Bow Arts: Employment Application Form

Please complete and return this formby 9am on Monday 5th February 2018and send to Jen Pringle:

Email: ubject:Finance Assistant

Please also complete and submit our Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.

Before filling in the application form please make sure that you have read theJob Description and Person Specification.

Applicant Information

Family Name: / First Name / Title:
City / Postcode
Phone Home: / () / E-mail Address:
Phone Mobile: / ()
Date Available / Notice Period:
Position Applied for:
Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for a full time role, and/or school term time only
How did you hear about this vacancy


Please give details of two people, who have known you in a professional capacity and can provide us with an employment reference.



Telephone Number:

Email Address:

In what capacity do you know this person?



Telephone Number:

Email Address:

In what capacity do you know this person?

Section B: Employment History

Please list all previous employment-paid or unpaid, beginning with your most recent employment.

Employment History

Name of Organisation:
Job Title:
Key Responsibilities:
Dates of Employment: / From: / To:
Reason For Leaving:
Name of Organisation:
Job Title:
Key Responsibilities:
Dates of Employment: / From: / To:
Reason For Leaving:
Name of Organisation:
Job Title:
Key Responsibilities:
Dates of Employment: / From: / To:
Reason For Leaving:
Name of Organisation:
Job Title:
Key Responsibilities:
Dates of Employment: / From: / To:
Reason For Leaving:
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary

Section C: Education and Training

Please give details of qualifications obtained or being undertaken and any relevant work-related training.

Professional qualifications/work related training / Subjects Covered / Date Completed
University/School/College / Qualifications and Grades obtained / Date Obtained

Section D: Letter of Application

Please tell us why you would be suitable for this position and how you meet the criteria stated in the person specification and any further information that would support your application. We would encourage you to use examples to demonstrate this. Please do not use more than 750 words. Please continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.


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