BOSaNOVA Enterprise -Quick start
- Before installing BOSaNOVA Enterprise Server:
Enterprise Server is using MySQL data base for saving users information. MySQL data base should be installed on the same machine where Enterprise Server is installed.
- Install BOSaNOVA Enterprise Server:
- Download BOSaNOVA_EnterpriseSrv_Install.
- Run the install
- Proceed with the install steps. Most of them are equivalent to BOSaNOVA Secure install steps.
- When you get to the MySQL and ODBC setting, enter the database settings, as defined on MySQL install.
- When install is done you have the following new icons on the desktop:
- BOSaNOVA Enterprise Set x
- BOSaNOVA Manager Set x
It also installs and starts the BOSaNOVA Enterprise Server.
The service status can be inspected in the WINDOWS Services list.
It requires that MySQL service will be running when started
- Set the Server
Now we can start the server setting.
3.1Open BOSaNOVA Manager by clicking its ICON.
3.2On the Enterprise tree on left pane, click 'Environment'.
3.3The environment definitions pane will be opened
And the different system parameters can be set:
-Data Root Path - the folder used by the Monitor for saving the configuration and software update files.
-User Path – Folder for storing users work files.
-Database - MySQL database as defined during install. This parameter is only displayed here. It cannot be modified.
-User Defaults - Define defaults for new user.
-Default status – See users status option in Userdefinion below (5).
-Configuration update - Default for Configuration updates for User.
-User Automatic Registers – If 'Yes' a user can automatically register to the monitor database when first connecting.
(No need to predefine all users
-PC Defaults define defaults for new PC.
-Default Status - See PC status in PC definition below (6).
-Disable Automatic Updates - Select this item if the PC should never get automatic software updates from the Server.
-PC Automatic Registers - If 'Yes' a PC can automatically register to the monitor database when first connecting.
3.4To change any settings click the "Change" button.
4 Prepare default configuration
The default configuration is the basic configuration sent to the clients with the first deployment. Here we define the Hosts, Sessions and any other configuration we want to apply for all clients.
To prepare a default configuration:
3.1 Click the 'Create Default Configuration' button on the toolbar:
3.2On the Default Configuration Pane Click the "Create" button.
3.3Click OK on the MessageBox.
3.4The old familiar BOSaNOVA Administrator is opened.
3.5Click on "Configure" button.
3.6On TCP/IP Configurator, define the HOSTs on the "Basic" tab.
3.7 Go to the "Advanced" tab.
To define the Management Server properties Open the management server item (make sure it is "Enabled"):
3.8Define server IP address and Port.
3.9Leave the user name empty.
3.10Suppress manager is by default 'No'. If 'Yes' is selected – user can connect to Host without permission from the Manager Server.
3.11Identification by – For now leave the default.
3.12You can now continue with other configurations. When done Click Ok to exit BOSaNOVA Administrator.
3.13Click 'OK' on the MessageBox.
3.14Click 'OK' On the 'Default Configuration'.
5Prepare Client deployment
The BOSaNOVA Enterprise Client can be installed by one of the two options:
-Run the BOSaNOVA Enterprise install: BOSaNOVA_Enterprise_Install.exe.
It is downloaded by the BOSaNOVA Enterprise Server install and stored in
The subfolder DepSrc under the Server install folder.
By using this install the Client user has to go into BOSaNOVA configuration and define required configuration.
-The better option is to prepare a Deployment packet by the manager
And send it to the client for install.
The Deployment packet is a self-extract install program that contains all the default configuration as defined by the Manager.
To install the BOSaNOVA Enterprise Client, the user has only to run the Deployment – without having to handle any settings or configuration.
To prepare Deployment :
5.1 Click the Create Deployment button on the toolbar.
5.2 Please wait till the Sand Clock picture is closed.
While the Deployment is packed you will see the following bubble message on the taskbar.
When the deployment is done you will have a bubble message saying :
"Operation successfully completed".
