Boxwell Road and Milton House Surgeries

Proposed Merger

Frequently Asked Questions

This is an evolving document and was last updated on:20 March 2018

Why are you merging?

Our aim is to:

  • Improve the overall range and quality of services topatients
  • Improve access toservices
  • Improve access to more clinical staff forpatients
  • Improve patient choice
  • Increase GP availability

The merger wouldalso:

  • Safeguard GP services for the patients of both surgeries
  • Share services across both sites and free up staff to offer further services to patients
  • Create a modern General Practice fit for current and future challenges facing the NHS

What will the surgery be called?

If the merger goes ahead, the Practice will be known as Berkhamsted Group Practice.

What does the merger mean forpatients?

Patients will be able to access Primary Healthcare at both sites and will be offered a choice when bookingappointments.

Will Boxwell Road Surgery and Milton House Surgery have the same facilities and services?

Patients will be able to access all the same services at the two practice sites. As part of the merger, improvements will be made across both sites to ensure that patients can continue to access high quality healthcare.

Will I need to re-register with my GP if the practices merge?

You will not need to do anything. If the merger is approved, patients from both practices will be able to access services across both sites.

Will I still be able to see my usual GP if the practices merge?

Yes. Patients will also have access to a larger clinical team during longer opening hours.

How will you provide enough appointments?

The surgery team will regularly review the number of appointments available to ensure that we are able to accommodate patients. GP appointments will not be reduced as a result of the merger; the merger will result in greater appointment availability for patients overall.

Where will I get my prescriptions from?

You can continue to use any pharmacy.

If the surgeries do merge, when is it likely to happen?

The consultation about the merger commenced on Monday 19th March, for one month, ending on Friday 20th April 2018.

All feedback we receive from the survey will be taken into consideration and a decision will be made shortly after this date.

The final decision will be made by Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group. If it is agreed that Boxwell Road Surgery and Milton House Surgery can merge, we will publish this decision on our website and in our newsletter, which will include information about how to access services.

Will you be making staff redundant?

No, all staff will be transferred over to the new merged practice under TUPE arrangements (this is a legal requirement to transfer employees to a new organisation under their current terms and conditions).

What increased services will the merged practice offer?

We welcome suggestions from patients during this consultation period – and beyond.

Better access to phlebotomy services has already been suggested by a member of the Patient Participation Group.

Where will the practice be based?

Initially, the practice will operate from both sites, Boxwell Road Surgery and Milton House Surgery. However we are pursuing a plan to relocate to a purpose-built health centre within the town.

Are the computer systems compatible?

Yes – both practices use the same clinical system.

Will online booking be the same?

Both practices use the same clinical system and patients will still be able to use the same online services that they currently use.

Where will I receive treatment?

Initially, the practice will operate from both sites, Boxwell Road Surgery and Milton House Surgery. You will be able to see a clinician at either site. The location of your appointment will be confirmed at time of booking.

We intend to make our services more efficient, for example, patients attending the anti-coagulation clinic may all come to the Milton House site, and patients requiring spirometry may all come to the Boxwell Road site.

Will you change your appointment system, e.g. running a “triage” system?

We have no immediate plans to change our appointment systems. The appointment booking systems at Boxwell Road Surgery and Milton House Surgery are already similar, with routine appointments available in advance and emergency appointments for patients who need to be seen urgently available on the day of booking, including minor illness clinics with Emergency Practitioners.

Any future changes to our systems will be communicated through our Patient Participation Groups, newsletters, website notices and in the surgery waiting rooms.

What do I need to do?

You don’t need to do anything. At the moment we are currently proposing to merge and we are carrying out a consultation to obtain your views before a decision is made

You can give us your views on the proposed merger of the practices by completing the survey in one of the following ways:

  • Fill in the survey online (see the surgery website)
  • Pick up a paper copy of the survey at the surgery
  • Visit our Public Consultation meeting on Thursday 19th April 2018 at 7pm

(venue will be published on our website)

If you want to become more involved with your surgery, you can speak to a member of staff for details of the Patient Participation Group.