23 MARCH 2017
The Meeting commenced at 1:00pm and concluded at 4.15pm.
Councillor Pawlowski (Chairman)
Councillor Parker (Vice-Chairman)
Councillors: Bagwell, Mrs Butt, Burden, Challinor (substitute for Councillor Gupta), Garner-Watts, Le Poidevin, and G Wilson (substitute for Councillor Williams)
Others in Attendance
Councillors: Mrs Haines and Pope
Members of the public present:
Approximately 21
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gupta and Williams.
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
Other interests Members wish to be recorded
Councillors Burden, Mrs Butt and Parker had been lobbied on Plans List Item No. 1.
Councillors Burden, Mrs Butt, Bagwell, Challinor, Garner-Watts, Le Poidevin, Parker and Pawlowski had been lobbied on Plans List Item Nos. 2, 6 and 9.
Councillors Mrs Butt, Parker and Pawlowski had been lobbied on Plans List Item No. 3.
Councillors Burden, Mrs Butt and Parker had been lobbied on Plans List Item No. 4.
Councillors Burden, Bagwell, Mrs Butt, Challinor, Le Poidevin, Parker and Pawlowski had been lobbied on Plans List Item No. 5.
Councillors Mrs Butt, Bagwell, Challinor and Parker had been lobbied on Plans List Item No. 8.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 23 February 2017, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, and confirmed as a correct record.
The Committee considered the Planning Applications as set out in the Schedule to the Minutes and dealt with therein.
The Information Report was noted.
There was no urgent business.
23 MARCH 2017
SITE ADDRESS / Mitchell House, 2 Mitchell Road, Poole, BH17 8US
PROPOSALS / Construction of a two-storey, 80 bed residential care home central to former Mitchell House site (49 bed care home demolished 2015), with 30 space staff and visitor car park to the north entrance of the site, and other associated development including access, landscaping and provision of external single storey structures
REGISTERED / 4 January, 2017
APPLICANT / Borough of Poole
AGENT / Atkins
WARD / Canford Heath East
CASE OFFICER / James Gilfillan
The Application was before Committee because the Application Site was owned by the Council, the Council was the Applicant, and the Site adjoined the home of a Councillor.
The Application was the subject of a Members’ Site Visit on 23 March 2017, which commenced at 9:50am and concluded at 9:57am. Councillors Pawlowski, Parker, Burden, Bagwell, Challinor, Garner-Watts and Le Poidevin were in attendance.
James Gilfillan, Senior Planning Officer, gave a site description and referred to Site plans as appended to the Report, and images of the Site and surrounding area.
Reference was made to the Addendum Sheet and, in particular, details of amended Condition No. 5.
The Presentation continued with a summary of the relevant planning history, consultations, planning considerations and judgement.
In conclusion, the Senior Planning Officer stated that, due to the size and scale of the building, it would be a significant feature in the outlook from the adjoining residential properties, and would give rise to impacts on their amenity not previously experienced. Furthermore, the design of the front elevation did not achieve the full potential of positive engagement with the streetscene. However, these issues were outweighed by the provision of an up-to-date, fully equipped modern care home, providing attractive accommodation for residents in landscaped grounds that would preserve the residential character of the area and support the vitality and viability of the local centre. The Application was therefore recommended for approval.
Mr P Hornsby, Applicant, expressed his views, details included:
· Outlined the context/background to the Application
· Rising age of local population
· Existing care homes unable to meet needs
· Old Mitchell House not fit for purpose
· Designed to compliment the needs of dementia patients
· Flexible design in terms of needs
· A good environment to live in
· Explained how the outside spaces would be used
· Had collaborated with colleagues in health
· Access to local amenities
· Residents would be part of the community
Officers responded to Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
· Condition No. 6 referred to landscaping
· Photovoltaic panels were on the south face of the rooves
· Transportation Services did not raise concern regarding access across the road
A Member stated that the previous facility on the Site was extremely outdated and therefore fully supported the Application.
A Member stated that it was an excellent Scheme and was content to support the Officer Recommendation.
The Chairman stated that the size and scale had been carefully planned and there was no harm in planning terms. He added, however, that the design at the front of the building was not, in his opinion, of the highest level, however this did not outweigh the positive aspects of the Scheme.
Mr Hornsby did not take up his opportunity to sum up.