5.3 The Deployment file is stored in the subfolder 'Deployment' under the path defined in Environment / Data RootPath.
6Define Users and User Groups
By default all new Users belong to the 'No Group' group.
Actually all the users in that group – do not belong to any group.
To add a new User Group:
-Right Click in 'User Group' in the Enterprise tree.
-Select 'Add Group'.
-Define the require data in the 'New Group' dialog. Check all tabs.
To add a new User:
-Right Click on the group to which you wish to add the user.
If the user does not belong to any group – Right Click the 'No Group'
-Select 'Add User'.
--Define the requiredparameters in the 'New User' dialog. Check all tabs.
If 'Automatic Registration' is enabled, new users will be added on their first connection to theManagement Server.
To add an existing user to a User Group:
A user can be added to a group or moved from one group to another by dragging the user from the users list to the group on the tree.
Define User Status:
User Status is defined in the User definition Dialog on Tab 'Setting'.
One of the following should be selected:
-Unknown - User is registered in the Manager Server, but does not yet have permission to connect to the HOST.
-OK - User is authorized to connect to the host, when connecting from one of the PCs defined for that user in the PCs tab.
-Blocked – User is blocked, cannot connect to Host.
-Any PC - User is authorized to connect to the host.May connect from any PC.
7Define PCs and PC Groups
By default all new PCs belong to the 'No Group' group.
Actually all the PCs in that group – do not belong to anygroup.
To add a new Pc Group:
-Right Click in 'PC Groups' in the Enterprise tree.
-Select 'Add Group'.
-Define the require data in the 'New Group' dialog. Check all tabs.
To add a new PC:
-Right Click on the group to which you wish to add the PC.
If the PC does not belong to any group – Right Click the 'No Group'
-Select 'Add PC'.
--Define the required data in the 'New PC' dialog. Check all tabs.
If 'Automatic Registration' is enabled, new PCs will be added on their first connection to the Management Server.
To add an existing PC to a PC Group:
A PC can be added to a group or moved from one group to another by dragging the PC from the PCs list to the group on the tree.
Define PC Status:
PC Status is defined in the PC definition Dialog on Tab 'Setting'.
One of the following should be selected:
-Unknown- PC is registered in the Manager Server, but does not yet have permission to connect to the HOST.
-OK - PC is authorized to connect to the host, when connecting by one of the Usersdefined for that PC in the Users tab.
-Blocked – PC is blocked, cannot connect to Host.
-Any User- PC is authorized to connect to the host, may connect by any user logged on that PC.
8Define User or User group configuration
The Manager can define different Configurations to different Users or User Groups.
To define the configuration:
-Right Click the User or group to whom you want to apply configuration.
-Select 'Create Configuration'
-The process of creating the configuration is similar to the process of creating the Default configuration.
When a Client is connecting to the Manager Server, the configuration assigned to that user is downloaded to the client. (Only if the user does not have that configuration).
If no configuration is defined for the user (or the group of that user) the default configuration is applied.
9Define Software update
A Software Update is a packet of software updates supplied from time to time by BOSaNOVA.
To enable distributing the Software updates to the clients:
9.1Right Click 'Software Updates' in the Enterprise tree.
9.2Select 'Add Software Update'
9.3On the 'Owners' tab select 'All PCs if the update should be downloaded to all PCs, or click the 'Add' buttons to add the PCs that should receive this update.
When a client is connecting to the Manager Server from a PC that has to be updated, all latest software updates will be downloaded and installed on the PC.
(Only new Software updates will be downloaded).
10 User Policy
Currently we do not support policy editing.
Different Policy files will be supplied by us as per Customer requirements.
To add a new Policy file:
10.1 Right Click on' Policy' in the Enterprise tree.
10.2 Select 'Add Policy'.
10.3 Set the 'Policy Description' and 'File Name'.
10.4 To assign the policy to a user or to a user group:
- Right Click on the User or the User Group.
- Select 'Properties'.
- Go to the 'Configuration' tab.
- Set here the required policy for that User(or Group).