Location: The seminar will be held at the Holiday Inn San Jose, 1740 North First Street, San JoseCA, 95112. Reservations must be made by: October 1, 2007. For reservations call 408-793-3300 or 866-241-9878remember to tell them you are with the CSEFCorrectional Facilities Administrators Seminarto get the contracted rate of $115 single/double.

Cost: Our 8’ by 10’ booths rent for $800. Included are one 500-watt electrical outlet, table with two chairs and identification sign. All other needs can be purchased through the decorator. There are only 30 booths available please fax in booth reservation form to reserve a spot ASAP.


Booth Reservation Form– Please complete and return at your earliest convenience.

Floor Plan– Exhibit hall layout. Use to select booth choices (no guarantees).

Sponsorship Form – If interested in being a sponsor complete the form and level of interest and fax to 916-375-8017 Attn: Carmen Green. If you have any questions please email .

916-375-8000 x 106/Fax 916-375-8017

Attn: Julie Rasmussen

Correctional Facilities Administrators Seminar

October 22-24, 2007 ~ Holiday Inn ~ San Jose, California

$800 for one 8 X 10 booth (only 30 booths available this year)

Upon receipt of this form a booth will be reserved (confirmation & contract will be sent)
Fax back completed forms by Fax (916) 375-8017 ATTN: Julie or email ontract/Payment must be received by August 31, 2007

Booth(s) Choices (Please refer to the floor plan for booth locations)


If choices are not available then the next best location will be assigned. Each booth is 8 feet deep and 10 feet wide, including draped back and sides, one table, two chairs, one identification sign and one 500-watt electrical outlet.

Company Name

Your identification sign will read what is listed above

Three word description of products and/or services

Mailing AddressEmail

CityStateZip Code

Event Coordinator Name

Phone Fax

Company Representative Attending (This must be completed for processing):

If more then two reps are attending please submit names on a separate paper

Show Hours (tentatively)

Monday, 10/22Decorator Set-Up8:00 amto4:00 pm

Exhibitor Move In12:00 pmto4:00 pm

Show Hours5:00 pmto8:00 pmReception in Hall

Tuesday, 10/23Show Hours12:00 pmto1:00 pm Lunch in Hall

Show Hours5:00 pmto8:00 pmReception in Hall

Wednesday, 10/24Show Hours12:00 pmto1:00 pm Lunch in Hall

Tear Down1:00 pmto5:00 pm

Please list competitor company(s) (To ensure that booths will be spread out)

California Sheriffs’ Education Foundation

PO Box 980790, WestSacramento, CA 95798 ~ (916) 375-8000

Your sponsorship enables the California Sheriffs’ Education Foundation to provide a

top-notch seminar and it is a wonderful way to get recognition.

Sponsorship Categories:

  • Gold - $2,000 and above – Includes complimentary tickets for up to four representatives employed by the company only to the event being sponsored.
  • Silver - $1,000-$1,999 – Includes complimentary tickets for up to two representatives employed by the company only to the event being sponsored.
  • Bronze - $500-$999 – Includes one complimentary ticket for a representative employed by the company only to the event being sponsored.
  • General - Under $500 - Includes recognition in the program.

All event sponsorships receive recognition in program and signage at the event being sponsored; company logo must be submitted by August 31, 2007 to .

Please indicate if you are interested in sponsoring any of the following events during the seminar & fax to (916) 375-8017 Attn: Carmen or email .

Reception $______Lunch $ ______

Monday / Tuesday / Both (please circle) Tuesday / Wednesday / Both (please circle)

Beverage Sponsorship $______General $ ______

(Minimum $500)

In order to receive recognition for sponsorship in the program, sponsorship must be received by August 31, 2007. *Please note Banners will not be allowed at any sponsored event.

Company Name/Contact:______Phone#______

Email Address: ______

Checks (payable to CSEF) M/C, Visa, Discover, & Amex are acceptable forms of payments: CC#______Exp______V Code______

______Phone #: ______
