Present : Peter Lousada, Sue Malleson, Diana Kesterton, Phil Thomas, John Mears, Alan Preen and Sue Willis
Apologies : Mary Preen, Mike Duff
Minutes of last Meeting
These were approved but it was noted that “MKC” should be substituted for “MKP” wherever the error arises.
It was noted that the decision was taken to recommend to the Parish Council that the area for the Neighbourhood Plan should be the whole of the Parish, but this was not thought to be sufficiently clear in the Minutes.
Matters Arising
- It was pointed out that the date for the preliminary meeting with interested parties should be in April, not February.
- The recommendation to the Parish Council of the Area for the Neighbourhood Plan had been made at the PC meeting on 14th February 2013 and it was agreed by the PC.
The final application document for approval for the Area had been prepared since the PC meeting and it was approved by the Steering Group at this meeting, and is attached.
As will be seen from the heading, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will now be known as the BBNP Working Group.
Final amendments to the inaugural Minutes were agreed and these will be circulated to the Committee, David Hopkins and the Parish Clerk.
PL tabled the Application to be submitted by Bow Brickhill Parish Council to Milton Keynes Planning Authority. It was agreed that the sentence “There are no roads with a current classification” would be deleted. PL will send the amended Application to the Parish Clerk.
The Parish Council has thus approved the definition of the area, and that NPWG are authorised to go ahead with a NP. As soon as the definition of the area has been approved by MKC, the Application will appear on the village website.
It was decided that as the Area defined in the Parish’s letter to MKC was to be published by MKC, the Civil Parish, for consultation; there was no need for further action at this point.
PL referred to a website Quick Guide to Neighbourhood Planning which should help us to understand better what we need to do (Google Urban Vision to access), but it was agreed that we would also follow the Woburn Sands’ Plan, MKC advice and the copy of the Government Regulations.
There is little action we can take immediately, but PL tabled a list of stages to be completed after approval of the Application.
PL said that we should write to Bow Brickhill organisations and residents inviting them to attend a public meeting to discuss the NP and matters arising. SM will draft an appropriate letter.
It was agreed to use PL’s address on the letterhead and SM agreed to set up a gmail account for everyone’s use. JM/PT agreed to ask the Parish Clerk if she will monitor this, and also if the PC would be prepared to pay for the printing of the letters.
DK will organise a delivery system to every household and village organisation. Information will be put on the Parish Council and Bow Brickhill websites. The approval of the Application is likely to take 5 weeks and so it is hoped to organise a public meeting within 6 weeks. At the meeting it was suggested that people may wish to put written ideas forward rather then standing up and speaking in public.
SM suggested that only 5 or 6 “boxes needed to be ticked” on the NP and the rest of the information would be superfluous, but JM reiterated that the document would be examined
By MKC for legality and by an independent inspector. The focus for development should be on Blind Pond Farm for example and cannot go against the Local Plan. AP made the point that the better the quality of the document, the less chance there was of it being challenged. PL suggested we talk regularly to Bruce Stewart and his assistant, Sarah Pullen at MKC.
PL made some general comments about the importance of listening and talking to as many people as possible to get ideas and that we must formalise reports and Minutes etc.
AP volunteered to join the NPWG and this idea was unanimously accepted.
Date of next meeting : Tuesday 26th March. 6.00pm at PL’s house