RESOLVED that Planning Permission be Granted with Conditions subject to the following:
1. GN150 (Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))2. PL01 (Plans Listing)
3. HW100 (Parking/Turning Provision)
4. HW060 (Close Other Accesses by Physical Works)
5. All plant and equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
In the interests of the amenity of occupiers of the scheme and adjoining residential properties and Policy DM01 of the Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD 2012
6. LS020 (Landscaping Scheme to be Submitted)
7. HW230 (Permeable surfacing condition)
8. TR030 (Implementation of Details of Arb M Stmt)
9. GN120 (Storage of Refuse)
10. DR040 (Sustainable Urban Drainage)
11. GN161 (BREEAM) (‘Very Good’)
12. AA01 (Non standard Condition)
The solar PV shown on the plans hereby approved shall be installed during construction and be operational prior to first occupation of the building hereby approved and thereafter maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and thereafter retained.
In the interests of delivering a sustainable scheme and reducing reliance on centralised energy supply and in accordance with Policies PCS31, PCS33 and PCS35 of the Poole Core Strategy adopted 2009 and guidance contained within Section 10 - Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change of the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012).
Informative Notes
1. IN72 (Working with applicants: Approval)2. IN13 (Kerb Crossing to be Lowered)
For : Unanimous
SITE ADDRESS / 1 High Street, Poole, BH15 1AB
PROPOSALS / Demolition of the existing building and the erection of a part 2-storey and a part 5-storey building comprising a commercial unit on the ground floor and 9 residential units above.
REGISTERED / 12 February, 2016
APPLICANT / Acorn South
AGENT / Pure Town Planning
WARD / Poole Town
CONSERVATION AREA / Town Centre Heritage
CASE OFFICER / Steve Llewellyn
The Application was before Committee at the request of Councillor Howell because of the importance and sensitivity of the location and Site.
The Application was the subject of a Members’ Site Visit on 23 March 2017, which commenced at 11:20am and concluded at 11:35am. Councillors Pawlowski, Parker, Burden, Bagwell, Garner-Watts, Challinor and Le Poidevin were in attendance.
Doug Evans, Team Manager, gave a site description and referred to Site plans as appended to the Report and images of the Site and surrounding area.
Reference was made to the Addendum Sheet, and, in particular, details of additional representations received.
The Presentation continued with a summary of the relevant planning history, pre-application advice, consultations, representations, planning considerations and judgement.
Chris Miell, Applicant, expressed his views, details included:
· Outlined the Application
· Design and style influenced by Poole Quay character
· Landmark development
· 5-storey gabled warehouse design
· Design in response to neighbouring buildings
· Would improve the vitality of the area
· Would utilise traditional materials
· Would not be a “pastiche” of the Old Town
· Semetrical fenestration to the front of the building
· Quay dominated by two 4/5 storey buildings
· Viable use of the Site
· Currently an eyesore
· No detriment to amenity
In the absence of Councillor Howell, his representation was read out, details included:
· Most sensitive area in planning terms in the whole of the Borough
· Residents cherished Poole Quay
· Changes to the Application had been made
· However, still concerned and therefore objected
· Still one storey too high
· Not of high quality in architectural terms
· A compromise
· Frontage would lack detail
· Block-like design
· Out-of-character
· Members had a duty to ensure the building was of the highest standard
Officers responded to Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
· Access to the balcony was highlighted on the screen
· The windows to the south elevation would be a constraint but not an impediment to development of the neighbouring site
· Bin storage plans were highlighted on the screen
· Parking for delivery vehicles was highlighted on the screen
Ward Councillor Garner-Watts stated that the Officer’s Report and Presentation was extremely good. He added that the design was of a high standard, would blend with neighbouring properties and therefore supported the Officer Recommendation.
A Member complimented the Applicant on the ‘warehouse-style’ of the proposed building and added that the height was important as it needed to be imposing.
A Member stated that a lot of thought had gone into the design in order to “maintain the rhythm” of the streetscene. He added, however, that he had a slight concern regarding the inclusion of a balcony in such a public area.
A Member stated that, whilst she found the design pleasing, it was of concern that there was no Affordable Housing and no parking provision.
The Chairman stated that it was always a balance of heritage versus modern life and, in this instance, believed the Applicant had overcome the objections regarding the previous Application. He added that, whilst higher than the existing, the design would enhance the character of the Quay.
