infants and toddlers.
- Organize stimulating play activities for infants and toddlers.
- Demonstrate written and oral skills in communicating with parents about the infant’s day.
- Demonstrate skills in arranging furniture in a child development center for the health, safety and education of young children.
- Perform duties common to child development centers such as recording daily attendance and answering the phone.
- Prepare and serve breakfast, lunch and snacks.
- Identify the need for quality child development centers
- Identify the legal requirements, tax laws and insurances issues in operating a child development center as a business.
- Identify the steps involved in opening and operating a child development facility.
- Identify the characteristics of a quality programs for infants, toddlers and preschool age children.
- Use a filing and booking system for a child development center.
- Identify community resources available for use by a child development center.
- Demonstrate skills in caring for young children in a variety of worksites.
- Utilize activities of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America student organization as an integral component of course content and leadership development.
- Apply math, science and communication skills within technical content.
- Demonstrate employability and social skills relevant to the career cluster.
Planned assessment each nine weeks will based on written lesson plans, hands-on childcare skills, maintaining a professional daycare, practice of safety procedures, and required class writings and readings.
Daycare regulations
Red Cross
Local Child Care Resources and Referral
Youth Service Center
Family Resource Centers
Orientation for Early Care and Education Professionals, Kids Now, Revised October 1, 2003
Child and Adult Care Professionals, Karen Stephens and Maxine Hammonds-Smith, c.2004, McGraw-Hill Companies
Working with Young Children, Dr. Judy Herr, c.2004, Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Virtual Library-
Building a Strong Foundation for School Success
KY Dept. of Education Child Development Curriculum
Children The Early Years, Decker
Parents and their Children, Ryder/Decker
The Creative Curriculum
Internet Lab
Little Friends Daycare Lab
Grading Scale:
Grades will be earned as follows:
Below 60%
Procedures for Makeup Work: Work may be made up for excused absences between 3:15 pm and 4:30 pm on most days. Please make arrangements with Mrs. Runnels
Supplies Needed:
Students will need a binder. Students will need supplies to teach the lessons they plan for the children in Little Friends Day Care. Students will also need access to a computer, a flash drive to save materials from the computer, pencil, paper and supplies to complete assignments.
A TB skin test is required of all students that will be in contact with the children from Little Friends Day Care. A letter will be sent home explaining what is needed.
Lab Fee: $10.00 KY state regulations require that all people working with young children must have a criminal background check.
Class Rules:
1. Students must exhibit professional behavior in the childcare lab. (Professionalism will be covered in class).
2. Students must dress in appropriate attire and accessories for working with children.
Strong perfume scent, or the smell of smoke on your clothing/hair is not allowed in the daycare.
3. Students must stay on-task for the entire class period.
4. Students must complete assignments on time.
5. Students must come to class with all appropriate classroom material, paper, pencil, etc.
7. Dress code will be enforced.
Remember you are the ‘adult’ in this class. The children are the infants, toddlers and preschoolers in Little Friends Daycare.
An integral part of the instruction is the student organization, Family Career and Community Leaders of America. Any student who is taking or has taken a course in Family and Consumer Sciences, (FCS) through grade 12 is eligible to join FCCLA. Members have numerous opportunities to participate in National FCCLA Programs, such as community service, STAR events (competitive events), develop leadership skills, develop critical thinking skills and gain career preparation skills.