BowieHigh School Guidelines

Physical Education Staff:

Ms. Brandt, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. McGowan, Mr. Ploss, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. White

Class Attendance Policy: Physical Education classes are skills related; therefore a sufficient amount of tardiness or absences may fail an individual for the marking period. Five unexcused absences per semester may result in an “N” grade, according to Board policy.

  1. Absences: all excused absences must be presented to your teacher within 48 hours

of an absence. An absence requires a PA1 (yellow slip) from each student, stating excused or unexcused according to Board policy. Your physical education teacher must sign it.

  1. Make up work: Credit for excused absences may be made up with written work outside of school time. Ten written articles may be used for ten absences. After ten excused absences, a three page written report will be assigned.
  2. Tardiness: Students will follow school rules/procedures regarding the tardy policy. Three tardies constitutes a zero averaged into one’s grade. Another teacher does not have to right to detain a student from class without prior approval.

Physical Education Policy:

  1. All students are required to dress in required physical education uniform in order to participate for their grade. Students are not permitted to wear jewelry, coats, hats, or street clothing under their uniforms.
  2. The designated uniform may be purchased with cash or check to “Bowie High” or by money order at the beginning of each semester. Shirts are $10.00, shorts are $10.00 = $20.00 for the semester. 3 X and 4X uniforms will cost an additional $2.00 per item.
  3. All students must wear some form of athletic shoes in the gymnasium and for outside activity. Boots and street shoes are not acceptable. Students must also be prepared to participate outside in colder weather. Please bring in sweatshirt and sweat pants for cold days.
  4. Students must dress every day for class. The only exception is a medical excuse, stating that the student is unable to dress and unable to participate. Your teacher will provide an assignment for the day. Proper dress for class for Physical Education is Bowie High navy shorts, Bowie High Grey P.E. shirt, socks and athletic shoes. Dance classes may use black/navy leggings or jazz pants in place of shorts. Ballet/jazz/dance sneaker need to be worn for dance class.

Medical Excuses: A doctor’s note with an explanation of a medical problem is required for three or more days to be excused from physical activity. The doctor’s note must state or prohibit participation along with the length of time to be excused or when participation may resume. A copy of the note will be filed in the nurses’ office, the guidance office and with the physical education teacher. Written work will be provided. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO COME TO THEIR TEACHER FOR THE SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE LENGTH OF THEIR LEGAL ABSENCE TO RECEIVE CREDIT.


  1. All students must report to their squad in the assigned area for roll prior to the tardy bell.
  2. After the initial roll, students will have 7-8 minutes to change and report back to their squad for roll call/warm ups/ and accountability for being in uniform.
  3. Students are assigned and issued a school lock. Personal locks are not acceptable and will be cut off the lockers. Locks will be assigned to each student and must be returned at the end of the semester. A lost lock will cost $6.00. Items left in long lockers will be removed.
  4. Each student is assigned a small locker in the locker room with access to a long locker to secure their belongings during their class period only. Students will put their ID’s in their lockers during class time and not wear them up to participate in class. Physical Education teachers are not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is the student’s responsibility to secure ones belongs during class time.
  5. Glass containers, aerosol cans, food and drink are not permitted in the locker room, dance room and/or gymnasium.
  6. Bring personal hygiene items to be stored in your small locker.
  7. Students are not to use electronic devices i.e. ipods, MP3 players, cell phones, etc. during class time.
  8. Class dismissal will be under the supervision of teachers. Designated areas will be assigned to wait at for the bell. Students will abide by all Physical Education teachers and show respect for all adults.
  9. The gym lobby is off limits during class time.

Grading Policy:

Each quarter’s grades will be comprised of 80% psychomotor and affective skills (participation and dress) with 20 % being cognitive skills. Psychomotor skills will be used for team placement, skill tests, and fitness test. In addition, it will include sportsmanship, attitude, class participation, dress and preparation for class. Cognitive skills will include written test, written assignments or projects/notebooks. This will be determined by each individual physical education teacher.

Basic Rules:

  1. Take proper care of equipment and the building areas being used.
  2. Use positive language.
  3. Leave food and drinks in your book bags and not in class or the gym area.
  4. Wear your proper uniform/athletic attire required for class.
  5. Put your name on your uniform for safe keeping.
  6. Athletes/NJROTC will dress out on game days/ inspection days.
  7. Late students will follow the tardy policy.
  8. Accidents or injuries must be reported immediately to your teacher.
  9. Report any threat/sexual harassment to your teacher immediately.
  10. ID’s will be worn out of the locker rooms when leaving for the next class.
  11. Electronic devices will not be used during school time or class time.
  12. Students will respect and abide by all physical education instructors and do as asked.



Mrs.Jane SpenceStudent signature


Physical Education TeacherParent signature