Mr Miell summed up his views, details included:
· Thanked Members for their positive comments
· Hard work had taken place between his Team and Officers
· High quality scheme
RESOLVED that Planning Permission be Granted With CIL Contribution
1. GN150 (Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))2. PL01 (Plans Listing)
3. GN030 (Sample of Materials)
4. GN090 (Obscure Glazing of Window(s))
Both in the first instance and upon all subsequent occasions, the windows to the bathrooms and staircase on the first, second, third and fourth floors to the northern elevation hereby approved shall be glazed with obscure glass in a form sufficient to prevent external views and shall either be a fixed light or hung in such a way as to prevent the effect of obscure glazing being negated by reason of opening.
Reason: To protect the amenity and privacy of the adjoining properties and in accordance with Policy DM1(v) of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
5. GN162 (Renewable Energy - Residential) (10%)
6. HW110 (Cycle Provision)
7. AR030 (Arrange Archaeological Observations)
8. AA01 (Non standard Condition)
The construction of the development, hereby approved, shall be implemented in full accordance with the mitigation measures detailed at paragraph 7.4 of the Environmental Noise Impact Assessment (Report Ref: IMP4707-1) prepared by Impact Acoustics and dated January 2016 and in accordance with the maximum criterion for plant noise and the minimum transmission loss performance of the partition between the ground floor commercial unit and residential accommodation above as set out in the Technical Note Installation of Mechanical Plant Commercial Activities Report (Report Ref: IMP4707-1 Version 2.0) prepared by Impact Acoustics and dated August 2016.
Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the occupiers of the proposed development and in accordance with Policy DM1 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
9. NP080 (Fume Extraction Equipment)
10. RC060 (Limitation on Use)
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) or any subsequent re-enactment, the ground floor commercial unit, hereby approved, shall be used for A3 purposes only and for no other purpose, whatsoever, of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or any subsequent re-enactment, without formal planning permission first being obtained.
Reason: In order to ensure that an appropriate use of the ground floor premises is retained given the finished floor levels hereby approved and its location within Flood Zones 2 and 3 and to ensure that the use of the premises contribute to the vitality and viability of The Quay as a tourist offer/product given the location of the site within a main tourism zone and in accordance with Policy PCS34 of the Poole Core Strategy (February 2009) and Policy DM5 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
11. RC070 (Restriction on Hours of Use/Deliveries)
The commercial unit, as indicated on plans hereby approved shall not operate and no deliveries shall be taken at or despatched from the site otherwise than between 07:00 and 23:00 inclusive.
Reason: In the interests of the amenities of adjoining and nearby residential properties and the future occupiers of the proposed development and in accordance with Policy DM1(v) of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
12. AA01 (Non standard Condition)
The bin stores indicated on the approved plans shall be installed and made available for use prior to the ground floor commercial unit first being brought into use or prior to the first occupation of any of the residential units, hereby approved, and shall be maintained, retained and kept available for use as such at all times thereafter. At no times shall the bins be externally stored on the pavement or within the adjacent alleyway (Key Lane).
Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the site and the amenities of the future occupants in accordance with Policy PCS23(A) of the Poole Core Strategy (February 2009) and Policy DM1 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
13. AA01 (Non standard Condition)
The development, hereby approved, shall be implemented in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment prepared by M Frank Tyhurst and dated September 2016 and in particular the flood risk mitigation measures detailed as follows:
1. The finished floor level of the ground floor commercial unit shall be set no lower than 1.8m above Ordnance Datum (AOD) and the area of the raised podium level as indicated on the plans hereby approved shall be set no lower than 2.1m above Ordnance Datum (AOD).
2. Flood resistance and resilience measures shall be incorporated to a minimum height of 2.9m above Ordnance Datum (AOD).
The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to the ground floor commercial use first being brought into use and shall subsequently be maintained and retained.
Reason: In order to reduce the risk of flooding to the development and to protect the development in the event of a flood event and in accordance with Policy PCS34 of the Poole Core Strategy (February 2009).
14. AA01 (Non standard Condition)
No development shall take place until such time that details for the provision of 9no Swift boxes to be incorporated within the built fabric or installed on the building shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the design of the proposed Swift boxes and their location on the building and the development shall subsequently be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the swift boxes installed prior to the first occupation of the development and thereafter retained.
Reason: In the interests of supporting biodiversity and ecology and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DM9 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (April 2012).
Informative Notes